Who Posted? - HeroClix Realms
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 6,176
User Name Posts
Mr_JTR 2,163
CustomCreator 1,335
Ignatz_Mouse 817
wyld 515
Pepsirox08 155
Norb 149
RocknRollSpock 90
tom730 77
Knightwraithe 66
Orin 50
Owlman 49
ohcysp 43
The BoyBlunder 42
HeroclixFrank 37
Lobo83 33
adam1der 32
rouge2 32
mohenjo 29
HolyPoopBatman 27
Maraud 26
rpweld03 26
PaxZRake 22
bizarrome 21
CaptainNifty 21
darius_dax1 17
Hyperstar 16
Osito 15
Grinner 14
Ro-gan 14
zapdos 12
Sgt Grimes 11
NAES72 11
McCedrik 10
Mayberry Bat 10
MarkStewart 8
Vevilaughs 7
Jason Blood 7
AURama 7
batfink 6
Shango 6
zaurial 6
thebigZZZZZ 6
Kid Zero 6
Clickring Lantern 6
shiffy0295 5
Hatut Zeraze 5
RexMason 5
Igashu 5
waaagh1 5
vamroc 4
cHaO5 4
Zatara55 4
MadSmokerVGreen 4
otto von 4
MattPetersen 4
Greth 4
CyberVenom 3
spiderjoke420 3
gudda 3
MB7-TheFlash 3
Yakub 3
Antipathy 3
WildKat672 3
The Red Raider 2
Kite-Man 2
sliverbelt 2
VonToggle 2
rxkid75 2
eltigrediablo 2
GL4Life 2
Oldguynewbie 2
razz10555 2
l11moon 2
jebus089 2
madjap77 2
golden 1
playmobil 1
Xanth 1
four_winds 1
Thalstrak 1
Ramplate 1
Rebis 1
Ozymandas 1
Black_Rook 1
bomber 1
Jarosa 1
Terman8er 1
Meat 1
evilevil 1
Blue Atoll 1
Reibello 1
dernjg 1
Croaker 1
HC xtreme 1
charlesx 1
Riksheare 1
MoffProulx 1
Typhon 1
LeBagnard 1
theflashisanascarfan 1