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Why is it bad that they try to make it look like WOW? They took alot of things that worked in WOW and brought it into vs. WOW people don't seem to complain, even though UDE took most of the things that worked in VS and recycled it right into WOW. Besides, the new vs cards still have that slightly "metallic" feel to them, which is in my opinion what defined a vs card in the first place
Was the way cards were made so awful, it warnted such changes?
It was familiar. If people weren't playing the game before, why should they play it now? This is a 'sign' that the game is changing, as much symbolic as necessary.
Isn't this going to confuse players new to the game?
Seeing the old cards may be. However, the new cards may be more clear. The attack/defense is arguably better. The activate symbol is something that nearly any player can figure out on their own INSTEAD of a word like "activate" which is basically a keyword that needs to be defined.
Pros: Cleaner looking cards and it allows for more art to be seen. Helps create a more interesting look and feel to the game. The new foils seem very interesting and I am excited to see them.
That's part of the reason I believe ... making the cards look 'sleeker' gives the illusion of simplicity which might be just the 'lure' to get people to actually try the game before righting it off as too complicated.
The look of the cards has TWO functions:
(a) They are a lure to attract players
(b) They need to be functional as well
Changing them appeals to the first part, because the new core sets are all about attracting players.
Cons: The Symbols. Uggggg. The worst thing you can do on a playing card is make something smaller. Shrinking the flight and range symbols is not good because late in a tournament, its easy to skip over who has flight and/or range even with the symbols as they were. Making them much smaller and having them on the card without a card having them can cause confusion easily.
The same goes for the concealed symbols. I liked the dark cards. This seems like it was more of a money saving move.
Well, the concealed/optional thing is in ADDITION to the borders. Concealed will be all black, concealed-optional will be gradient, and visible will be red. The icons are just there as 'reminders' ... and because they have to be SOMEWHERE on the card, because in the past, it wasn't just the color of the border, but the text as well. They've just changed the text that most people took for granted, and made them into icons that people will take for granted ... because the border will be giving the info anyway [especially if it is true that concealed-optional will be different from straight concealed.
The new activate symbol can be easily confused with exhaust.
However, the term "activate" was basically a made up keyword that meant "exhaust this card as a cost". The symbol, on the other hand, is symbolic of what you are doing, instead of a keyword taht you need to define. Not a BIG issue, but most of us take it for granted that we know what activate means. Allowing a player to open a pack, look at the card and INSTANTLY know what that symbol means has some appeal. Again, someone looking in on a game would get that much more of a "Ah, I see what is happening here" feel with a symbol this clear.
The team names having symbols instead is also kinda unnecessary.
In addition to team names. The names are still there. The symbols used in card text can cut down on the ammount of text. This won't cause problems in most situations because you'd be playing characters from the team that you have team stamped effects for, and thus, you'd have a whole lot of 'reminders' of what that symbol means.
Overall, the changes seem interesting and exciting, but just seems unessecary and possibly confusing for newer players.
Again, you need to remember that a new player doesn't have all the 'baggage' that we have, so the confussion is only in that the older cards will be different from newer ones. However, that's assuming the older cards 'pop up' before the players have gotten hooked.
New base set means new boosters. Those will be composed of cards with the new templates, and thus the players can learn the game from the comfort of their own home. When they feel ready to venture forth and find out more about the game, they will likely be 'ready' to deal with the confusion that older cards might bring up.
How about instead of saying making them look like WoW... just making them look better and more functional?
- The affiliation border on the left was a big waste of space and ate too much into the art.
- Adding icons allows for more relevant game text and cuts down on redudancy
- The separation of ATK/DEF allows new players a more visual way to compare the numbers
If you've never seen a WoW card... you would probably appreciate how well designed the new format is. I'm sure many of you have seen tons of CCGs and the new design is both simplistic and stylish at the same time. You want a bad card design? Look at the new Bleach ones (sorry Aik)... they totally wasted space with metrics and borders.
I appreciate the dissenting opinions but I would like to see more thought out responses other than "I don't like them because they look like WoW cards". The comments about the concealed/visible icons is valid and I agree. I also don't necessarily like the splitting of the ATK/DEF values. But how anyone can not want wide-screen art is beyond me... you guys must be watching TV on an old cathode-tube set.
This is not "changing" the game... it's just "upgrading" the look.
But wait, theres more! Strap a BPRD on him, and you got yourself a wrecking ball!
How will you pay the 1 endurance? need to literally build your deck around getting Hulk, th Signal Device AND a generic lifegain card all at the same time...
Level 12 Intelligence for Victory (and pray they can't reinforce)
You have to remember that people are resistant to change in general. Ok, so we take that part and run with it. People like what they like and changing it on them, out of nowhere, scares people. You ruin their comfort zone.
If the rules are not drastically changing, just clarifying, then everything is going to be fine. The new look will take adjusting. Some may not like the sun/moon thing. That's fine, but as long as the core game is the same, I really don't care.
I would rather we attract more players (if that indeed was part of their intent), than stick to the older more confusing designs.
OK. I stoped reading on page 5. I like the new style.
1) This will make it easyer to teach someone to play.
2) It will be less confusing on who is visibal and not.
3) Team Symbol is easy to see if you have a card with it.
4) The Activate is less confussing for new players.
5) THIS IS NOT WOW! They may have used stuff from WOW but it's their stuff and can do what ever they feel like.
How about instead of saying making them look like WoW... just making them look better and more functional?
- The affiliation border on the left was a big waste of space and ate too much into the art.
- Adding icons allows for more relevant game text and cuts down on redudancy
- The separation of ATK/DEF allows new players a more visual way to compare the numbers
If you've never seen a WoW card... you would probably appreciate how well designed the new format is. I'm sure many of you have seen tons of CCGs and the new design is both simplistic and stylish at the same time. You want a bad card design? Look at the new Bleach ones (sorry Aik)... they totally wasted space with metrics and borders.
I appreciate the dissenting opinions but I would like to see more thought out responses other than "I don't like them because they look like WoW cards". The comments about the concealed/visible icons is valid and I agree. I also don't necessarily like the splitting of the ATK/DEF values. But how anyone can not want wide-screen art is beyond me... you guys must be watching TV on an old cathode-tube set.
This is not "changing" the game... it's just "upgrading" the look.
I Agree with Erick...why do I feel like it's suddenly opposite day...
Cheap-looking? I think they look better than the old cards in regards to "cheapness". I guess I was never a fan of the left-handed affiliation border... it just took up too much space and made the cards off-centered. The design elements around the costs make it less generic but I think stu is a better critic of artsy stuff than I am.
Quit whining; the new look is awesome, they did a great job, just give it a bit of time. Save complaining for when they remake Gotham Knights as an unplayable team a 3rd time :(.
Seeing the old cards may be. However, the new cards may be more clear. The attack/defense is arguably better.
Ok so tell me why, cause I'm not seeing how its better. Either way both numbers need to be explained and it doesnt seem to be any easier to explain this way rather than the old way. Its certainly not more clear in terms of flight and range since every card will have the symbols on them, yes I understand they'll be "highlighted" if they actually have the ability. But if they dont have the ability dont put the symbol on the card thats fairly easy to understand.
New Look - eh.
Not in love with it, not hating it - one minor complaint about it.
I liked having all the critical info (Cost, Affiliation, F/R, ATK and DEF) on the left hand side of the card as to be able to see everything with the cards fanned out. Now that Affiliation and Def are moved that's not the case. It mostly just a problem with the def as I ike being able to see the cards entire stats with them fanned out - That's all. so long as the card backs are the same and they don't phase out the old sets I'm fine with this...