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"Oh yeah?" Volcana says, "Well, try this!". Summoning her lava power only serves to burn out her own energy and she falls.
Arclight charges in hoping for better luck. She stomps her foot to the ground catching only Judge Dredd in the fallout. "Better luck next time," she says.
"Right, like we'll give you a 'next time'", Obsidian says.
The sea goddess Hecate sits back and watches, "I will bide my time," says she, "And await a moment to make this world mine by taking it!".
Hecate's a villain. That's cool. But you can't TK Arclight to L12 because of the Barrier. TK needs LOF to the destination square, and the Barrier would block that.
Sure, that'll work. You've got Hecate and Unus in the same spot, but I don't see that it'll affect my turn any.
Dredd replaced by Hyperion. With Protected. Cosmic Boy uses Contingency Plan to up his AV to 13, and TKs him to J13.
Hyperion Hypersonics to I6, grabs the HO there and hits Darkseid with it. AV13 on DV18. Gets 6. Impervious is 4, so Darkseid will take 5. Hyperion ends in G5. One of the few times Hyperion's actually worked for me. And amazing that that is the first object we've used all game.
Obsidian uses his Psychic Blast on Arclight. AV10 on DV16. Gets a 9. She takes 3.
Kyle to K23
Paladin, with Willpower, attacks Arclight. AV9 on DV15. Gets 8 (4+4) Arclight takes 2 after Toughness and KB to N10
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Kyle Rayner (CR) @ K23 (7!)
V Ice (Construct) P17 (5!)
Maverick N13
V Obsidian (LMD) @ L13
V Paladin @@ G18
V Hyperion (Protected) @ G5
HO G19, J17, P17 L2, K2
LO L14, M14, R16, L5, I5, N6
"Time for your comeuppance, Darkseid!" Something flew in really fast and hit him with a large dlab of concrete.
"Superman," Darkseid said, a cold anger rising inside him.
"Don't know him. My name's Hyperion. Remember it."
"Oh, I will..." Darkseid promised.
"You can't hurt me with physical force when I'm in my shadow form," Obsidian told Arclight, "but I can hurt you." Icy darkness cut through the villainess.
"Well there's an opening if ever I saw one," Paladin said and shot Arclight. The force of the shot sent her falling into one of the pools. She emerged dripping wet.
Ummmm....ouch. Darkseid's hit bad and Arclight is sludge. Kinda makes me wish I'd not chosen Hecate last turn but here she is.
Unus tks Hecate to K12.
Hecate outwits Obsidian's ss and attacks. Needs 8, rolls 11. 2 to him afte LMD and 1 to her.
Darkseid on Obisidian. Needs 7, gets 8. SS is 2. That's 4 to Obsidian, 1 to Darkseid.
Ultrahumanite tks Super-Adaptoid to I4.
Super-Adaptoid on Hyperion. Needs 8, gets 8. Imperv is 4. So either he uses protected or takes 1 after imperv. Adaptoid will use damage drain to borrow Hype's imperv. On top of that he's using camouflage to stealth himself.
"This barely stings me. It'll take more than that to hurt me," Hyperion promises.
"What about the combined skills of Iron Man, Thor, the Vision, Captain America, Hawkeye..." the Super-Adaptoid poses, repulsor rays at the ready.
"Oh brother," Hyperion says to himself.
Meanwhile the Goddess Hecate lunges for Obsidian and reaches through his darkness to injure him. "You'll not hide in the darkness from me."
"Excellent! You have made a dent, now let Darkseid sow his vengeance," Darkseid says.
"No!" Obsidian panics and expands his darkness onto both Hecate and Darkseid. The Goddess and God-ling escape it easily but at a cost that nearly exhausts them.
Well since he'd be taking 1 either way, I'll save the Protected for later. Let's see if I can solve two problems here. Hyperion will push, fly to L4 to grab the LO from under Merlyn, de-Stealthing him, then proceed to attack Darkseid with it, AV11 on DV17. Gets 10. Darkseid takes 4 after Toughness. He's down. Hyperion ends in G8
Maverick on Arclight. Cosmic Boy contingencies his Damage up to 3. AV10 on DV14. Gets 5. 2 to her after Toughness. She's down.
