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I think they nailed V Patch , V Spidey and V Venom right on the head, Surfer(shoulda been better) and Hulk, eeh, if I get them, I'll play them, but the battle fury on Hulk's biggest clix kinda negates the range, which would have been sweet. Also, isn't this the Hulk that Samson had brainwashed to revert to Banner if he became too angry? Just curious cause if it was it would be kinda cool to see him get ticked off then drop, then have to hulk up again. Just my thoughts.
Guys on a 1 on 1 game, wouldn't the lower point build win if there are no KOs? So wouldn't SOD Supes HAVE TO ENGAGE, and therefore get smoked? And at that point doesn't the Dormammu player just pick a spot where he can't be charged from around a corner and then that's it?
I mean I don't even like Dormammu, I like Supes better, but I think Dormammu is just designed in a way, that 1 on 1 he can take out SOD. Now lets stop being such fanboys, and let's keep this thrad on topic
Quote : Originally Posted by mbauers
Ok, so this game's finally over?
Who the eff daykilled me back to back days? Seriously.
Guys doesn't dormammu cost less than SOD. And doesn't the player with the lowest point build win if there are no KOs? So wouldn't Supes have to engage if its 1 on 1? If he's to have a chance?
And then wouldn't Dormammu just have to pick a spot from where supes can't charge from around a corned?
I even like SOD better than Dormammu, but I think 1 on 1 Dormammu owns him. Well SOD has a chance, I mean Dormammu can crit miss every time.
Quote : Originally Posted by mbauers
Ok, so this game's finally over?
Who the eff daykilled me back to back days? Seriously.
Originally posted by Manchine daedalus25, I think your a step behind becuase I have already explained all this.
PS Also there are enough Indoor Maps where there's Clear spots where Dormammu can get a Clear shot at SOD Superman. As I said it all depends on the Map.
Hmm? I must have missed it somewhere... I scrolled back and didn't see which map you picked that would give Dormammu the advantage. And even if Dormammu picked an indoor map with a large clear area, Superman would just force Dormammu to start on a side where it wasn't accessible.
But anyhow it's all moot. I would be more than happy to take on a Dormammu opponent with an SOD Superman, but all it would prove is that it comes down to dice rolls and nothing more.
Wow. Just... Wow. There's definately no pleasing everyone!
Firstly - IMHO, a combo of Silver Surfer and Dormammu would have a solid shot at taking out SoD and E Batman.
Just getting that out of the way first - have at it, Thugit!
Second - the figs:
Silver Surfer- When I first saw his dail, I thought it was a bit vanilla, too. But lets take his positives into account:
Defenders TA. At least they didn't miss that one. It seems that Surfer is paying a hefty cost for the ability coupled with his high defense, though. 14 move with Running Shot is really nice - it gives him a Unique place in the whole game. His late dail powers are going to be a real pain to counter - his Regen can get him back to Impervious, while his Support can help his teammates significantly.
It cracks me up that people have said that he's too "Thanos-like" like thats' a bad thing.
Patch - Out of the bunch, I think the Rookie may be best. I guess the two starting "push" clix on the E/V could be used to get him around the map, pushing all the way. But it just seems... Inconvenient. Can't imagine ever using him over U Wolvie IC or V Logan.
Hulk - I'm not the biggest Hulk fan - my favorite thus far is probubly Fixit. But there is some definate potential in this fig, due soley to the Wildcard TA. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that the Battle Fury in the middle of his dail is actually is Perplex. (They've made these types of mistakes before...) It is kinda dissapointing that he has 2 damage for so many clix. Nothing a litlle Perplex/Enhance can't fix, though.
Venom - Just seems like a solid fig. I'm not the biggest Venom fan, but this ain't bad. I like how his point costs are really close to the R/E/V Spidey. Finally, some arch enemies that can have a battle that could go either way!
Spiderman - I like this Spidey a lot. His Vet is really nice. It seems that Whizkids won't budge on the dual lightning bolts thing. But I can live with it. His second wind is going to be sweet! I feel that Defend on this fig accurately represents Spidey as he acts in the comics. Runs into battle, mixes it up, then realizes danger to his teammates and reacts with a warning. I like it.
I've got more to say 'bout Spidey, but I'll save it for later. For the most part, these figs look good.
