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"Uh oh, it looks like we're playing 'gang up on Blue Devil'," Blue Devil says. He dodges the Lizard's attack just in time for the Hulk to land next to him.
"Hulk smash!". With that Blue Devil falls.
"All this carnage," Selene says with deep anticiation, "And such tasty souls, I can tell."
Guess I'll do Ghost Rider next. Don't want him completely surrounded by Hulk, Lizard and Selene, so I'll start him over in the starting area. I'll give him Lazarus Pit
Character Roll: 6. Ghost Rider, who's not in the house yet. Reroll 5. Goblin Queen: 4. She's teleported. Man, I'm getting that a lot. Puts her in I14
Deadman Phases back to K10
Meggan to K12
Ghost Rider RS to L18/L19 and attacks Giant-Man, AV10 on DV18. Gets 4.
Meggan needs to roll to break away from Giant-Man. Also K12 is where you have Man-Thing, you'll need to pick another spot if she breaks away successfully.
I'll fix Meggan, but before I do I wanted to back up a little further, to your last turn. I just realized if the Stealth event was in effect, Selene shouldn't have been able to target Deadman. I don't know if he was on hindering, but that room that Selene is in is full of hindering. I don't think she could have targeted him without her LOF crossing through some. I'll check it more closely when I get home tonight if it's uncertain.
While Deadman is not on hindering, Selene's range is only 6 so she can't target Deadman with the stealth event so you can make another move with him as well as change Meggan's position. Selene will pass for last turn, then.
"I sense your presence, Deadman, and you are unwelcome," Selene telepathically tells Deadman.
"Yeah well, I'm not nuts about you either, sister," Deadman replies.
"Perhaps," she smirks, "But in this realm I am more than your match." She reaches into his mind and commands him to leave, "Begone!".
Deadman leaves the house. The moment he gets out of the door the mental link is broken.
"What the heck happened there?" he asks. He tries to go through the door but even as a spirit he is denied.
Before he can think aloud he hears a blood-curdling scream that is Meggan's as she is thrown into the door by Giant-Man. Through the window he sees her body slump to the floor.
You may have actually turned this game around with your last couple turns. I think it's time for the Spectre. He can replace Meggan. I was hoping to wait until I forced you to bring Trigon out, but those 18DVs of yours require deparate measures. He can have Lazarus Pit on him. Hope it's not too late for it to be useful. Hellboy enters in Deadman's place, BPRD version, with a Vendetta against the Hulk.
Spectre on Giant-Man, AV11 on DV18. Gets 4. Rerolls for Raven. Gets 6. That is not good.
Hellboy Charges to J8, attacks Hulk, AV10 +1 on DV18. Gets 7. That works. 3 to Hulk thanks to his Exploit Weakness.
Gargoyle goes for Regeneration. Rolls 2. Gets nothing.
Raven to Incap Giant-Man, AV9 on DV18. Gets 6.
Man-Thing on Giant-Man AV8, gets 5.
If you win this thing, it's going to be thanks to Giant-Man.
"I am the Spectre, and your size doesn't frighten me," the ghostly guardian said, growing in size to match his opponent's.
"I like that," Giant-Man said. "More food for me!" He and the Spectre grappled, but neither seemed to be able to get an advantage over the other.
"Hm, zombie superheroes. That's a new one," Hellboy said, then he shrugged and moved in and slugged the Hulk with his stone hand. The angered Hulk came back and roared in his face. "Phew! What have you been eating?" Helboy said, waving his hand in front of his face. "No, cancel that. I don't think I want to know."
I knew you were waiting for Trigon until you drafted Spectre. And I don't think you've lost your advantage just yet, the Spectre is truly daunting.
Character roll: 2 Psimon. Event roll: 4, teleported. Ick. He's at M5 and unable to move back. Poor guy--last turn the ghosts incapped him and turn he'll end up with another click for being outside the 'house'.
Hulk vs. Hellboy. Needs 7, rolls 12. All your pc (now just Raven) is out of his lof. 4 to Hellboy after ew and no kb. Hulk heals 1. (Dang, this is a good Hulk!).
Giant-Man again outwits Raven's pc (it was outwitted for this turn too but since her reroll didn't take no harm, no foul).
Selene tks Nightmare to K8.
Nightmare on Hellboy. Needs 4, rolls 5. 1 more to Hellboy after toughness, 1 healing to Nightmare.
A wind gust pulls Psimon out an open door. The door slams just as he is forced out.
"No! Let me in, let me in, please!" Psimon begs. Winds push him away from the house but his robe is caught in the door. He uses it to pull himself towards the door and inside. "Don't tear on me, don't tear on me..." he begs his robe in frantic fear. Psimon knows the outside is certain death.