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i have striker tak out any harrasers and chargers put emg right behind magus group side ways and have orcs and dwavres on each side and have striker in middle with magusand just muve up and kill!!!! is this good or bad?
Spending all those points just to enhance one ranged attacker is a big waste. A good rule of thumb is that 2 enhancers should be able to enhance 2 ranged attackers 2 times.
How are the pikes helping out the hammer? Dwarven Axe Knights seem to be a better go with given a large area of damage they can cause. Healing in the formation is also a waste of points since when they need healing most they'll be in base contact and can't be healed to begin with.
At this point level the striker-egm-windy is a decent combination so do what you can to support them instead.
In 800 points lots of nasty things can be fielded that this army cant handle. Like a quadruple magic levitated rammer to take out most of your figures good stages. Then some other stuff could take down the behemoth. I think u need some more power and toughness to take out some of the more dangeerous things u may see in an 800 point formatt