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You complain about making me come to you but you’re still killing with a little too much ease.
Worse, I’m forced to deal with your pogs.
Jakeem ee on fetus. 5. Pc: 5. Damn! Engineer: 6. So dumb.
Arno sides to E4. does his Missile Arrray thing. 7. Kos fetus, rapture Ss is 4 so another ko, 1 to Beetle, council SS is 2 kos it and 1 to Reed, 1 to CySu. Panther SS is 2, 1 to her, too. Also kos Cuckoo C.
X-23 charges to G9 on CySu. Sc is 5. Nope. Panther then. 7. Cy su: 7. SS is 1. Bcf is 3, 3 to her. Has flurry: 7. Shuri: 4. X outwits Shuri’s stealth.
Sentry rs to I3 on Shuri. 9. S S is 2. Kos her, he heals 1. Wp, 3.
Ms. M tks Oracle. She’s not gonna block but be a super easy ko. I just liked the character so she’s here to represent.
Panther koed and blocked. Fetus, rapture, council, cuckoo c koed. 1 to Beetle, CySu.
Don't forget that for Arno's Missile Array, you cannot move Arno at all if you're going to use it
At the beginning of your turn, you may choose that until your next turn Arno Stark has Immobile. If you do, until your next turn he has a range value of 12...
You can still do his Missile thing decently well, you'd just miss the Cuckoo and Reed Council. If that's still how you want to go with it.
Reed, Tarn Leadership - 2,5. Tarn can get Hex Butcher. Reed's got more than enough Bridge points for a second Reed Council. For Outwit
CySu Break? 3. HSS to G11 on Oracle. AV11 on DV13. Gets 7. Oh yeah, she's out. Ends in H18
New BP Ironheart is in. Walker TKs her to G15
She copies Superman Ally, RS to G14, targets X-23, AV11 on DV17. Gets 7. Does 4 to her. Then Outwits her CR
Reed A to K13
Reed B to H16
Reed Alpha TKs Hex to F14. He and Reed B Perplex Butcher's Move and AV +1
Hex Butcher Charges to F9 to block on X23. AV10 on DV16. Gets 7. Jakeen 7. Engineer 9. Blades is 5, but she just hits her Stop Click
Oracle KOd and blocked. X-23 on her Stop CLick. No time to do story
FF2021 Reed Richards Alpha (Reeds +2/Bridge +5) @ C20 (Perplex/Outwit)
-Reed Council Member A @ K13 (Perplex/Outwit)
-Reed Council Member B @ H16 (Perplex/Outwit)
MOT Blue Beetle F12 (PC)(1)
DICN Cyborg Superman @@ H18 (SC/PC)(1)
XMXSSOP Stepford Cuckoo A A18
XMXSSOP Stepford Cuckoo C B16 (PC)(6)
XMXSSOP33V Tarn the Uncaring (Locus Vile +3) B20
-Hex Butcher @ F9
XMXS110B Summoner G18
BTU48V Saint Walker @@ D23
BP IronHeart @ G14
Poor Oracle, I didn't even give her a story intro.
X-23 can heal 1.
Arno re-missiles. 8, 2 4s. SS is 3 for council A, I'll ko him and take away your perplex. IH takes 1 (you should note this is 46, the Legacy card is in this set too, with my incredible powers of deduction I figured which one you picked). Also kb to I16. 1 to Beetle, kb to F14. Sadly, I want to see this like pw but I don't think so, so Arno takes 1 Mystics, actually 2, 1 from last turn.
Well, ya only live once, X-23 charges to G13 on BB. Gets 10, 2 5s. He makes it 7. Still a hit. BCF is 5 and 5, so 5 it is. 3 to BB, 1 to X-23.
Xorn to heal Sentry. 7. Heal is 5, he's back.
Now I'm kinda stuck with my replacement. Your closer characters were all sent out of range.
I'll take Kate Bishop, Engineer tks her to J10, upping her av. She'll get Putty.
RS to I13 and attacks IH. Gets 5, can make another 8. 2 to IH. She can use her free hindering.
Beetle's in I14, 4 to him. 3 to IH, now in I16. Council A koed, 1 to Reed. Hex koed. Jakeem picks perplex and invincible. Perplexes his own dv.
***Not sure I understand Kate's trick arrows. I gave her putty, she used it, it appears she has another. Is that how you read it?
***Not sure I understand Kate's trick arrows. I gave her putty, she used it, it appears she has another. Is that how you read it?
Did a thorough read of the Trick Arrows and we've been playing them wrong. But I blame WK. It's confusing.
So when you choose to give a figure a Trick Arrow, what you're really taking is a "quiver" which you can load with three arrows: "A force may only contain one Trick Arrow equipment. Once per game when this is equipped, place up to three Trick Arrow cards face down." So you could take Putty and Boxing Glove and Phantom Zone, getting three uses out of the arrow before it burns out.
With Kate she gets to add an extra card so she gets 4 instead of just 3.
Reed WP - 6
Reed, Tarn Lead - 1,3
Still gives Reed enough Bridge tokens to replace the Reed you KOd. Do the Perplex thing again with him.
Blue Beetle on X-23, AV11 on DV12. Gets 8, that's it for her.
Cuckoo A to G13 to block
Reed C to J20, Outwits SS on Kate.
Reed B, C and Summoner make Ironheart's AV 13
Ironheart on Kate, AV13 on DV18 +1. Gets 6. It's enough. Hits her for 3.
Reed B to break from the Putty? 2. Nope.
Summoner to K14, Perplexes his own DV+1
Reed Alpha Perplexes Beetle's DV +1
X-23 KOd and blocked. 3 to Kate.
FF2021 Reed Richards Alpha (Reeds +3/Bridge +0) C20 (Perplex/Outwit)(1)
-Reed Council Member B @@ H16 (Perplex/Outwit)
-Reed Council Member C @ J20 (Perplex/Outwit)
MOT Blue Beetle @ I14 (PC)(5)
DICN Cyborg Superman H18 (SC/PC)(1)
XMXSSOP Stepford Cuckoo A @ G13
XMXSSOP Stepford Cuckoo C B16 (PC)(6)
XMXSSOP33V Tarn the Uncaring (Locus Vile +3) B20
XMXS110B Summoner @ K14
BTU48V Saint Walker D23
BP40 IronHeart @@ I16 (3)