300-pt Golden Age Vehicle w/ Wakanda Hulkbuster
125 MICN013 Wakanda Hulkbuster
-60 FF013a Black Panther - Wakanda
22 WOV012 Frenchie (2023: 25-3) - Paris, France
- 8 JLTWS102 Sloth
77 WOVL047 Man-Thing and Howard the Duck (2023: 80-3)
(Ted Sallis - Omaha, Nebraska; Howard Duckson - Brooklyn, NY Earth 47920)
-80 WOV031B Doc Sasquatch
(Mind of Leonard Skivorski Jr. - Tulsa, OK; Body of Dr. Walter Langkowski - Vancouver, BC)
67 WOV048 Ghost Rider (2023: 70-3) - Johnny Blaze - Waukegon, IL
-70 CAAV071 Ghost Rider - Robbie Reyes - East LA, CA
Total = 299
22 WOV012 Frenchie (2023: 25-3) - Paris, France
- 8 JLTWS102 Sloth
77 WOVL047 Man-Thing and Howard the Duck (2023: 80-3)
(Ted Sallis - Omaha, Nebraska; Howard Duckson - Brooklyn, NY Earth 47920)
(Mind of Leonard Skivorski Jr. - Tulsa, OK; Body of Dr. Walter Langkowski - Vancouver, BC)
67 WOV048 Ghost Rider (2023: 70-3) - Johnny Blaze - Waukegon, IL
Total = 299
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- 300-pt Golden Age Vehicle w/ Wakanda Hulkbuster (07/19/2024)