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...Right. All the pretty toys in the world aren't going to make me buy any falcon's prey. At least nothing beyond select singles. No booster-level product until WK gets rid of Set Retirement.
Too bad. If it weren't for that, some of what I've been hearing for falcon's prey makes me want to actually buy some.
Same here with me. I'm just going to buy the broken units (come on, you know WK will let some get through) on the singles market and no more.
Wait, wasn't set retirement supposed to fix the fact that people weren't buying enough boosters?:rollseyes:
Originally posted by WilliamMacleod On Warzog's site, the speculation is that the wingless JF mech is the Shadow Hawk IIC from the CBT Project Phoenix TRO. ;)
It is the Shadow Hawk IIC. Looks like the IIC 3 by weapons configuration.
If you follow the link for the dropship rules, you'll see that non-purchase entries have to be postmarked between August 25 and the end of the giveaway (Dec 31). That would indicate that August 25 is the start for the giveaway. Further referencing my Extra-Cool Mechwarrior calendar from the WK Gear store, I find that August 25 is the last wednesday of that month, the traditional date for new releases from WK.
Sounds to me like the actual release date is August 25.
...Right. All the pretty toys in the world aren't going to make me buy any falcon's prey. At least nothing beyond select singles. No booster-level product until WK gets rid of Set Retirement.
Too bad. If it weren't for that, some of what I've been hearing for falcon's prey makes me want to actually buy some.
You have to realize that if we (the players) don't increase WK's booster sales, WK might end up doing more drastic things to try and improve revenue.
Admittedly, in some round about way you are still sort of supporting WK by buying singles cause someone still has to buy the boosters or cases to sell singles. WK probably just makes less money (which in turn may mean increased booster prices or less frequent and/or smaller releases).
As long as House Liao gets some more cool mechs then I'll pick up a few boosters (hoping for an elite Liao Griffin or Shawdowhawk IIC).
...Right. All the pretty toys in the world aren't going to make me buy any falcon's prey. At least nothing beyond select singles. No booster-level product until WK gets rid of Set Retirement.
Too bad. If it weren't for that, some of what I've been hearing for falcon's prey makes me want to actually buy some.
Hmm strange logic. It could be that set retirement is a result of poor sales. Even poorer sales does not, therefore, lead to the removal of set retirement.
There are only two ways to get rid of set retirement.
1. Everybody buys boosters like crazy and only stop buying the day set retirement starts, and then resume buying like crazy once they eliminate set retirement.
2. New people take over the decision making for MWDA. (ie. new CEO, or management, or owner)
Any confirmation or thoughts on the Elemental paint scheme in the preview pic? Is it just me, or does that yellow and black look very Hell's Horses?
Merciless: hitting a salvaged unit adds to a JF unit's damage value?
Dear Lord, I hope not. That would be the final nail in the coffin of the long salvage dial Highlanders. I think this has something to do with the extra attack on DFA mentioned a few weeks back. That was too persistent a rumor in my mind not to have at least a grain of truth to it. But I could be wrong. Probably am, in fact.
Enhanced Imaging: better version of IT (reroll 2d6 instead of 1) or no terrain/height modifiers?
I'm pretty sure this one is more like Armor Piercing than Improved Targeting. It sounds like it will nix things like hindering terrain modifiers, Camouflage and possible Electronic Camo. I see no need to give JF a 'better IT' when their attack values (if Trovic is any indication) are already pretty good, and stay that way.
Full strike: (already postulated) Primary and secondary weapons fire at same time.
I heard this was going to be a melee SE, which puts it along the lines of Sweep from MK : Hit everything basing in your front arc for either full damage, or split up your damage against everything basing in the front arc. I like the second version a little better, personally.
Homing Beacon: (NARC) Streak SE for everybody JF firing on same target previously damaged by a JF unit with ballistic weapon?
I think it's going to be more along the lines of 'Every friendly unit targetting the NARC'd unit gains +1 to their attack roll and ignores Decoy.' Or something. Streak is too powerful to be able to hand out willy-nilly... Or is it?
But, yeah, that's my thoughts. We all know what they're worth, right?
Originally posted by Deathwing You have to realize that if we (the players) don't increase WK's booster sales, WK might end up doing more drastic things to try and improve revenue.
shrug, I was kind of hoping full strike would be alpha strike for balistic (so you can blast the living snot out of infantry :) ).
NARC should work out like Crimson's Skies beeper seeker. There it reduces siloette by 1, here it should give a +2 bonus to hit, and have little token to show the narc'd unit. Be nice if it only worked with balistic weapons.
Lets not do another round of the set retirement arguement. Those of us who are not going to buy are not going to buy those that are going to continue to buy will do so. And WK will still probably not give a ####.
Yes I should have probably broken it up into a seperate sentance. Not that I really care. I am out of highschool and didn't really care all that much about english class even then.
Finally a clan(a true clan,even though Spirit Cats are and will forever be my main faction) will be playable. Those mechs are gonna terrorize some players with thier cool sculpts.