Starting Rotation
Here are the 6 teams I played in the tournament.
1. Teen Titans
Troia - LE
Osiris - 75th
WL Donna Troy
Donna Troy - 75th
Emo Robin - Crisis
Kid Flash
Lian Harper
Tombstone, Lamp Post, Bookcase
IMO the best keyword to play. It has everything: multiple HSS, numerous move & attackers, all the support powers, every high level mechanic is represented.
Once I decided to go with the 2 HSS bricks, the team built itself. Add all the support powers to back them up, and top it off with Kid Flash. CMIII would have been too many points over Troia or Osiris; would not have been able to get Robin or Kid Flash on the team. They added too much balance and options to keep them off the team.
The Tombstone went to Donna Troy. She was the only non offensive Super Strength figure in my starting rotation. With the 10 AVs on Troia & Osiris, you needed a +1AV object. And it comboed well with the Lamp Post in case you ran into any unoutwittable IMP figures. Maximizing options with the objects.
The team plays just as sick as you think it would. And the best part is the opponent underestimates the power of it when they see the figs placed on the map. Osiris goes in first to blow up a figure. Troia follows up on the off turns. Two Chargers if the opponent gets in close, and Kid Flash to harrass or finish off wounded figures.
2. Sinestro Corps
Superman Prime
Lyssa Drak
Amon Sur
Yellow Lantern
Val Cooper, Forbush Man
Meteorite, Generator, Office Desk
Prime is the most powerful figure in the environment. There was no way I was not going to play him. Especially with a high probability of running into a Chase Supes.
The first version of the team had Crisis Sinestro on it instead of Yellow Lantern, Amon Sur, and the pogs. The problem with that build is after Prime got the first run, the opponent would bum rush the team and take Sinestro out in the process. He got KOed too easily and the double TK & Perplex didn't offset that enough. Surrounding Prime with mooks added more options. You could carry the pogs out for theme team probs to ensure Prime hits. Plus you could surround Prime with more figures on the off turn to protect him.
The objects are all for Prime and provide the most options. Meteorite to get through defenses. Generator for Smallball or Swarm teams. Desk for defense when he comes back from a run.
The team plays like a classic BA tentpole team. It's all about Prime, protect him at all costs. If he hits his rolls when he makes his run, you win the game.
3. X-Men
Psylocke - Uncommon
+ X-Force ATA
Beast - M&M
Congorilla, Lila Cheney
Soda Machine, Indigo Lantern, Teleport Pad
When I saw the dials for GSX I knew Phoenix would be in my starting rotation. X-Men gives you all the support powers behind her, and Crawler is a difference maker. He put the team above JL & JSA in the rotation.
After Phoenix & Crawler it was just a matter of adding the support powers. With those two attacking, you didn't need another move & attacker, even at 600pts. Psylocke gives you additional Stealth with her TK. If needed Beast can be pushed into Outwit. Lila pog for tie-up, and went with Congorilla for the Super Strength & flip ability to move objects where needed. Either to move away a Shield Disruptor, move the Indigo Lantern in range of Phoenix, or just hit with the Soda Machine.
The Indigo Lantern comboed perfect with Phoenix. Wanted a blue for Crawler & Psylocke. The Teleport Pad provided that, and a means to get my team out of trouble if based. Had an offesive heavy left over in the Soda Machine, why not give it to Congorilla. You never know.
The team plays like a HSS tentpole team would. Crawler adds the additional dimension of a HSS nat to either go knock a figure off a power, or finish a fig off. A tertiary mechanic was for him to snatch and grab a figure back to Psylock & Beast for close combat attacks. Never really used him to pull a figure out of Stealth so Phoenix could hit them, but the option was there.
4. Justice League
Superman - JL
Green Lantern - Crisis
Batman - OotS
Green Arrow - JL
Dumpster, Black Lantern, Stormbreaker
One of the Justice League keywords was always going to be in the rotation because of Supes and Bats. They're too strong not to play in this environment. Because Supes can be TKed and BA can't be, it was ahead of the JSA in the rotation.
Initially I was going to run a Police team, which had 75th Hal & Barry on it. Meant that they weren't going on this team, so I choose the Justice League Keyword over Justice League of America. After Supes, Bats, and Zatanna for Prob, needed TK. Chose Crisis Hal because of the Perplex. Supes could now one-shot a 6 clix figure with a standard heavy. Went with Conner over a 50ish pt figure and pogs. He is so versitle at 600pts. Can move & attack, don't care about pushing him or attacking Mystics with him. He gets the theme team prob tokens. Perfect complimentary figure to the team.
