Who Posted? - HeroClix Realms
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 1,008
User Name Posts
Wade Wilson 91
charlesx 91
sstralkowski 91
HotChick that clix 78
zyxba 68
Quebbster 56
Thawmus 48
Truffle Shuffle 47
DarqFeonix 45
K-Ness 45
CarlosMucha 42
malakim2099 25
Immortal_Raven 25
Ouchmaker 23
EmperorNorton 21
Fredwood 19
FurbyFrank 17
Silver Lantern 16
JackAssterson 16
ThorKnigh83 16
kontrol 15
hail_eris 15
Sigdr 14
Morpheousdr3am3r 14
eternalrage 13
PaxZRake 10
Vorlon20 7
hellsmurf 7
Velius 5
goodman 4
Peers 4
Amora's_best_friend 3
The Darkstone 3
Rokk_Krinn 3
gfishfunk 3
tyroman 3
Shadow40 2
PhoenixFire 1
Jackofhearts2005 1
vlad3theimpaler 1