Who Posted? - HeroClix Realms
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 1,012
User Name Posts
K-Ness 122
charlesx 121
Truffle Shuffle 87
Wade Wilson 85
HotChick that clix 71
sstralkowski 69
zyxba 51
Thawmus 46
DarqFeonix 43
KitsuShel 31
Sigdr 27
FurbyFrank 26
ThorKnigh83 25
Peers 20
Ouchmaker 20
PaxZRake 19
hail_eris 19
hellsmurf 18
Thrumble Funk 14
gfishfunk 13
malakim2099 13
EmperorNorton 11
eternalrage 10
tyroman 9
Quebbster 8
Amora's_best_friend 7
The Darkstone 6
Immortal_Raven 5
kontrol 5
vlad3theimpaler 5
The BoyBlunder 1
EragonFan 1
Vorlon20 1