With the Perplex Supes didn't need the Comm Dish or Soda Machine. Chose Dumpster because of his 3 damage, he would constantly need to have a heavy. Batman needed a blue, and on certain maps he could roll for Stormbreaker turn 1. Too good a combo to pass up. Since I had the Dumpster, didn't need an offensive light object, and the Black Lantern is my go to non offensive light object.
The team is so synergetic and offense oriented with all the move & attack. It allowed Supes to be able to rest of the off turns and didn't put pressure on him to have to push. Great backup to a weaker HSS tentpole.
5. Justice Society
Alan Scott
The Flash - AA
Mr. Terrific
Black Canary
Security Guard
Comm Dish, Eleha'al Vine, Kinetic Accelerator
The anchor figures in the Justice Society keyword are too strong not to play, and they have all the support powers. Billy is so sick and my type of figure, so went with Justice Society over All-Star Squadron.
The initial build had SR Wonder Woman over Jay Garrick Flash. But in playtesting, the team kept underperforming and losing at time. Wonder Woman and Billy filled the same roll and kept getting in each other's way. Both did their job offensively, but both kept getting KOed, and the team would be down on points at time. Putting Flash on the team opened up options offensively. Billy got the KA and Heavy object no questions. Flash can be TKed by Alan Scott for 1st strike capability. And since he did only two damage, it wasn't "wasting" an attack with him to finish off a figure or knock them off a power, like it was with Wonder Woman. Plus his dial with Defend, PC, and Super Senses provided more options and abilities on the map, while Wonder Woman just duplicated Billy's. Went with the Security Guard for the PD Team Ability for Alan Scott over Joe Chill. Already had 1 Stealth, and the pog could block LoFs just as well.
Since Shazam can't be TKed, the Kinetic Accelerator was mandator. He had the attack value and Prob, so a +1AV object wasn't needed. The Comm Dish meant he could deal 8 damage in one attack, too strong not to play. With the natural 5 damage, didn't have to have a 2nd offensive object for Shazam. And the Vine provided the option of healing, which Shazam needed in playtesting. It also freed him up to push when needed.
Because Billy can't be TKed, the team is a slowplay team. Stage and set up Billy for a run. The rest of the team stages together behind Black Canary. Yo-yo Flash if needed. After Billy goes in, Flash follows up. After the opponent's figures are weakened, a fully healed Alan Scott comes in to finish everything off.
6. Legion of Super Heroes
Young Superman
Lightning Lad
Cosmic Boy
Dream Girl
Phantom Girl
Harvey Bullock, Alfred, Alicia Masters,
MJ Watson, Jarvis
Computer, Crate, Open Hydrant
The last team built from a moment of inspiration. Pretty obvious when I look back on it. A wild card abuse team where almost every figure has Stealth. Some players think it's one of the strongest teams, but I put it at 6th in the rotation for several reasons. One, no Outwit or penatrating damage. With two glairing holes like that, it can't be relied upon for a must win. Two, it would outplay and cripple teams Eric, Tyler, or I would build. However, due to the glass jaw nature of the figures, it wouldn't do as well against other players and the unorthodox teams they tend to build.
The only decision to make is do you run Supergirl or uncommon Superboy. I always perfer to have my HSS up front, and I just don't like that Superboy dial. After that, the team builds itself. Put on the support powers, move & attackers, and the pogs with Team Abilities. You even have room for fodder with Phantom Girl and that 18 defense. Plus her remove object power is so strong in a high point environment. It removes options from your opponent and may get you 5 free points here and there.
Since Supergirl only has a 10AV, a +1AV object was needed. Went with the Crate over the Mailbox for the ability to throw it 10 squares. Never hurts to have other options on the map. With all the Stealth needed a blue object. Since all my figures can fly, the Hydrant was a no brainer.
The team plays like a beautiful WC abuse team. The only bane is Impervious, but that should be the last figure you are attacking. Take the other ones out first, and then see how many IMP rolls your opponent can make. Beyond that it's just Hypersonc, Running Shot, Charge, you can't hide from me, you can't see me. Wash, rinse, repeat.
