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Originally posted by kamiza Well I guess that's another vocation I'm not suited for. Like my mother allways said, don't kid yourself son. Know your limits.
Perhaps I could sell my services as a Hull's "heavy". What would that be? An Anchor?
So what you're saying is that you weigh them down...
Question: What happens when a hull stops being popular/succesful for whatever reason, losing all his barns in the process, and even converting some of those barns into haters?
Answer: The hull has breached, and thus the ship is sinking. So the barns becomes rats ... and we all know the expression about rats and sinking ships.
So therefore, a hull losing his barns should be known as a 'breached hull' and a former barn turned hater should be known as a 'rat', specifically in the case of a mass 'exodus' of barns from the breached hull.
You know how to say goodbye don't you? Just raise your hand and wave.
Yes Realms, this time I mean it. I am outta here for 17 days. I'm really happy to be able to give my sign-off in this particular thread, it is one damn fine piece of collaborative literature and I am sincerely proud to have been a small part of it.
If Foilball got banned, I would do my damndest to channel Billy's spirit through me to continue bringing his perverse sense of humor to the Vs. masses.
Seriously - Vs. Realms would only be half as entertaining if we lost the unique perspective of Billy Zonos!