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But the mafia prematurely ended the day phase when Truffle was going to be lynched. Plus, Shadow outted himself as a tracker and claimed in response to H&C's info, yet H&C didn't claim his name in response. .
Wouldn't that tend to indicate Truffle IS mafia though? Or do you think the mafia would be meta gaming 'let's take an innocent townie, close the day when they are almost lynched, kill someone, and then come back to the town lynching another townie'?
It that is what you are thinking, there are people I might meta game figure would come up with something as twisted as that.
"Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad,
He's so bad, he mak'a me mad
Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad
He's a real cad, Un-fun Dad"
That's frustrating. I am who I said I am. Not recruited. Not mafia. And I'm guessing that the dwarf couldn't get an action in, so no one else will be able to cooberate my claim. And I wasn't copped. Or tracked. Or RTed. Completely annoying.
I'm pretty sure Werewolf by Night claimed tracker, and H&C simply said he knew Truffle targeted JOH.
Quote : Originally Posted by DarqFeonix
H&C said he tracked Truffle Shuffle targeted JOH. He didn't say he's only a Tracker.
Let us have an intermission for a moment to just prove how wrong DarqFeonix is.
Quote : Originally Posted by HavokAndChaos
Sorry not to answer sooner I have been away from the com for a while. I thought it was obvious as to how I put it that I am a tracker. If I had reverse tracked JOH we would probably know TS to be evil or at least for sure the one that killed him. As it is we are pressuring because I tracked Truffle Shuffle and got back that she (TS is a she right?) targeted him.
Quote : Originally Posted by Shadow40
Ah, but I am not the reverse tracker. I am a tracker that goes by the name of Werewolf by Night. It is very odd for the town to have two trackers is it not. Not saying it could not happen but it is odd to me.
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