When did this become another vs. thread? We still don't know what a majority of Dormammu's stats are. I implore all those fortunate souls who have received Critical Mass to indulge us lowly lepers with some stats. We're hungry and Wednesday seems so far away
You know, it's not that I think Spidey is totally bad, in fact, this may be the best yet, I'm just thinking he could be "better". But heck, in my eyes, what is "better" might not be in someone elses. This one definatley does NOT suck, so don't misinturpet my post as a "he's broken" complaint.
I think expectations play a big part in this as well. I had in my head (like probably most of us) a preconcieved notion of what I thought he would look like. He didn't turn out that way, but it's not bad...just different.
As far as the Surfer, I'm happy, sure he's got a rather vanilla looking dial, but he has high stats, and there is one thing that you cannot outwit, and that is high stats.
We should wait til we get the stats for him before we get too deep into the Dormammu vs. SOD Superman. Though I completely agree with Machine, One on one, SOD isn't getting first shot unless Dormammu's player is asleep at the wheel. Conversely, SOD can dance around all day, outdoors in soaring mode to try and get the angle. But the fact of the matter is, Dormammu would have to back himself into a corner to get popped first. I can't think of a single building or position(outdoors, mind you) that would allow Superman to advance to the "arround the corner" spot and would not allow Dormammu to move to a different more advantageous spot for himself. One either a) eliminating the corner angle all together or b) moving out of charge range. Yes, if played right SOD won't get hit either, but SOD isn't going to own Dormammu by any stretch of the imagination. Indoors, tilt's slightly higher to SOD, but indoors, you can't soar, and Dormammu can start blowing down terrain before Superman gets to a good "hide behind wall to charge" spot.
On facing SOD Superman(226) w/ an E Batman(92) team.(318 pt)
That is indeed a beast to deal with. I think though if we go with equivalent costs then it would be Dormammu (206), V Pyro(35), E Logan(49), R Mandroid Armor(28)
Pyro is the blocking of line of sight for Outwit with barrier, Mandroid to TK Logan up to Batman, to hopefully knock him out of Outwit.
Anyway, on what this thread is more about.
Spider-Man is a great addition to HeroClix, he requires a little more thought than the average, though. Good attack out front, decent not mindblowing defense to start. While incapacitate is basically defined by his webshooters, I think the exorbitant cost of it starts to take away from his playability, especially if it's front loaded. It's that spike in defense (with Defend no less) That cause him to shine. You go out a pick a fight with the non invulnerable characters out there then you have a chance at avoiding the retaliation, or you get sent down to your better defense mode. It's a good thing, IMO. This version captures a lot of the elements that makes him Spider-Man, without costing a lot of points.
Everybody's complaining about the Smart Hulk, I kind of like him. True Battle Fury takes away from his range, but honestly if your plan was to use a Hulk solely as a gun and not mix it up at all, you're thinking about the wrong character. I think, playwise, the Battle Fury was to get you to play the character like the Smart Hulk. Yeah, he'd start gunning you down, but eventually he always brought the fight up to your face. This was Wizkids way of enforcing that style on the Hulk.
Patch, Logan was never really that bad arse as his Patch persona, so it makes sense that he's not the same as his more well known persona.
Surfer. True more RS would have been grand but I'll still take him. And pair him with V Spiderman from this set. In higher point games, of course. The regen is a nice touch I think.
Venom, a very good representation. Somebody that could honestly go toe to toe with Spiderman without being a clone.
Originally posted by daedalus25 SOD Supes is soaring.
Dormammu's range is halved against him.
Therefore Dormammu has an effective range of 5.
SOD Supes is soaring.
SOD can charge 5 spaces. 1 of those is used to drop to hovering.
4 more moves Supes 4 spaces closer. He can now make a close combat attack an additional 1 range further.
Therefore SOD Superman has an effective range of 5.
So his effective range is within Dormammu's. Which means Dormammu can attack him before he charges.
Manchine is not arguing Dormammu can hit Superman from beyond his soaring charge range. He is pointing out that if Superman gets into charge range, he is within range of Dormammu.
Both can attack 5 squares away if SOD Superman is soaring.
Originally posted by AcidBath I never bought any Indy, so when I play I just use the old rules. Is there a new rule allowing based figures to make ranged attacks?
A flier can make a ranged attack against any adjacent foe. A grounded figure can make ranged attacks against adjacent fliers if there are no enemy grounded units also adjacent.