1. Teen Titans
Troia - LE
Osiris - 75th
WL Donna Troy
Donna Troy - 75th
Emo Robin - Crisis
Kid Flash
Lian Harper
Tombstone, Lamp Post, Bookcase
IMO the best keyword to play. It has everything: multiple HSS, numerous move & attackers, all the support powers, every high level mechanic is represented.
Once I decided to go with the 2 HSS bricks, the team built itself. Add all the support powers to back them up, and top it off with Kid Flash. CMIII would have been too many points over Troia or Osiris; would not have been able to get Robin or Kid Flash on the team. They added too much balance and options to keep them off the team.
The Tombstone went to Donna Troy. She was the only non offensive Super Strength figure in my starting rotation. With the 10 AVs on Troia & Osiris, you needed a +1AV object. And it comboed well with the Lamp Post in case you ran into any unoutwittable IMP figures. Maximizing options with the objects.
The team plays just as sick as you think it would. And the best part is the opponent underestimates the power of it when they see the figs placed on the map. Osiris goes in first to blow up a figure. Troia follows up on the off turns. Two Chargers if the opponent gets in close, and Kid Flash to harrass or finish off wounded figures.
2. Sinestro Corps
Superman Prime
Lyssa Drak
Amon Sur
Yellow Lantern
Val Cooper, Forbush Man
Meteorite, Generator, Office Desk
Prime is the most powerful figure in the environment. There was no way I was not going to play him. Especially with a high probability of running into a Chase Supes.
The first version of the team had Crisis Sinestro on it instead of Yellow Lantern, Amon Sur, and the pogs. The problem with that build is after Prime got the first run, the opponent would bum rush the team and take Sinestro out in the process. He got KOed too easily and the double TK & Perplex didn't offset that enough. Surrounding Prime with mooks added more options. You could carry the pogs out for theme team probs to ensure Prime hits. Plus you could surround Prime with more figures on the off turn to protect him.
The objects are all for Prime and provide the most options. Meteorite to get through defenses. Generator for Smallball or Swarm teams. Desk for defense when he comes back from a run.
The team plays like a classic BA tentpole team. It's all about Prime, protect him at all costs. If he hits his rolls when he makes his run, you win the game.
3. X-Men
Psylocke - Uncommon
+ X-Force ATA
Beast - M&M
Congorilla, Lila Cheney
Soda Machine, Indigo Lantern, Teleport Pad
When I saw the dials for GSX I knew Phoenix would be in my starting rotation. X-Men gives you all the support powers behind her, and Crawler is a difference maker. He put the team above JL & JSA in the rotation.
After Phoenix & Crawler it was just a matter of adding the support powers. With those two attacking, you didn't need another move & attacker, even at 600pts. Psylocke gives you additional Stealth with her TK. If needed Beast can be pushed into Outwit. Lila pog for tie-up, and went with Congorilla for the Super Strength & flip ability to move objects where needed. Either to move away a Shield Disruptor, move the Indigo Lantern in range of Phoenix, or just hit with the Soda Machine.
The Indigo Lantern comboed perfect with Phoenix. Wanted a blue for Crawler & Psylocke. The Teleport Pad provided that, and a means to get my team out of trouble if based. Had an offesive heavy left over in the Soda Machine, why not give it to Congorilla. You never know.
The team plays like a HSS tentpole team would. Crawler adds the additional dimension of a HSS nat to either go knock a figure off a power, or finish a fig off. A tertiary mechanic was for him to snatch and grab a figure back to Psylock & Beast for close combat attacks. Never really used him to pull a figure out of Stealth so Phoenix could hit them, but the option was there.
4. Justice League
Superman - JL
Green Lantern - Crisis
Batman - OotS
Green Arrow - JL
Dumpster, Black Lantern, Stormbreaker
One of the Justice League keywords was always going to be in the rotation because of Supes and Bats. They're too strong not to play in this environment. Because Supes can be TKed and BA can't be, it was ahead of the JSA in the rotation.
Initially I was going to run a Police team, which had 75th Hal & Barry on it. Meant that they weren't going on this team, so I choose the Justice League Keyword over Justice League of America. After Supes, Bats, and Zatanna for Prob, needed TK. Chose Crisis Hal because of the Perplex. Supes could now one-shot a 6 clix figure with a standard heavy. Went with Conner over a 50ish pt figure and pogs. He is so versitle at 600pts. Can move & attack, don't care about pushing him or attacking Mystics with him. He gets the theme team prob tokens. Perfect complimentary figure to the team.
