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Hmmmmm.....I'm not sure that the duel should end just because Trigon is pitted. I suppose that's only fair.
I don't know that we've ever had it come up. Thanos is going to clear this turn anyway. We can discuss it. Does he sit there and wait for Trigon to come back and do it all over again? Kinda of seems like dragging it out a little. Trigon is KO'd per the wording of the card, so I'd say that's duel over.
And do you really think you should be able to copy Trigon's Mystics with the event when he's Pitted? Seems to me that for the duration he's out of play and ineligible to copy, I'd say.
If a pitted character is koed in a duel, the duel can end. I'm fine with that. As if it will ever come up again.
Amalgym is based on any two ta or feats that characters have. I would think it shouldn't matter if a figure is pitted or in a duel, the ta is still on board. I'm not married to that thought though. Consistency is the trick here, as this game is probably not even 1/4 way through.
All right so if a dueling figure has the Pit, both return to the main map after he goes in the pit. And you can still use his TA for Amalgam
I get a 6 for Halloween. Degaton uses his Free Incap on the Lizard, AV8 on DV17 +1. Gets a 12. Well, I'll take it. Too bad it doesn't give me any more bonuses. Just a token and a push to him.
Can Kilowog break? Gets 1. Attacks Angel then, AV10 on DV16, Gets 7. You've got Destiny. She makes it 9. 3 to Angel, 1 to Kilowog.
Magog turns into the Vampire, getting Stealth and - ironically - a slightly better DV until my next turn.
AA Per Degaton (Dissent) I10 (4)
V Polaris (Endurance-1) F5 (1)
V Lockjaw (FF-Fallback) E6/E7 (2)
GLGF Kilowog @@ P10 (1)
Firelord V IC (Protected) I7 (4)
Thanos (SV-Dissent) D8
Silver Banshee (Lazarus Pit) I5
Magog (UN-Fortitude) L5 (5)
HT-V Solomon Grundy, CJ-Despero, CM-V Umar, UL-Thor, LG-Flash, IO V Raven, AW V Quicksilver, CD V Dr. Light, GL Ganthet, LS-Cosmic Boy, AV Stardust, MU Mastermind, CR Green Arrow, BA Bane, SI Dr. Strange, HT54 Loki, BB Talia, BN Green Lantern, BD Martian Manhunter, AN Sinestro (60), GX Magneto, CA MODOK,IH Amadeus Cho, IG Terraxia, GG Morg, AVM Nick Fury (203), DKR Joker (28), CW Dr. Doom & Kang, JL52 Deathstroke, M10A Worldbreaker, BM Black Queen, SOG David Cain, GCSG Killer Croc, Baron Mordo (ASM) - 7977
"Let's see," Kilowog ticked off on his fingers, "I can fly. You can fly. Check. I got a super-powerful weapon that lets me create anything I can think of. You...don't. Bummer." He created a bazooka to shoot the Angel out of the sky.
Event roll is 4, crazy 9s. My #7 for your #3. Terra back to you, Lockjaw for me. Not an exciting switcheroo although I guess I win that one.
DD outwits Wog's invulnerable.
Blink tks Herc to P9.
Herc vs. Wog. Needs 7, rolls 5. Destiny makes it 7. 3 to him.
Wow, no duels?
Daredevil V SN P7 (Stunning Blow) (stealthed)
Trigon (6) (In the Lazarus Pit) U5
Hercules SI (Shellhead) (4) @ P6
Destiny V (2) T6 (Retaliation)
Lizard (4) (TabApp-Animal) M5
Blink R @ P4 (Endurance-1)
Lockjaw V (2) (Fallback) R4, 5
Angel DR (Drag) (3) P10
My drafts:
CT-Nightcrawler 83, CM-Nebula V 76, UN-Shazam 221-256, MM-Vertigo V 66, UL-Captain America V 103, FF-Scarlet Witch V 62, LG-Mr. Terrific V 80,CD-Red Tornado V 67, AW-Psylocke V 75, SN-Bullseye V 65, IK-V Superman 251, GI- Atom Smasher 97, 2099- Punisher 104, SV-Graviton 178, LOSH-Lightning Lad 70, AV-Spider-Man 111, JL-Deadman 118, OR-Supergirl V 232, MU- Cuckoos x 3 120, BA-Alfred 30, FF-Reed Richards 100, HA-Thor 226, AA-Wonder Woman 248, WM-Dr. Manhattan 276, BD-Atom 65, AN-Barry Allen 119, GL-Salaak 100, GX-Professor X 123, SM-Black Adam 300, IG-Collector 240, GG-Captain Marvel 141, AVM-Destroyer 250, DK-Batman 100 105, CW-Chaos King 350, 52-Hawkman 95, M10-Dark Phoenix 300, DC10-Nightwing 94, TABM-Cyclops 105, BM7204-Catwoman 75, SG-Black Canary FF 100, GC-Penguin 70, ASM-Daimon Hellstrom
You're going to want to do a position check. Several of your guys seem off. Not enough that I can't do my turn though.
