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I think I now officially have the strangest pulls ever. I picked up two boosters on the way home from work today.
In the first, I pulled The Beast, which as with everyone else's, came with Fireheart's Pilot and Gear.
In the second booster, I pulled Fireheart, which, of course, had The Beast's Pilot and Gear.
I'm rather glad I decided to buy two instead of the one I was originally planning.
Interestingly, The Beast was paired with a Bannson's Vulture, and Fireheart with a Liao Vulture. Each booster also had one Mantueffel, one Wraith, one Purifier, and one Squad Card. I'm not quite sure how my luck managed to actually work out once and not only make it so I don't have to worried about mis-matched pilots, but all other units in were the same sculpts in each booster.
Well, IMO, I think WK went a little lax on QC this time; I have never had a unique with an missing arm or was detached from its base! Also, the joint are a bit stiff, if you ask me.
It's the first time they did boosters like this we should give WK a little leeway.
Did anybody have problems pulling Mad Cat's? My son opened one of my cases and said that he only pulled a Rasalhague Mad Cat, and that was it! Also very few Marauders, but plenty of Gambits. Thanks-Jeff
sounding to me like cynthia kelly changed mechs again...not that anyone could blame her, she changes mechs so fast the folks at wizkids cant keep up. stuck some poor liao sob with the violator, bet he wants her head
wont be getting my brick(s) until next week sometime, hope to get a few good pulls
Did anybody have problems pulling Mad Cat's? My son opened one of my cases and said that he only pulled a Rasalhague Mad Cat, and that was it! Also very few Marauders, but plenty of Gambits. Thanks-Jeff
out of 16 mechs (a brick and 2 boosters got 4 of the gambits out of 6 ) thats pretty close for alot of gambits, Did get 2 uniques and one rare within the brick (both the warwolves and the osiris) and one unique out of the other boosters. 2 marauders and 1 Madcat. then other stuff.
Has anyone had any cases of 2 uniques/SRs/URs in one booster?
Aw man when they first announced the format change I was just imagining it...the TWO UNIQUE HOLY GRAIL BOOSTER PACK!
Bought two bricks today when I should not have, but oh well.
OEJ in the first booster I opened!!
All in all, not bad for two bricks. Was annoyed about the missing coupon, but it will be online shortly so, not big deal. Can't wait to buy more!!
missing 4/24 (not bad - missing 005,006,013,016)
missing 12/24 (not bad - no doubles, amused with the ROTS 'winter camo'
scheme for the Partisan)
Ravens: missing only 049, 050 - doubles of 051, 053)
Gambit: missing 055-058 - no doubles)
Griffin: missing 061, 064-066 - no doubles)
Vixen: missing all of them
Vulture: missing 074-077 - no doubles - however both arms twisted off)
Mad Cat: missing 079, 080, 084 - double of HS one (one upside down arm)
Marauder: missing 055, 086, 088, 090 - no doubles
092 Matchstick Osiris (with correct pilot IIRC)
094 Fireheart SS (with Beast's pilot)
095 Beast Violator (with Fireheart's pilot) at least don't have to trade
096 Bailey Black Knight (with correct pilot IIRC - no issues unlike some)
103 Fell Warwolf
105 Hammerfall Atlas (with OEJ)
Gear: (WAY too many Agility and Electronic Camo)
164 Alpha Strike x1
165 Decoy x2
166 Agility x5! (all these in one brick)
169 IT x2
171 Full Strike x2
172 Elec. Camo x4 (in same brick as Agility!!)
173 Streaks x1
176 Inferno Flamers x1
178 Coolant Pod x1
179 RISC Overcharger x1
180 CIWS x1
187 Cockpit Ejection Pod x1
189 Anti-personnel Pod x1
GS - 061 OEJ (numbered actually on card as 064)
L - 055 Raizo Mikawa
L- 058 Tung Cho
L- 066 Markus Kerensky