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Though the Thunderbolts are not as high class important as the X-Men, FF, or Avengers. But I would love to see some new stuff for them in Legends.
My prediction is that they'll revamp the Avengers and hope to give us NEW AVENGERS stuff (like Echo <> Ronin and/or Avengers affiliated Wolvie and Luke Cage).
In the past three sets since their debut in Avengers, the Thunderbolts have received a total of four new cards (if counted correctly) and none of them have significally helped.
But now that the Thunderbolts have taken on a big part in the Marvel Universe I think they deserve some glory. I was REALLY hoping that they would have given us the Mac Gargan Venom with the Thunderbolts affiliation, but I guess it was a little too soon.
And now; Green Goblin, a new Swordsman, and Speedball aka Penance, they should put some great use of the New-New-New Thunderbolts into play. Civil War is a big iconic event, and the TBolts had a lot of influence and motive in it; and I believe that UDE should give some reconition.
I know my rant will not help to change or influence UDE, but that's how I feel about the "Justice Like Lightning" crew.
I agree 100%! I've always dug the T-bolts, in game and in the comics. And the new Thunderbolts comics are NUTS! Here's a vote for Thunderbolts in Marvel Set #2 in '07
I'd like to see a thunderbolts revisit when we see an avengers revisit. They tie in to the Civil War storyline fairly well, so I imagine we'll see them when we see that stuff.
Anyways, development of the first Marvel set in 2008 would be in it's initial staes right now/very soon, and it's possibly SHIELD-related, I can see the Thunderbolts getting into that one.
Anyway I think it's just gotten to the point where there are SO many teams that even with DA, they can't realistically put something in for every team without cutting the content of the new teams. It sucks, I know, but just hang on for the refeature, it's almost assuredly coming with the next Avengers refeature. All post-CW< it should be a fun set.
IMO, the biggest card the T-bolts have "received" so far has been mobilize.
Stright "Agg-Grow" T-bolts decks were solid enough before the addition of mobilize, but suffered from inconsistency, which is not so much an issue now.
Haha, yeah Rich it's me. You know I love the TBolts...especially Karla...
she's so hot!!!
But I don't get why they're doing X-Men again, if they really are planning to do them again. I love the X-Men, don't get me wrong, but they shouldn't spend so much on the same team.
But if they do new X-Men stuff what I'm wishing for:
Wolverine (DA: X-Men/Avengers)
Character search card called: "TO ME MY X-MEN"
Cable and/or X-Man
Concealed-Optional Nightcrawler
Marrow (DA: X-Men/Morlocks)
Magneto (DA: X-Men/Brotherhood)
Kid Vulcan