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Cosmic Boy uses Contingency Plan to up Maverick's Damage to 4.
Maverick on Force. AV10 on DV15. Gets 4.
Arisia on Force. AV8 on DV15. Gets 5.
I'm not sure what Force has done for you offensively, but defensively he's been harder to hurt than a cockroach. I've probably wasted more actions trying to hit him than any other figure so far.
Dredd to M14
Ice Barriers L13, M12, N11, O12
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) L23
Arisia (GLC) @ M13 (6!)
Kyle Rayner (CR) O19 (7!)
V Lobster Johnson H15 (Stealth)
V Ice (Construct) @ P17 (5!)
Maverick @ N13
V Judge Dredd @ M14 (5!)
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"I'll use my control over electromagnetic fields to double the power of your weapons," Cosmic Boy told Maverick.
"Cool," Maverick said, grinning. "Take this you scumbag." He leveled his gun at Major Force.
"All right, if you say so," Major Force said, snatching the gun out of Maverick's hand before he could shoot it. He used his great strength to bend the weapon into so much useless scrap metal.
"I am sick of you!" Arisia said blasting at him with her ring.
"Well that's your problem," Force said, shrugging off the attack, "because I'm here to stay!"
Judge Dredd pushes to M12, Outwits Major Force's Invulnerable. He takes a click.
Arisia pushes on Force. AV8 on DV15. Gets 7. He takes 3. Arisia takes a click and takes herself out. Hated to do it, but I feel like I have to get a hit in on Darkseid.
I'll use Obsidian to do it. With Life Model Decoy. Cosmic Boy uses Contingency Plan to up his AV to11 and TKs him to L13
Obsidian on Darkseid, AV11 on DV18. Gets 4. Of course he does.
Kyle on Volcana. AV8 on DV16. Gets 10 (Sure, now I get the 10) 3 to Volcana after Toughness.
Lobster Phases to L12 to cover Obsidian, so Darkseid can't just target him right back.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Kyle Rayner (CR) @ O19 (7!)
V Lobster Johnson @ L12
V Ice (Construct) P17 (5!)
Maverick N13
V Judge Dredd @@ M12 (6!)
V Obsidian (LMD) @ L13
HO G19, J17, P17, I6, L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"Come on," Judge Dredd said. "I'm bringing down this Major Force character if I have to go down with him!" He poured all his firepower into one big shot at the Major.
"Pathetic," Major Force said. "That did nothing."
"No, it softened you up for me!" Arisia said, concentrating all her will into one focused blast at the same place where Judge Dredd weakened Force's plating. It left Force on the ground, on his hands and knees, gasping in pain. The Green Lantern fainted away from the effort.
"Arisia!" Kyle called after her. "Oh you guys are so going to answer for that." He created a charging green bull that rammed into Volcana.
"Now that wasn't nice!" Volcana complained. "You want to play rough?" she asked. "I'll show you playing rough."
"Maybe you will and maybe you won't," a shadow spoke.
"Huh?" Volcana asked in surprise.
"Obsidian's the name, but you're lucky I've got bigger fish to fry," the shadow said and flew straight at - and through - Darkseid.
"An interesting ploy," Darkseid said. "And one that probably would have worked against a lesser opponent. But it had no effect on me."
"Well carp," Obsidian said.
"Get behind me, lad," Lobster Johnson said. "I'll shield you long enough to make a second try."
"There shall be no second tries, at least for you," Darkseid says as he fells Lobster Johnson with one attack.
"This Darkseid is something else, isn't he?" Judge Dredd asks.
"Just about the worst we've got," Kyle tells him.
"Maybe I can maneuver through some of these other folks to get a good shot at him," Dredd says. Finding the shot he needs he lifts his gun to target Darkseid, "Justice is about to be served."
Just then Volcana appears next to him, "Can I help you with something?'.
“You’ll burn! I’ll burn all of you!” Volcana said, threatening both Judge Dredd and Obsidian.
“We’ll see about that,” Paladin announced. “Nobody burns on my watch, hot stuff!” He got off a shot at her. She wasn’t out yet, but she was visibly dimmer, weakened.