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Desiato will be previewing the card tonight/tomorrow morning and i'll be following it with a very special Origin Stories later on that afternoon. should be fun. thanks for reading! :)
I just started reading your blog and I must say, I agree with you one hundred percent on nearly every comic you review. Love your stuff and hope you keep posting!
The only one I didn't really like was the Thunderbolts review, where you said it made the American people look stupider then they actually are. Honestly, I've met some pretty ignorant people, so I guess I am used to the "stupid" American citizen when it comes to politics.
I just started reading your blog and I must say, I agree with you one hundred percent on nearly every comic you review. Love your stuff and hope you keep posting!
The only one I didn't really like was the Thunderbolts review, where you said it made the American people look stupider then they actually are. Honestly, I've met some pretty ignorant people, so I guess I am used to the "stupid" American citizen when it comes to politics.
it's funny that you point out what i said about Ellis on the Thunderbolts, because most of my friends know me as "the supreme hater of men". :)
The only one I didn't really like was the Thunderbolts review, where you said it made the American people look stupider then they actually are. Honestly, I've met some pretty ignorant people, so I guess I am used to the "stupid" American citizen when it comes to politics.
Actually, I think that was my review. I'm not positive, but that definitely sounds like something I'd say.
Origin Stories: The Red Skull – Tales of an Astonishing Nazi Übermensch
by Foilball
Earlier today, Desiato had the pleasure of previewing Red Skull, Johann Shmidt, Hydra on this very blog! I assume most of you have already browsed his terrific analysis of the card, so I won’t waste time reiterating his brilliance (especially not the parts where he implies my genius, since I am far too modest). What does concern me is reviewing the sordid history of the man who wears his skull on the outside. Now, as one who has read nearly every Captain America comic ever printed, I know a great deal about the Red Skull and his shenanigans. Not saying that to brag, it’s actually more of a problem than anything else. What to reveal, what to leave out? Let me sum up then… the following is an extended and abridged (huh?) summary of the true Red Skull’s history according to, with bits of my own tossed in for freshness. If you already know everything you need to know, you can skip ahead to the next section where I review the comic that inspired this version of the Skull.
We live in a comic world where Skrulls are invading Manhattan and the heroes of the universe are too busy fighting doppelgangers of themselves in a jungle in the middle of Antarctica. We live in a comic world where Crises abound and the universe’s heroes are fighting their own doppelgangers from parallel Earths. We live in a comic world where Buffy Summers is “batting for both teams,” living out fanboy fantasies from page to page. It’s all big and epic and crazy and just good comics. But none of that matters right now. Because Casanova Quinn is back. And all is right with the world.
Welcome to another installment of Billy & Mandy’s weekly series review of Planetary, the best book you’ve never read about the super hero genre! We’ll be reviewing each and every issue, beginning with #1 and plowing all the way through to #27, whenever the hell that bastard ships. If you’re just joining us, it’s not too late to get on the ground floor. You can find the previous installment here.
WARNING: SPOILERS!!! If you don’t want to be spoiled, please read the issue before continuing. Or, read it along with us! We welcome your comments and hope that you enjoy ours.
Mandy: So the fourth issue opens with the best line ever. I’m going to start describing things by saying, “It’s like Satan farted.” A building has been vaporized… we’re not sure where or why but as the next couple pages unfold, we learn that it belongs to the Hark Corporation, that the guy with the best line in the series was “observing” the explosionating and that he’s reporting to Wilder, personal security assistant something or other to the head of the company.
Origin Stories: Forgotten Flavor – The Warsong of the Kree
by Foilball
I have to admit, this week’s edition is a bit self-indulgent. And not because I think I’m so clever and I can’t wait to tell you about it!* Alas, today’s trip down memory lane is mostly due to sheer laziness. I don’t need to research this week’s topic! Or re-research it. There are no comics to read! Or scan! It’s just me, my horribly organized files and my memory. YAY!