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AUGH marvel directory in annoying! all these guys i need info on, but they dont have them! but, that's why i have you guys! i need info on these F4 charecters (mainly powers, but some sort of background would be nice!)
the wizard
paste pot pete
the other guy in frightful 4 (not medusa)
the guy with the box that says "anger" or "greed" or something, i dont exactly remember.
any info is appriciated!
"I'm Mercury, dammit!"- Jay Garrick, regarding his hat.
1.) The Wizard's originally an Avengers villain anyways, he has above average intelligence, and Im not sure if he has powers or not, but he uses Anti-Gravity Discs with great precision.
2.) Dunno who u mean by "the other guy" cause the Frightful Four changed a few times, u could be talkin about Sandman, Titania, or possibly one or two others.
3.) Dunno bout Paste Pot Pete or Triton, however the other villain yer referring to is Psycho Man, the box he carries with him acts as his weapon, and causes ppl to act as he wants them to act. He can make them fearful, happy, angry, or whichever mood suits his situation.
his uses gasses and paste soloutions to set traps for his opponents
hed have incap, and soem barrier thats about it
triton? do u mean that green guy?>
i think hes fought namor a couple of times
swims underwater, with super strength and toughness i believe
sandman was a main frightful 4 memebr for awhile as was thundra shed have some SS, toughness, charge
also was dreadknight, a guy with a flying horse and a lance that shot enrgy beams
also taskmaster and deadpool were part of the fightful 4 but that happened in a deadpool comic
theres probably been some others as well
just cnat think