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Originally posted by erick And I'm not sure why you jump in and defend him all the time. Maybe you like to barn Stu up (see... back on topic) because he quotes you in his Metagame article so in that regard --- you have contributed well to the topic of this thread.
Kids, check it out. There is a subtle distinction between Barn and befriend. Stu's over the top, but he's a good guy. When 43 people line up to take shots at him, and I consider him a friend, I'll defend him. Could he tone it down sometimes? Sure. So could TJ and Billy. So could I. But absolutely tearing at somebody for several days in unnecessary and shouldn't be tolerated. Whatever your take on his motives or successfulness, Stu loves this game and tries to promote it. Not for a paycheck, but because he loves the game. That should be good enough most days. If you wanna start a hate thread, please do, but direct it at the guy that KEEPS making the rediculous Top Ten lists...
Originally posted by cmacbgoode That should be good enough most days. If you wanna start a hate thread, please do, but direct it at the guy that KEEPS making the rediculous Top Ten lists...
Do I hear a call for:
Top Ten Reasons to Hate Top Ten Lists
That's a thread I can get behind ... and be sure to have about 13 items on the list because of ties ;)
But make sure you don't have a reasonable top 10 list. Have the dumbest reasons to hate them at the top of this list and have the best reasons as runner ups.
Originally posted by cmacbgoode Kids, check it out. There is a subtle distinction between Barn and befriend. Stu's over the top, but he's a good guy. When 43 people line up to take shots at him, and I consider him a friend, I'll defend him.
Rian Fike is a good guy... that was never in contention. It's his online personality, stubarnes, that usually causes problems.
You are taking this way too seriously... we are having fun here... Stu actually asked for it with his opening "shots" and his disclaimer. If you don't like it... read another thread. You can check out the responses to TJ's TR and see stu befriending (read: barning) the same guys who were just capping on him on the barn thread this was based on.
There is actually a BIG distinction between barn and befriend. Have you done more than just met Rian Fike in person? Have you had a meal with him... met his family... been over to his house... hung out with him outside of a VS tournament? If you have... then I apologize for outing you as a barn... but seriously... that last post of yours really colors you more like "Barney" than "and Friends".
And since I'm back on topic again... can people barn each other? How do you decide which is the hull and which is the barn? And what about barns that have barns? Are they called hullicles?
Originally posted by stubarnes erick needs the classification of "barn" to justify his existence.
And cmacbgoode was calling my crackbacks lame.
Welcome back stu (I win a prize!)... tired of barning the DT guys?
Really... you guys should check out stu's posts over there to see a true definition of barning. In the progenitor of this thread, he was telling strider119 that his parents made the wrong decision in having him as a child and over there he is worshipping him... even copying his trademark post signoff... great stuff.
Well, I for one, better get my two cents in, before this thread shuts down lol...
For one, this thread has singlehandedly won Vs.Realms, for me anyway.
To be honest, this is probably the most honesty I have seen in a thread, ever lol.
Let me some up the reason why EVERYBODY seems to think that it's fasionable to hate stu....
Stubarnes is a people pleaser. Not Rian mind you, but Stubarnes....
In my mind, all Stu wants is for you to like him. It's just that, some people don't like that lol...
That, in my mind, sums up this thread :p. Well, the whole Biz Vs Stu thing was different, but was EXTREMLY interesting. Metagame better be thanking thier little cotton socks(Kamiza tm), because that was pure marketing gold. Two pople who basically embody their two user bases, you HAVE to love that lol. Unfortunetly, I fall on Biz's side of the spectrum. As much as I hated his approach, I actually liked Metagame better with all of the Development Articles. Because, well, I am a casual player lol. I don't really care that much about in-depth nuber crunching stats that involve all sort's of deck testing and the like. However, I do LOVE this games engine, and I love hearing about it ^_^. So, sorry on behalf of the casual player for our poor reader fan-base lol.
BTW, Stu is Biz's father.....AND brother. There is NO way you can throw down like that, and be all good 2 pages later without the same blood runnin through your veins ^_^.
So, before I return to lurking, here is some healthy critisism lol...
Stu: Listen, I love you man, but somtimes, you gotta show your Avalanche hater side ^_^. Sure, I think you have piss poor call's when it comes to favorite teams, but I still LIKE you lol. That'll shut up all the people pleaser hater's ^_^. As for your Articles, I hear that you tend to stick to either Longshot, or 1 Drop Army. Take your Favorite Characters, that are not 1 drop, and build a deck with em. That's all ^_^. Oh, BTW, Go New and De-Proved Poor Avalanche....And F all the Av Barns over the years.....
Is there somewhere I can sign up to become a barn? I've heard the word so often over the last couple of days, I can't think of anything else. Perhpas becoming a barn will hush the voices in my head. Any hulls have room for one more barn? Oh, I don't do fetching food though.