Ice Barriers K12, L11, M12, N12
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) L23
Kyle Rayner (CR) K23 (7!)
V Ice (Construct) @ P17 (5!)
Maverick @ N13
V Obsidian (LMD) L13 (6!)
V Paladin G18
V Hyperion (Protected) @@ G8 (2!)
"You can almost feel the hate and menace emanating off of you," Hyperion told Darkseid.
"Thank you," Darkseid said. "I take that as a compliment."
"Wasn't meant to be," Hyperion said. "Just a reason to bring you down, fast." He pulled down a whole corner of the building and used it as a club to slam Darkseid with all his considerable might. Darkseid wend down under it.
"Whoa," Kyle said. "Did that guy, like, single-handedly take down Darkseid?"
"Yup," Kilowog said simply.
Kyle whistled. "I'm sure glad he's on our side. He must be almost as strong as Superman."
"And I've got super-hearing too," Hyperion said. "I don't know who this Superman is you keep talking about, but sounds like someone I should meet one day."
"Definitely," Kyle agreed.
"We'll bring you down, shadow monster," Arclight said, emerging from the pool and striding purposefully toward Obsidian, power coalescing around her hands.
"Oh no you won't," Maverick contradicted her, taking her out before she could get to her target.
"Hyperion. You are well known to my systems. A being from another world with extreme powers. You must be dealt with quickly," MODOK says.
"Not quickly enough for you, you piece of scrap metal," Hyperion says. "Who are you? You smell like patchouli and earth".
Calypso walks up to him. She releases fragrances of spice and weed and then mutters in an ancient French tongue. "Now MODOK. He is vulnerable to you now."
Whatever the means of her magic it proved capable of taking Hyperion down with one magnificent blast.
"Hyperion!" yells Obsidian.
Hecate slices through him just as Merlyn pins him down with his arrows.
"We make a good team don't we, princess? Even if you remind me that tomorrow is fish fry."
"Have a care, mortal, or your life may well be forfeit."
Well Hyperion went down fast. But he did what I brought him in for I guess. I'll dip into Indy again and take Shi for one, with Fallback and Night Thrasher.
Night Thrasher to I15, Outwits Merlyn's ESD
Kilowog TKs Shi to L14. Cosmic Boy uses Contingency to make her range 9.
Shi attacks Merlyn. AV11 on DV17. Roll is 10. She's Stealthed, so Hecate can't use her PC. Merlyn takes 3.
Paladin RS to I14, attacks Hecate. AV9 on DV14. Gets 5. Now she gets a reroll. Gets 8. She takes 2 after Toughness.
Cosmic Boy TKs Kyle to K15
Kyle on Hecate. AV8 on DV13. Gets 11. Some good rolls for me this turn. 3 more to her after Toughness. Last click for her.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) @ M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH-Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Kyle Rayner (CR) @ K15 (7!)
V Ice (Construct) P17 (5!)
Maverick N13
V Paladin @ I14
V Shi (Fallback) @ L14 (stealth)
V Night Thrasher @ I15
“You are an assassin. Let us see how you fare against someone with similar training,” Shi said, throwing knives at him.
“Do you think I am so slow that I can’t avoid a thrown knife?” Merlyn asked.
“I’ll bet you are if your legs are all tangled up,” Night Thrasher pointed out. He had thrown one of his nightsticks while he was distracted by Shi. It got between his legs, tripping him up when he tried to move, so that he couldn’t avoid Shi’s blades. Merlyn cursed.
“Giant snake ladies aren’t usually on my daily agenda,” Paladin said, “but for you, I’ll make an exception.” He peppered Hecate with shots.
“You dare attack a goddess, little man? I’ll feast on your heart for that.”
“Uh-uh! Hearts are off the menu!” Green Lantern said, creating a giant green mongoose that struck at Hecate.