Ironman2112's Journal
Posted 03/16/2009 at 14:48 by ironman2112
Had a fun game over weekend - played round with Colonel Logan (awesome), then played Green Scar (topped with Avg Ultimate Hulk instead!) with support in form of Avg Scar Witch SR, FF Sue Storm R, Pog, and FF Starter Thing. Played against JL Green Arrow, AW Spidey, DR Storm, Blaz Skull and others. FINALLY the Hulk worked - with some valuable support pieces. His damage output was awesome - particularly when he hit the flurry clicks and still toted an object - say 4+2 and 4 again - VERY nice! I may play that hulk for the rest of my days...
Recent Blog Entries by ironman2112
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- Haves and Wants 6/12/09 (06/12/2009)