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1. Hela on Thor, AV10 on DV16. She gets 8. 2 to Thor after Toughness. He's out.
2. Kid Flash does his Moving too Fast thing, to R4, attacks Serpent, AV10 on DV18. Gets 7. Ends in S2, blocking Thor's replacement.
3. Dr. Light to C19 attacks Detective Chimp, AV10 on DV16. Gets 7. Raven makes it 7 again and takes a token.
4. Red Robin to I17, Perplexes Obnoxio's AV to 11
5. Obnoxio Perplexes his Damage to 2, attacks Pandora. Gets 8. Pandora makes it 4.
6. Skitter on Wonder Supes, AV11 on DV19. Gets 7. It was a 6 +1. She can reroll the 1 with her Feat. Makes another 6. Imperv is 4. With the Crit hit, that's 2 to them.
7. Zookeeper on Wonder Supes, AV10 on DV19. Gets 17. Reduced by half, 1 to them after Invincible.
Mandarin (IM3-04-Contingency Plan +0) Q3 (5)
Enchantress (Asgardian) P1
Death Mask (Nanobots) Q2 (1)
Obnoxio (Nanobots-Damage Counters-4) @ N15 (on click #3)
Hela (FI-Auto-Regen) @ R2
Iron Man (IM3200-Lazarus Pit) S1 (2)
Tanarus (Camouflage) U2 (4)(Stealth)
Figures used: Brandt, Centerhall, Death Mask, Dr. Strange, Enchantress, Extremis Mercenry, Extremis Soldier, Greithoth, Indigo, Iron Man MK7 (106) Iron Man MK15, Iron Man MK35, Iron Man FCBD, Jor-El, Kid Flash (Bart), Leash, Li'l Lobo, Mandarin, Mokk, Nam-Ek, NOWHERE Soldier, Obnoxio, Osiris, Ravager 37b, Raven, Red Robin, Red She-Hulk, Skirn, Skitter, Speedball, Superboy, Superman (MOS), Tanarus, Wolverine, Zookeeper - 4341
As disappointing as this excellent Thor has been for me, Hela's attack is a miss. He has shellhead (getting an 18 dv) and the Odin's armor trait making his dv 19.
Figures used: Brandt, Centerhall, Death Mask, Dr. Strange, Enchantress, Extremis Mercenry, Extremis Soldier, Greithoth, Indigo, Iron Man MK7 (106) Iron Man MK15, Iron Man MK35, Iron Man FCBD, Jor-El, Kid Flash (Bart), Leash, Li'l Lobo, Mandarin, Mokk, Nam-Ek, NOWHERE Soldier, Obnoxio, Osiris, Ravager 37b, Raven, Red Robin, Red She-Hulk, Skirn, Skitter, Speedball, Superboy, Superman (MOS), Tanarus, Wolverine, Zookeeper - 4341
Making it worse, Scarlet Witch also boosted his dv which I forgot.
Not as disappointing as what should be an excellent Thor going down so easily and being wasted on Extremis guys.
And really (in Chandler Bing's tone) could you have any more mystics on your Marvel team?
I roll 1, and 1 is good. I think DC will see most of this turn.
1. Iron Man rs to Q8 attacking Obnoxio. Needs 7, rolls 7. He doesn't have range to pc that and he's out after taking the 4 extra tokens from Iron Man.
2. Serpent vs Hela. Needs 6, rolls 9. She rerolls 6. 2 to Hela, 1 to Serpent.
3. Pepper's got a shot at Hela. Needs 5, rolls 12. Oh nice! 1 to Pepper but Hela is takes 5 psi-blast plus kb to Q1 actually going past the edge for a ko. Nice.
Scarlet Witch boosts Thor's dv by 1.
Chimp outwits Raven's pc.
4. Super Wonder attacks Skitter. I suppose I have to try duo so no ew. Needs 6, rolls 9. Today has been a day of good rolls. Imperv is 1. Skitter takes 4. Let's try Zookeeper. Needs 6, rolls 4.
5. Freefall tks Lois to N15 blocking Obnoxio's d.r.
6. Omen to mc Robin. Needs 5, rolls 8. He's mced. He ups his av to 10 and attacks Raven. Needs 8, rolls 10. 1 to Raven and Robin.
7. Cyborg on Red Robin via the LO in J18. Needs 7, rolls 4. Rerolls for himself (pet peeve: why would he have pc?) gets 10. He's out.
Pepper Potts (4) @ V7 (Mercenary)
Scarlet Witch CW E (Book of Destiny) U8
Monkey King (Alias) Q4
Thor FI (Shellhead) (7) S2
The Serpent (The Worthy) @ R5
Tyr (Shellhead) U3
Iron Man 09 MK17 @ Q8 (Alias)
Figures used (DC): Changeling, Cyborg, Detective Chimp. Freefall, Guy Gardner, Jinx, Lois Lane, Omen, Pandora, Red Star, Red Tornado, Starfire, Superman, Wonder Woman
Figures used (Marvel): Black Widow, Colossus, Extremis Brutes, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Iron Man IM 14, Iron Man 200, Iron Patriot 102R, Kuurth, Monkey King, Ms. Marvel, Pepper Potts, Scarlet Witch, Serpent, Shuma-Gorath, Spider-Man, Thor
I roll a 2, and with all those KOs, that should be useful.