I get 7 for Amalgam. X-Men and Mystics (that sounds familiar)
Per Degaton tries to Free Incap Lizard again, AV8 on DV17 +1. Gets 5.
Can Magog break from Lizard? Gets 3, attacks him then. AV12 on DV17. Gets 8, 2 to Lizard.
Firelord to E6
Terra uses X-Men to heal him 1. Rolls a 2 and takes 1.
Polaris does the same. Rolls a 5, so she takes no damage for it.
Silver Banshee RS to I7, triple Incap on Herc, Lizard and Blink. AV11 on DV17, 18 +1 and 16 +1. Gets 9. All three get a token. Blink takes 1 for the push. Then her SP kicks in. Lizard's Toughness absorbs the extra damage. Herc takes 1 after Toughness, and Blink takes 2 more, that's 3 total to her.
AA Per Degaton (Dissent) I10 (5)
V Polaris (Endurance-1) @ F5 (1)
Terra IK (Construct) @ E7 (5)
GLGF Kilowog P10 (4)
Firelord V IC (Protected) @ E6 (2)
Thanos (SV-Dissent) D8
Silver Banshee (Lazarus Pit) @ I7
Magog (UN-Fortitude) @ L5 (5)
HT-V Solomon Grundy, CJ-Despero, CM-V Umar, UL-Thor, LG-Flash, IO V Raven, AW V Quicksilver, CD V Dr. Light, GL Ganthet, LS-Cosmic Boy, AV Stardust, MU Mastermind, CR Green Arrow, BA Bane, SI Dr. Strange, HT54 Loki, BB Talia, BN Green Lantern, BD Martian Manhunter, AN Sinestro (60), GX Magneto, CA MODOK,IH Amadeus Cho, IG Terraxia, GG Morg, AVM Nick Fury (203), DKR Joker (28), CW Dr. Doom & Kang, JL52 Deathstroke, M10A Worldbreaker, BM Black Queen, SOG David Cain, GCSG Killer Croc, Baron Mordo (ASM) - 7977
Come on event roll, Papa needs a break: 10, redux.
Can Angel break? 6. Moves to P5.
Blink exchanges a click with him. X-ta roll is 2. Won't even bother with endurance, she's out.
I'll draft the Supernova figure: Super-Nova. I really do hate to resort to nova blast, I kind of find it cheap and unimaginative. And yet here I am using it. He'll hss to H6 and go nova. Rolls 10. And that's sweet. 4 to Polaris, Firelord, Thanos, Silver Banshee and a ko to Per Degaton and Terra. Nova ends in J5, takes 2.
And Daredevil gets my redux, I guess. Here's his dial:
My bad, a few changes then. Angel and Blink's moves are fine.
For consistency-ish I'll make it Jack of Hearts instead. He'll rs to K10 pulse waving. Rolls 10 ( 2 5s). 4 to Silver Banshee, Per Deg and Magog. 4 to Lizard for a ko. Per Deg is also koed.
DD's incap of Silver B stands.
Lockjaw to IJ10 for the block.
Phantom Lady is an odd choice to draft but I will. She'll replace Liz. Pummel on her. She'll try to incap Magog. Needs 4, rolls 9. He's incapped.
Next set draft: Avengers
I'll adjust the story to match also.
Daredevil V SN @ P7 (Stunning Blow) (stealthed)
Trigon (4) (In the Lazarus Pit) U5
Hercules SI (Shellhead) (5) P9
Destiny V (2) T6 (Retaliation)
Phantom Lady @ M5 (Pummel) (stealthed)
Jack of Hearts (2) @ J5
Lockjaw V (2) (Fallback) @ I, J10
Angel DR (Drag) (2) @ P5
My drafts:
CT-Nightcrawler 83, CM-Nebula V 76, UN-Shazam 221-256, MM-Vertigo V 66, UL-Captain America V 103, FF-Scarlet Witch V 62, LG-Mr. Terrific V 80,CD-Red Tornado V 67, AW-Psylocke V 75, SN-Bullseye V 65, IK-V Superman 251, GI- Atom Smasher 97, 2099- Punisher 104, SV-Graviton 178, LOSH-Lightning Lad 70, AV-Spider-Man 111, JL-Deadman 118, OR-Supergirl V 232, MU- Cuckoos x 3 120, BA-Alfred 30, FF-Reed Richards 100, HA-Thor 226, AA-Wonder Woman 248, WM-Dr. Manhattan 276, BD-Atom 65, AN-Barry Allen 119, GL-Salaak 100, GX-Professor X 123, SM-Black Adam 300, IG-Collector 240, GG-Captain Marvel 141, AVM-Destroyer 250, DK-Batman 100 105, CW-Chaos King 350, 52-Hawkman 95, M10-Dark Phoenix 300, DC10-Nightwing 94, TABM-Cyclops 105, BM7204-Catwoman 75, SG-Black Canary FF 100, GC-Penguin 70, ASM-Daimon Hellstrom
Feats used: Ambidextrous, Book of Destiny, Construct, Contingency Plan, Drag, Endurance (2), Force Field, Loner, Marvel Knights, Nanobots, Nova Blast, Protected, Pummel, Repulsor Shield, Shellhead (2), Sidestep, Stunning Blow, Trick Shot, Retaliation, Winter Guard
Event roll is an 11 for Shrinkage. No one's affected, but several are now on the cusp. Remind me again what happens next time we roll it though? Does it just go back to the full map? Or does it shrink once more before springing back to the start?
