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dam that king effect is scary. I think that effect is too much of a disadvantage to put on a three drop. you're gonna have to keep recovering him over your 5, 6, maybe even 7 to not lose the game, unless you can return him to your hand somehow
I kept waiting to get a 'chess deck' teaming up the Hellfire Club with Checkmate.
But the "King dies = You Lose" thing is just plain AMAZING!! Not that it's 'good' but the flavor is just awesome, I MUST play that team ...
Speaking of which:
Loyalty - Reveal is a nice 'new mechanic' ... it's a combination of loyalty and the pseudo loyalty we've seen in the past ... a nice 'compact' way to deal with those characters [not to mention that, since it combines with loyalty it follows the "share any one team affiliation" rule.
And we get Lex Luthor <> Mockingbird tommorow.
I'm sad that we only got 2 VU cards [it seems anyway] ... but we know one card we will be seeing today ... some sort of anti-KO card for Checkmate ... hmm ... [if it's something like Insect Swarm it might be useful for a X-Statix deck ... which WOULD like our White King getting us our needed locations before he bounces away with U-Go-Girl or Mind Over Matter]
De Rosa also mentions in his preview that "Threat Neutralized" is previewed today.. your mission guys, IS TO FIND IT!! i would but my contacts are gettin dry, I can't find my glasses, and i work in the morning.. GOOD NIGHT!!
Ahmed looks great in the right deck. With concealed-optional, it's easy to keep him out of combat. And I would think that Checkmate have some cards that'll save him from stunning/KOing plot twists.
EDIT: Threat Neutralized could be up at any point today (Apr. 20th). It's not necesarily up yet, Dr. Sumo.
My initial thought is that he's poo.
Granted I've been wrong before so full judgement has to wait.
At least he's a walking better version Demon's Head.
BTW, what time zone is Metagame on? Its still the 19th where I'm at.