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As enjoyable as Frank Miller's Dark Knights writing is, it is NOT, nor should EVER, be considered canon. Dark Knight Returns, good book, phenomenal; in fact. DK2?
As enjoyable as Frank Miller's Dark Knights writing is, it is NOT, nor should EVER, be considered canon. Dark Knight Returns, good book, phenomenal; in fact. DK2?
Not so much.
Dark Knight returns was top notch story telling. DK2!? DC still owes me money for that Stinker! :disappoin
As enjoyable as Frank Miller's Dark Knights writing is, it is NOT, nor should EVER, be considered canon. Dark Knight Returns, good book, phenomenal; in fact. DK2?
Not so much.
DK2 takes WAY more flak than it should. Taken on its own, it's a solid little story. Compared to the original it doesn't really hold up.
Longest-Reigning Drunken HeroClix Champion - anyone got a liver? wonder they're going for so much on E-Bay.
(Joking aside, yeah, I think we all know Steve Rogers will be back, probably before Christmas).
I hope so, but I don't believe he will be. I'd love for him to return somehow (Skull screws things up, or it was the latest model LMD, which bleeds and replicates the targets DNA), but don't have my hopes up for it.
"Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad,
He's so bad, he mak'a me mad
Un-fun Dad, un-fun Dad
He's a real cad, Un-fun Dad"
I hope so, but I don't believe he will be. I'd love for him to return somehow (Skull screws things up, or it was the latest model LMD, which bleeds and replicates the targets DNA), but don't have my hopes up for it.
Haven't read all of this thread, but there are plenty of possibilities for hope.
Fury and Co clearly had a plan for extraction when the Skulls actions
interrupted, so they could have still swapped him out from the ambulance.
Further, I believe it has been said that this was a direction that was
similar to where Brubaker was heading anyway, but it was accelerated for
Civil War.
If that is so, then Brubaker has a clear route back planned for Steve a
little further up the road.