Thanos, kind of a waste, but Outwits Lockjaw's Toughness and attacks, AV13 on DV13. Gets 4. 4 to the Pup.
Just to make sure I don't lose Thanos to a stupid map roll, Terra will taxis him. F11 for her and E10 for him. That pushes her into a KO.
Can Kilowog break from Herc? Gets 2. Attacks him, AV10 on DV16. Gets 7. Jack makes it 11. Destiny makes it 8. A lot of work to ping him for 1 after Toughness.
While Thanos is on the map, now is the time to bring in Terraxia. She'll go for the easy KO of Lockjaw. AV10 on DV17. Gets 9. He's out.
Still have to replace Per Degaton. AW Quicksilver with Swingline. HSS to I6 to attack Jack, AV10 on DV16. Gets 5. I was due for a miss, I guess. Ends in I10 to block Lockjaw's replacement.
Terraxia Perplexes Thanos's DV to 19.
V Polaris (Endurance-1) F5 (1)
GLGF Kilowog @ P10 (4)
Firelord V IC (Protected) E6 (2)
Thanos (SV-Dissent) @ E10
Silver Banshee (Lazarus Pit) I7 (5)
Magog (UN-Fortitude) L5 (10)
Terraxia (Shellhead) @ F11
AW V Quicksilver (Swingline) @ I10
HT-V Solomon Grundy, CJ-Despero, CM-V Umar, UL-Thor, LG-Flash, IO V Raven, CD V Dr. Light, GL Ganthet, LS-Cosmic Boy, AV Stardust, MU Mastermind, CR Green Arrow, BA Bane, SI Dr. Strange, HT54 Loki, BB Talia, BN Green Lantern, BD Martian Manhunter, AN Sinestro (60), GX Magneto, CA MODOK,IH Amadeus Cho, GG Morg, AVM Nick Fury (203), DKR Joker (28), CW Dr. Doom & Kang, JL52 Deathstroke, M10A Worldbreaker, BM Black Queen, SOG David Cain, GCSG Killer Croc, Baron Mordo (ASM) - 7977
After 3 spaces the map immediately reverts back to the original way it was. As do our starting areas.
My event is a 7 and once more I'll choose X-Men and Mystics.
I need tk Red Tornado's in. Alias on him. He tks Destiny to P8.
Destiny exchanges a click w/Herc. X-ta roll is 3, 1 to her.
Herc vs the Wog. Needs 6, rolls 9. 1 to Wog. Herc has flurry: needs 7, rolls 7. 2 more to Wog.
Daredevil V SN P7 (Stunning Blow) (stealthed)
Trigon (2) (In the Lazarus Pit) U5
Hercules SI (Shellhead) (5) @ P9
Destiny V (3) @ P8 (Retaliation)
Phantom Lady M5 (Pummel) (stealthed)
Jack of Hearts (2) J5
Angel DR (Drag) (2) P5
Red Tornado V @ W4 (Alias)
My drafts:
CT-Nightcrawler 83, CM-Nebula V 76, UN-Shazam 221-256, MM-Vertigo V 66, UL-Captain America V 103, FF-Scarlet Witch V 62, LG-Mr. Terrific V 80,AW-Psylocke V 75, SN-Bullseye V 65, IK-V Superman 251, GI- Atom Smasher 97, 2099- Punisher 104, SV-Graviton 178, LOSH-Lightning Lad 70, AV-Spider-Man 111, JL-Deadman 118, OR-Supergirl V 232, MU- Cuckoos x 3 120, BA-Alfred 30, FF-Reed Richards 100, HA-Thor 226, AA-Wonder Woman 248, WM-Dr. Manhattan 276, BD-Atom 65, AN-Barry Allen 119, GL-Salaak 100, GX-Professor X 123, SM-Black Adam 300, IG-Collector 240, GG-Captain Marvel 141, AVM-Destroyer 250, DK-Batman 100 105, CW-Chaos King 350, 52-Hawkman 95, M10-Dark Phoenix 300, DC10-Nightwing 94, TABM-Cyclops 105, BM7204-Catwoman 75, SG-Black Canary FF 100, GC-Penguin 70, ASM-Daimon Hellstrom
Feats used: Alias, Ambidextrous, Book of Destiny, Construct, Contingency Plan, Drag, Endurance (2), Force Field, Loner, Marvel Knights, Nanobots, Nova Blast, Protected, Pummel, Repulsor Shield, Shellhead (2), Sidestep, Stunning Blow, Trick Shot, Retaliation, Winter Guard