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Mr_JTR, the only one you have correct is Kingpin at number two, he weighs 450 lbs. So, the list should look like this....
2. Kingpin
Two things... one, I don't really know the answer and thus just copied your list in the same order... and two, I know the blob can change his density, so his weight can fluctuate.
I'm going by the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe-listed vital statistics. In spite of his ability to generate a gravitational field, the Blob's weight is generally given as a constant not variable figure. I am looking for his original listed weight. As for "powered up"...some on the list have no powers. If you are referring to Big Bertha, I mean as Big Bertha, not in her civilian super model ID.
Well, they say muscle is more dense and therefore heavier than fat...maybe magic muscle is even moreso. :-)
I can believe that about Volstagg. Asgardian's are physically more dense then humans, I remember reading that once or twice over the years. And in Volstagg's case, he comes off as more dense in other ways as well.
I was looking up Sinister Six stuff the other day, so this is in recent memory, and it all comes down to whether you count the "Civil War Sinister Six", which most people don't. I don't think they were ever called that during the comics, but I could be wrong.
Electro was in every incarnation except the Civil War lineup.
Vulture was in all of them, including Civil War.
I personally like the so-called "Civil War Sinister Six" lineup, except for the Lizard. Dr. Octopus, Vulture, Shocker, Trapster, and the Grim Reaper just fit together well and seem like a much more universal villain team, and less like six guys who want to team up on Spider-Man. Maybe add someone like Whirlwind or Mr. Hyde to round it out.
HeroClix needs more Goblin.
Acceptable in such forms as Green, Grey, Demo, Hob, Ultimate, and "Menace."
My guess is Electro...seems like the joining type to me.
Oh yeah, he's that all right. Not only was he in every incarnation of the Sinister Six, but also the Frightful Four; he started his own short-lived villain team, the Emissaries of Evil; and he was one of the villains who called themselves "Defenders" in the classic "Defender For A Day" story! Not to mention the times he's teamed up with guys like Blizzard, Eel, and the Purple Man.
Hmmmm... I had Vulture and Electro in mind, but I worded the question in the singular. That'd make either Electro or Vulture legit answers.
Take it away, Holypoop.
And Orin, I also like the team from Civil War, but it doesn't feel like the Six so much. I'd love to see more of those guys, minus Lizard like you said. He's just not a team-friendly villain, imo.