1. I need something Super of my own against your Superman/Wonder Woman. I'll do Superboy Prime. Fortitude there. Replaces Red Robin, HSS, grabbing the LO in J18, moves to I21 to attacks Superman/Wonder Woman. AV13 on DV18. Gets 4. And you hit Raven off her PC too. Superboy ends in A13
2. Skitter with Improved Movement, moves to B18, that's a push.
3. FI Drac will take Hela's place. Inside Information on him. He's got Charge and Flurry. Moves first to R3, attacks Thor, AV11 +2 on DV16 +1. Gets 7. NOW Thor's out and Drac heals 1.
3b. Second attack on Monkey King, AV11 +2 on DV17 +2. Gets 11. 4 to Monkey King and Drac heals up 1 more.
Enchantress Perplexes Death Mask's AV to 11.
4. Death Mask on Tyr, AV11 on DV18 +1. Gets 5. Mandarin makes it 11. 3 to Tyr after Invulnerable.
5. My Iron Man HSS to T5, double targets Wanda and Pepper, AV11 on DV17, +2 for Wanda. Gets 11. Wanda makes it 5. Iron Man ends in S2, blocking Thor's replacement.
6. Tanarus on Tyr, AV10 on DV16 +1. Gets 7. 2 more to Tyr after Toughness.
7. Aldrich Killian enters. I've already spent a lot this turn and don't have much left and he's got a useful power - Barrier. Which he will now use.
Mandarin (IM3-04-Contingency Plan +0) @ Q3 (5)
Enchantress (Asgardian) P1
Death Mask (Nanobots) @ Q2 (1)
Iron Man (IM3200-Lazarus Pit) @ S2 (2)
Tanarus (Camouflage) @ U2 (4)(Stealth)
Dracula (FI-Inside Information) @ R3 (1)
Aldrich Killian (Alias) @ S1
"YOU!" Superman and Superboy both said at once, recognizing each other. They flew at each other and clashed in mid-air. The struggle was indecisive and Superboy pulled off and retreated.
"That's quite a show," Death Mask said, "almost as much as this!" he added shooting Tyr with his really big gun.
"A god's blood, this will be a rare feast indeed," Dracula said, dispatching Thor and turning swiftly from there to the Monkey King.
"He's decimating our forces! We've got to do something!" Pepper said.
"No, you won't be doing anything," Killian said, putting up a force field to protect himself and his allies.
Pepper Potts (4) V7 (Mercenary)
Scarlet Witch CW E (Book of Destiny) U8
Monkey King @ Q4
The Serpent (The Worthy) R5
Tyr (Shellhead) (3) @ U3
Iron Man 09 MK17 Q8 (Alias)
Skadi (Auto-Regen) @ V2
Figures used (DC): Changeling, Cyborg, Detective Chimp. Freefall, Guy Gardner, Jinx, Lois Lane, Omen, Pandora, Red Star, Red Tornado, Starfire, Superman, Wonder Woman
Figures used (Marvel): Black Widow, Colossus, Extremis Brutes, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Iron Man IM 14, Iron Man 200, Iron Patriot 102R, Kuurth, Monkey King, Ms. Marvel, Pepper Potts, Scarlet Witch, Serpent, Shuma-Gorath, Skadi, Spider-Man, Thor
I roll a 6 for DC, but Marvel's going to need some help, being short two, so I'll use my last points to bring in a couple Thule Society Priests. Just for the Wildcarding. They'll be copying Mystics.
Kid Flash does his double action thing on Cyborg, going to M23 to make the attack, AV10 on DV16. Gets 4. He ends back in K2
Leash Tks Prime to I16
Prime goes HSS, grabs the LO out from under Pandora, goes to H21 to attack Super Wonder. AV13 on DV18. Gets 6. No way to PC. 5 +1 for the LO is 6, divided by 2 for Invincible is 3 to them. Prime ends in E24
Zookeeper on Wonder Supes, AV10 on DV17. Gets 2.
Dr. Light double targets Supes and Chimp, AV10 on DV17 and 18. Gets 3.
Enchantress (Asgardian) P1
Death Mask (Nanobots) Q2 (1)
Iron Man (IM3200-Lazarus Pit) S2 (2)
Dracula (FI-Inside Information) R3 (1)
Aldrich Killian (Alias) S1
Thule Society Priest (Wayne) Q3
Thule Society Priest (Garth) U2
Pepper Potts (4) V7 (Mercenary)
Scarlet Witch CW E (Book of Destiny) U8
Monkey King Q4
The Serpent (The Worthy) R5
Tyr (Shellhead) (3) U3
Iron Man 09 MK17 Q8 (Alias)
Skadi (Auto-Regen) V2
Figures used (DC): Changeling, Cyborg, Detective Chimp. Freefall, Guy Gardner, Jinx, Lois Lane, Omen, Pandora, Red Star, Red Tornado, Starfire, Superman, Wonder Woman
Figures used (Marvel): Black Widow, Colossus, Extremis Brutes, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Iron Man IM 14, Iron Man 200, Iron Patriot 102R, Kuurth, Monkey King, Ms. Marvel, Pepper Potts, Scarlet Witch, Serpent, Shuma-Gorath, Skadi, Spider-Man, Thor
Dr Light pushes on the Chimp, AV10 on DV18. Gets a 12. Wow. And SS is 2. 4 to the Chimp and KB to I24, hitting the wall for a KO. 1 to Light for the push.
Raven attempts to heal Dr. Light AV9 on DV16. Gets 8. Support roll is irrelevant. Dr. Light's back to full strength.
Enchantress (Asgardian) P1
Death Mask (Nanobots) Q2 (1)
Iron Man (IM3200-Lazarus Pit) S2 (2)
Dracula (FI-Inside Information) R3 (1)
Aldrich Killian (Alias) S1
Thule Society Priest (Wayne) Q3
Thule Society Priest (Garth) U2