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Seriously though, why does The Dark Knight get the Sharpshooter ability and not have any ranged powers? It just seems like a waste because the Sharpshooter ability lets you make ranged attacks against adjacent characters.
Same with The Batman. He has Leap/Climb and Flight... which seem to do just about the same thing. So what's the bonus to using (but not possessing) the Flight ability?
More importantly. Flight allows him to use it in conjunction with Charge to ignore terrain, whereas Leap/Climb would not be use in conjunction with Charge.
Read ALL the pages. By 'all you people', I'm talking about the ones calling either of these Batmen or Bruce Wayne "broken," and complaining about it. It's ridiculous, imo.
Still don't see anyone calling them broken. Can you refer to any specific post #s where anyone said that?
Let's Play "Whoizzit?"
My Avatar is an as-yet-un-clixed character. If you know who it is, be the first respondant to correctly identify this character I'll send you some free rep!
Or maybe people want reasonable versions of each character. You know how your average hero or villain with Super strength and invulnerability like Thing, Colossus, Wonderman, Luke Cage, Hercules, Strong Guy, The Wrecking Crew, Soloman Grundy, Wonder Girl, Robot Man, etc etc etc costs somewhere between 100-135 points or so? And then the Hulk in comics would easily defeat the vast majority of those people and therefore should be a lot stronger than them? And then he isn't.
And then you know how Batman is a mortal man who wears armor that doesn't offer him complete protection against dog bites or stabing knives or even cover his face?
And then the majority of the last several Hulks are around the same cost as this Batman?
So yeah, people don't want sucky Batman pieces because the last Hulks have sucked. In fact the last Hulks have not sucked, many are excellent. The new GG rare is a great "dial" for 124 points. But Hulk should be stronger than the average super strength invulnerability type, just like Batman should be a better fighter than the average martial artist piece and smarter than the average super intelligent piece.
These Batman pieces however, are stupid. They are WAY out of line for ability and point cost for any version of Batman, let alone the movie one who is both just starting out and has never fought any super-powered opponents. I have no interest in these dials at all. They look more like Dr. Doom dials than ones belonging to Batman. They are WAY out of their depth, just like the recent Hulk dials have been, which is why people are complaining.
I guess I'm happy for Batman fans who get to play with amazing Batmans who do a terrible job of representing him on the tabletop. I certainly don't want any, for the same reason I wouldn't want a 50 point Superman, no matter how super good or playable he was, it would just be dumb.
There is a lot of truth here. Taking the emotion out of it all, these dials just really underscore what's lacking in this game: some sort of power scale. I know folks want a better sense of scale between sculpts, but it is even more important between dials. For me, this is what wrecks the game - either figures being too weak or too powerful. Granted, that kind of scale may be tough to enforce across universes, but it should happen within a given universe.
Given the DC Universe, these Batmen seem way to powerful. He's a mere mortal who happens to be smart and a good (if not great) martial artist. And he's got gadgets. But should he realy be in the same neighborhood as Kilowog, Sinestro, Hal, Kyle, Mary Marvel, Shazam!, Grodd, Steel, Metallo, Cyborg Superman, Swamp Thing, Wildfire, Eradicator, etc., etc.? No, he shouldn't.
WizKids likes Batman. I get it. I like Batman, too. But I dislike these dials. I'd like to see a greater sense of balance to make me part with my money. So far, the previews I've seen from both Marvel and DC are making it very easy for me to keep my wallet closed. Maybe if they release less product they could spend more time focusing on accurate and balanced dials.
In addressing the Invulnerabilty ability, the one thing we are also overlooking is the base damage creep that has been happening in the game. Remember when 3 damage only happened to metahumans or big gunners? Remember the Watchmen set, which pretty much comfirmed that regular people could only deal out 2 damage? Well that went out the window some time ago. We now have Black Cats, Batman and other regular people who can punch through walls.
The logical extention is that damage reducers would go up as well. I know we wonlt like the mechanics but the reality is that this was going to happen sometime.
I know these are the movie figures, but for those of your who aren't reading the comics, I suggest you get ready to really freak out. The new batsuits on Bats, Batgirl, Nightwing and BatWoman have shown them able to walk away from explosions, huge bladed weapons and multiple gunshots. Red Robin can fly.
The jump to Invulnerable is happening. It is simply a result of that creep up in 3 damage.
If damage creep is the explanation, why didn't a single Captain America from the Cap set get invuln? Surely if Batman has 3 clicks worth, Captain America should be worthy of a click or 2? It's these types of oversight or favortism that makes me scratch my head?
If damage creep is the explanation, why didn't a single Captain America from the Cap set get invuln? Surely if Batman has 3 clicks worth, Captain America should be worthy of a click or 2? It's these types of oversight or favortism that makes me scratch my head?
most of the time i like to keep my two cent out of the interweb but i cant read any more!
first the caps in that set were all beasts for under 100 points 12 attacks 18 def.....were is the batman with those stats for 68 points? so to continue ...have you not seen this preview?/
and as for all the ppl whining about a smart normal human who just happens to wear armor.......that happens to sound like iron man to me! and no one complains about him with inv... get over it ppl its batman hes smart ,has billions of dollard to make any type of armor or weapons he wants !! yes with enough money and smarts you can keep up with hulk......and beat him!
If damage creep is the explanation, why didn't a single Captain America from the Cap set get invuln? Surely if Batman has 3 clicks worth, Captain America should be worthy of a click or 2? It's these types of oversight or favortism that makes me scratch my head?
both have the exact same first click stats and both sart with the same def abilities as well as both are indom the only real advantages that batman has is flight outwit and 2 clicks of life oh and hes double the cost so you can play 2 caps for the price of 1 bat!
I absolutely love this Batman set now! This is the kind of Batman that could hang with the Justice League and not seem out of place. I can't want to do a World's Finest team-up with The Batman and Fast Forces Superman for 290 points! Oh yes, I am excited about this set.
Given the DC Universe, these Batmen seem way to powerful. He's a mere mortal who happens to be smart and a good (if not great) martial artist. And he's got gadgets. But should he realy be in the same neighborhood as Kilowog, Sinestro, Hal, Kyle, Mary Marvel, Shazam!, Grodd, Steel, Metallo, Cyborg Superman, Swamp Thing, Wildfire, Eradicator, etc., etc.? No, he shouldn't.
WizKids likes Batman. I get it. I like Batman, too. But I dislike these dials. I'd like to see a greater sense of balance to make me part with my money. So far, the previews I've seen from both Marvel and DC are making it very easy for me to keep my wallet closed. Maybe if they release less product they could spend more time focusing on accurate and balanced dials.
Agree with this totally and couldn't have said it better. In fact I've been trying to write something on these previews, but I keep getting all fired up over them.... so I'll just agree with ol_Dut here and call it good.
Intellectuals! Liberals! Peacemongers! IDIOTS!
"Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness."
Wished they never made Movie Clix sculpts. It floods us with too many versions of same characters, and the characters do not look the same as in the Comics, and neither do the costumes. I hope they do not make the dials better than the comic accurate clix versions. I may not buy them, just to send a message.
Given the DC Universe, these Batmen seem way to powerful. He's a mere mortal who happens to be smart and a good (if not great) martial artist. And he's got gadgets. But should he realy be in the same neighborhood as Kilowog, Sinestro, Hal, Kyle, Mary Marvel, Shazam!, Grodd, Steel, Metallo, Cyborg Superman, Swamp Thing, Wildfire, Eradicator, etc., etc.? No, he shouldn't.
These Batman characters aren't from the DC Universe. They are from the Nolanverse.
All that really matters is that the points value "matches" the effectiveness of the dial.