With the Perplex Supes didn't need the Comm Dish or Soda Machine. Chose Dumpster because of his 3 damage, he would constantly need to have a heavy. Batman needed a blue, and on certain maps he could roll for Stormbreaker turn 1. Too good a combo to pass up. Since I had the Dumpster, didn't need an offensive light object, and the Black Lantern is my go to non offensive light object.
The team is so synergetic and offense oriented with all the move & attack. It allowed Supes to be able to rest of the off turns and didn't put pressure on him to have to push. Great backup to a weaker HSS tentpole.
5. Justice Society
Alan Scott
The Flash - AA
Mr. Terrific
Black Canary
Security Guard
Comm Dish, Eleha'al Vine, Kinetic Accelerator
The anchor figures in the Justice Society keyword are too strong not to play, and they have all the support powers. Billy is so sick and my type of figure, so went with Justice Society over All-Star Squadron.
The initial build had SR Wonder Woman over Jay Garrick Flash. But in playtesting, the team kept underperforming and losing at time. Wonder Woman and Billy filled the same roll and kept getting in each other's way. Both did their job offensively, but both kept getting KOed, and the team would be down on points at time. Putting Flash on the team opened up options offensively. Billy got the KA and Heavy object no questions. Flash can be TKed by Alan Scott for 1st strike capability. And since he did only two damage, it wasn't "wasting" an attack with him to finish off a figure or knock them off a power, like it was with Wonder Woman. Plus his dial with Defend, PC, and Super Senses provided more options and abilities on the map, while Wonder Woman just duplicated Billy's. Went with the Security Guard for the PD Team Ability for Alan Scott over Joe Chill. Already had 1 Stealth, and the pog could block LoFs just as well.
Since Shazam can't be TKed, the Kinetic Accelerator was mandator. He had the attack value and Prob, so a +1AV object wasn't needed. The Comm Dish meant he could deal 8 damage in one attack, too strong not to play. With the natural 5 damage, didn't have to have a 2nd offensive object for Shazam. And the Vine provided the option of healing, which Shazam needed in playtesting. It also freed him up to push when needed.
Because Billy can't be TKed, the team is a slowplay team. Stage and set up Billy for a run. The rest of the team stages together behind Black Canary. Yo-yo Flash if needed. After Billy goes in, Flash follows up. After the opponent's figures are weakened, a fully healed Alan Scott comes in to finish everything off.
6. Legion of Super Heroes
Young Superman
Lightning Lad
Cosmic Boy
Dream Girl
Phantom Girl
Harvey Bullock, Alfred, Alicia Masters,
MJ Watson, Jarvis
Computer, Crate, Open Hydrant
The last team built from a moment of inspiration. Pretty obvious when I look back on it. A wild card abuse team where almost every figure has Stealth. Some players think it's one of the strongest teams, but I put it at 6th in the rotation for several reasons. One, no Outwit or penatrating damage. With two glairing holes like that, it can't be relied upon for a must win. Two, it would outplay and cripple teams Eric, Tyler, or I would build. However, due to the glass jaw nature of the figures, it wouldn't do as well against other players and the unorthodox teams they tend to build.
The only decision to make is do you run Supergirl or uncommon Superboy. I always perfer to have my HSS up front, and I just don't like that Superboy dial. After that, the team builds itself. Put on the support powers, move & attackers, and the pogs with Team Abilities. You even have room for fodder with Phantom Girl and that 18 defense. Plus her remove object power is so strong in a high point environment. It removes options from your opponent and may get you 5 free points here and there.
Since Supergirl only has a 10AV, a +1AV object was needed. Went with the Crate over the Mailbox for the ability to throw it 10 squares. Never hurts to have other options on the map. With all the Stealth needed a blue object. Since all my figures can fly, the Hydrant was a no brainer.
The team plays like a beautiful WC abuse team. The only bane is Impervious, but that should be the last figure you are attacking. Take the other ones out first, and then see how many IMP rolls your opponent can make. Beyond that it's just Hypersonc, Running Shot, Charge, you can't hide from me, you can't see me. Wash, rinse, repeat.
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