Who Posted? - HeroClix Realms
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 1,084
User Name Posts
Magnito 76
malakim2099 54
Jackofhearts2005 46
DarqFeonix 43
PaxZRake 40
Quebbster 37
K-Ness 35
loganspeedo 33
Wade Wilson 31
sstralkowski 30
The BoyBlunder 29
CarlosMucha 28
VenomDaBomb 27
anonym0use 24
Rokk_Krinn 24
goodman 23
Thawmus 23
gfishfunk 21
zyxba 20
MSU 18
pbdeberry 17
get_1 15
The Darkstone 14
SkyKushryd 14
Immortal_Raven 13
Truffle Shuffle 12
Amora's_best_friend 12
Maniac_nmt 12
darius_dax1 10
michiganj24 10
Grinner 9
FurbyFrank 9
charlesx 9
KO Bossy 9
DestructoBoy 8
Girathon 8
Darkseid Sr. 8
Hatut Zeraze 8
vicious x 8
kontrol 8
Reibello 7
Morpheousdr3am3r 7
Silver Lantern 7
madslaust 7
The Vision 6
Shadow40 6
Sigdr 6
mbauers 6
carltmc 6
St-Dumas 6
spikerdude 6
HavokAndChaos 6
Peers 6
ChiRocker 6
benjaminJp 6
ghosta 5
Ignatz_Mouse 5
batfink 5
Mr Stranger 5
Fullmetalfreak94 5
hellskingpin 4
majinmagog 4
vlad3theimpaler 4
deathstroke1134 4
Velius 3
normalview 3
Aranatta 3
Kedryn 3
colonialbob 3
da-Craig-O 3
tyroman 3
deadshot042 2
adamical 2
killingjoke101 2
Space Jawa 2
KitsuShel 2
dbauers 2
ThorKnigh83 2
Afrcngy 2
hellsmurf 2
spworldtour 2
DocDoom187 2
EragonFan 2
Linkor 2
Robo-Onion 2
Lofcutus 2
joeltheeditor 2
Fredwood 1
rorschachparadox 1
novaselinenever 1
Goose_101 1
JackAssterson 1
maelstrom5292 1
biz567 1
bigkahuna83 1
truesob1 1
fredo619 1
Aegon Targaryen 1
coyotejack 1
SkullBrother47 1
m_a_caque 1
Fett0001 1
DarkCorsair 1
brendanbrown 1
MrFurious87 1
Melkhor 1
JohannaMason 1
Beardo Deluxe 1