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No, definitely not! Probably it's the basic strategy for the first 2 pre-season games!
Unless you're so much in need of stats for one particular figure (like me ) that you just have to keep attacking to get those SAs rolling. Eventually, you'll end up winning...
Oh, and just to clarify on my math. I looked again at your team and it seems all the stats have been updated. This means that those 19 RPs (recruitment points, if you were wondering) must include your 10 RPs from losing your first match with the Ultimates. So, even if you win all games until the mid-season, you would only get 39 RPs, not 44 as I mentioned before. Just to clear this.
yes, I saw that. the others 9 points weas what I have in my "bank account".
I just finish the write Up for the Black Lantern Corps against the Legion of Super Heroes. (Rokk you have to read this. :knockedou ).
1) I would have had to use all my RPs keeping Cloak and Dagger together if fighting for them with the Dark X-Men. I've got better ways to spend points then on two figures that are just "ok" to "good".
2) To get to the Duo, they'll have to upgrade twice to get there, and with R Daredevil, Spider-Man, Power-Man and others, that's an awful lot of upgrades I'm shooting for to realistically achieve.
3) Dagger was the target piece because of her range and Psychic Blast. Ghost Rider has the same combo, on top of being a transporter right away, giving the Knights some mobility too. Also has some damage reducers to take a punch.
4) Ghost Rider is themey to Marvel Knights. Wikipedia has him listed as one of the 'Marvel Knights' group but I've been unable to confirm that anywhere else (a must on Wiki), but Mr. Blaze has had a few Marvel Knights comic book series.
5) As much as using the C&D Duo figure would be cool, it's really not 'that' good. 9 AV tops for a stationary Psychic Blast (which doesn't work with Duo ability), or a 7 AV on a Move and Attack version. The Dagger SP is cool, but you're shooting with 8's and 7's again (even worse with Move and Attack). It just wouldn't have been that useful on my team. More likely was that I'd have gotten Dagger to her V, used her on the team and let Cloak sit the bench. Even V Dagger at 75 is a tad on the pricey side for what she brings with RS/PB.
So while I thought a lot about a steal of Dagger, I ultimately decided to let her go, and I think it makes sense. Dark X-Men will let Dagger be that annoying 3rd attacker like she needs to be. My team would have relied on her to carry more weight.
Techncially yes they did team up but they were the equivalent of to the La Clippers a team in name only as evidenced by their appearance on the poor teamwork card
Quote : Originally Posted by CarlosMucha
is/was Marvel Knights really a "team"??
Not Just Another Empty Political Slogan
Techncially yes they did team up but they were the equivalent of to the La Clippers a team in name only as evidenced by their appearance on the poor teamwork card
So Heroes for Hire and the Justice League International are the Clippers?
Though the Knights did not last very long, they are a cool combination of normally solo Marvel Characters, and are really fun to play because of their Hydra (the creature not the organization) like team build. As evidenced from the two games I've played (played an exhibition that didn't count right after the draft), you can KO half of my team, and there are still 3-4 capable attackers bringing the pain.
Monday, officially. I'll post some games toward the end of tonight if I have the teams. But people will have until the end of Tuesday to get their line-ups in.
This might be a stupid question but why do figures get to carry over stats from last season?
I mean, returning teams already had a lot more Recruiting Points to use in the draft, and then they get to keep any stats from last season too?
I just think it's a little unbalancing as I look down the list and my team is starting from zeroes to upgrade anyone, yet some teams that are already twice my size, have 4 or 5 figures with stats enough to updrade 1 or 2 times.
In fantasy football, Drew Brees doesn't get to keep his stats from last year when the new season starts.
I don't know, it just seems like all upgrades achieved stay in effect, but stats should be reset for a new season, OR figures drafted should keep their stats from last season with them.
I need to appeal to those with more Bat-knowledge than me. Which Robins represent the Grayson Robin as opposed to the Todd or Drake Robins? Having Nightwing on the squad, I'd like to have an idea which Robin(s) I might be able to use.
This might be a stupid question but why do figures get to carry over stats from last season?
Nah, it's a good question. It's a rule that's been in place for a while, and though I don't know the exact "whys," it makes sense as a perk to being able to keep a figure. Teams are limited to how many figures they can keep anyhow, so being able to hold on to the stats earned makes sense to me.
Now, I was a little surprised to learn that characters you let go and redraft get to reclaim their stats from the previous season. Just seems to take so much of a bite out of the decision to let a figure go, and makes it an oddity that the figure loses the stats when selected by someone else.
So, I'd be receptive to the idea of all accumulated stats carry over to Season 3 for whoever drafts the character.
I need to appeal to those with more Bat-knowledge than me. Which Robins represent the Grayson Robin as opposed to the Todd or Drake Robins? Having Nightwing on the squad, I'd like to have an idea which Robin(s) I might be able to use.
Dick Grayson Robins = Icons Starter (22 pts), The Boy Wonder (from Alpha) and Crisis Robin (the common version with the Titans TA).
Hmmm... seems like very few versions of Dick as Robin, but those three sure have their qualities.
I need to appeal to those with more Bat-knowledge than me. Which Robins represent the Grayson Robin as opposed to the Todd or Drake Robins? Having Nightwing on the squad, I'd like to have an idea which Robin(s) I might be able to use.
i think it's the Crisis Rookie and the Icons Starter Exp, as they don't have pants.
RPSC: the Avengers
FLE: Heroes of Asgard
Beware the man of one book - Latin Proverb