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"I do not know you, Abe Sabien. But I am more than happy to let you know that I am the Lizard," the Lizard says as he slaps him with his tail. The force knocks him out completely.
"As fun as it has been with you 'things', I'm afraid you're just boring him now," Mordru says as he casts a spell and disappears just as the Swamp Thing lunges for him.
Spider-Man should show 5 damage. Gargoyle hit him my last turn for 2.
Raven will come in to replace Abe. With Triage, though who knows id I'll ever get to use it.
Character roll 2: Blue Devil. 3 -Ghosts again. This time they get 10. Everyone in 4 sqaures gets hit this time. Spidey, Swamp Thing and Man-Thing already have two tokens. They're fine. Mordru and Gargoyle are pushed for 1 damage. Mento Blue Devil each get a token.
Leaves me with very little to do. Raven Phases to K16
Blue Devil will push to attack Mordru. AV8 on DV15 +1. Gets 8. Mordru takes 2. BD takes 2.
Gotta try got for it. Mento on MOrdru, AV8 on DV14 +1. Gets 5. Rerolls for Raven gets 6. Rerolls for Gargoyle and gets 8. Mordru's down. Mento's pushed for 2
It was painful, but worth it.
Mento uses his Outsiders ability on Ghost Widow
Mento (TK Reach) @@ M14 (4!)
E Blue Devil @@ K11 (4!)
V Swamp Thing (Protected) J11 (9!)
V Man-Thing (Damage Shield) J13 (2!)
Gargoyle @@ K9 (1!)
V Raven (IK-Triage) @ K16
Soon after Raven secure herself then she is followed by a large giant.
"You are mine, girl. I will tear you apart limb from limb and eat your flesh," the zombie Giant-Man announces. His quick attack leaves her unable to utilize her powers fast enough and she takes a big hit.
"Uh-oh," Gargoyle says, "It looks like the young girl who came to help us needs some real help of her own!".
"You're a bit too big for me to handle," Raven admitted to Giant-Man, "so I'm going to leave now. But don't worry, it looks like you'll have another friend to keep you company." As she teleported away, the Man-Thing moved into her place.
"It's so nice that you've come up so close for visit, Swamp Thing. It's a challenge to see if I can effect your mind like I could a normal human. Let's find out, shall we?" Nightmare says. Immediately Swamp Thing's world is turned topsy-turvy as Nightmare enters and warps his dreams.
Swamp Thing rustles free and runs outside the room into the street surrounding the mansion. Smoke begins coarsing through his body and he screams inhumanly. He rushes back to the room but Nightmare closes the door before he can reach. Nightmare peers through the peep-hole and sees Swamp Thing dissolve before him.
Character ROll 2 - Blue Devil. Event 4. He's kicked out again. I11
Gargoyle on Spider-Man, AV9 on DV14. Gets 9. Spider-man's KOd.
Deadman will come in for Swamp Thing and try to Possess Nightmare. AV10 on DV15. Gets 6. He's Possessed.
He'll use his Stunning Blow on Ghost Widow. AV11 on DV17. Rolls 6 (doubles) and her Super Senses is 2. She gets 2 Damage, an action token and KB to Q6. Nightmare gets a click for Arachnos. Thus Deadman takes 1 too. Deadman releases Nightmare and is now in P6
BD to L13, grabbing the LO from K13
Mento Perplexes his Damage to 2 and tries to hit Giant-man, AV8 on DV18. Gets 8. Rerolls for BD and gets 3.
Mento (TK Reach) @ M14 (4!)
E Blue Devil @ L13 (4!)
V Man-Thing (Damage Shield) K12 (2!)
Gargoyle @ K9 (1!)
V Raven (IK-Triage) K16 (4!)
Deadman (Protected) @ P6 (1!)
"I'll deal with you in a second, Lizard. First I want to finish off this creep," Gargoyle said. One punch was all it took and the zombie Spider-Man was out of combat.
"So whaddaya think? A ghoul like you an' a guy like me? Think we got a chance?" Nightmare asked Ghost Widow conversationally.
"Nightmare?" she asked.
"Guess again," Nightmare said, striking out with a magic-backed punch that hit the ghastly villainess. "Name's Deadman," the hero said, emerging from Nightmare's body. "And speaking from one ghost to another, I'd recommend surrender."
*** Note Raven should be at P19, you moved her there one of two turns back.
Character roll: 3...Widow. Event roll: 4...teleporting, so not good for her. She's forced to push to teleport back to K6.
Nightmare pushes on Deadman. (One of those interesting matches in my head). Needs 7, rolls 9. SS is 2. Deadman takes 2 damage plus another token for a third click. Nightmare takes 1 for injuring a Mystic and 1 for pushing.
Giant-Man naturally has to go for Mento. Needs 5, rolls 5. Gargoyle rerolls 11. Mento's down.
Gargoyle's not really the target I want but he'll have to do. In comes Hulk to complete the zombies. He'll attack Gargoyle. Needs 8, rolls 2. Argh, I've been seeing a lot of those lately.
"Hulk, my friend, remember me? We were Defenders together..." Gargoyle tries to assure. Hulk tries to slug him but he moves out of the way and Hulk falls into a pit.
Nightmare's not adjacent to Deadman to make that attack. You've got Psimon free. He could TK him up a square if you want. Or you could give Nightmare a different action altogether.