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This might be a stupid question but why do figures get to carry over stats from last season?
I mean, returning teams already had a lot more Recruiting Points to use in the draft, and then they get to keep any stats from last season too?
I just think it's a little unbalancing as I look down the list and my team is starting from zeroes to upgrade anyone, yet some teams that are already twice my size, have 4 or 5 figures with stats enough to updrade 1 or 2 times.
In fantasy football, Drew Brees doesn't get to keep his stats from last year when the new season starts.
I don't know, it just seems like all upgrades achieved stay in effect, but stats should be reset for a new season, OR figures drafted should keep their stats from last season with them.
I think one of the reasons is that some or MOST of the older figures would never ever upgrade. Just look at Riddler for MSU...finally upgraded to his Experienced after Game 6 of this season. Although I think he had another upgrade from last season to get CP...but still...there are some figures out there that would probably never upgrade if stats didn't run over. Another reason but partly linked to the first reason is that it gives you a vested interest to redrafting the fig. You put all the time and effort to get the character some stats only to have it reset at the start of next season? You get the character 9 SAs and 4 KOs and it's all for nothing next season? That'd kinda suck if you ask me since I've had quite a few characters end with those numbers at the end of a season.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Thanks, everyone. I had remembered the Icons Starter, but had completely forgotten the Crisis Rookie. I guess I can just tell by the status of the pants, huh?
Thanks, everyone. I had remembered the Icons Starter, but had completely forgotten the Crisis Rookie. I guess I can just tell by the status of the pants, huh?
Not necessarily since Jason Todd had no pants either.
Yeah Stepp forgot about the Crisis rookie for the first half of this season in League 1. After like Game 3 or the midseason game, someone asked...why aren't you using the Crisis rookie? It'd be much easier than Hypertime Rookie Nightwing.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
and dont forget the H$H. Yes as much a sI love the JLI (hence I am playing them) They were never the most compenet team(at least the OG incarnation) and you can see it in their foes. Royal flush Gang, Grey man, Regualr Queen Bee, Scarlet Skier, Magna Khan. Heck Max later reveals he purposely tried to make the team ineffective. Sure their win record is a bit better than the Clippers but I credit that to Batman and Rip Hunter(who has dropped hints that he assited the team to boost Booster)
Quote : Originally Posted by jbship628
So Heroes for Hire and the Justice League International are the Clippers?
Though the Knights did not last very long, they are a cool combination of normally solo Marvel Characters, and are really fun to play because of their Hydra (the creature not the organization) like team build. As evidenced from the two games I've played (played an exhibition that didn't count right after the draft), you can KO half of my team, and there are still 3-4 capable attackers bringing the pain.
Not Just Another Empty Political Slogan
I don't know how we're defining the divisions/games. Are we doing heroes vs villains all the way?
For DC, that's likely the way it'll be set up. For Marvel, instead what I have lined up are four divisions with five teams each. I'll announce the divisions in the next few days and schedules by next weekend.
Monday, officially. I'll post some games toward the end of tonight if I have the teams. But people will have until the end of Tuesday to get their line-ups in.
Yes. Always feel free to send your team in early. Or at least, when we get to the regular season, you can send them as soon as your previous game is complete.
Yes. Always feel free to send your team in early. Or at least, when we get to the regular season, you can send them as soon as your previous game is complete.
Hmm. Is it worth it to pull a thug to put Nanobots on Ultron.
I'm going to have 8 extra points and it seems like a waste when I can just take out a thug and afford nanobots. But Ultron has a lot of 3 damage so nanobots is a bit wasted.
Leave's become most beautiful when they're about to die
As promised, a couple of Preseason Game 2 contests have gone up early. Thanks to everyone that sent squads so timely.
It's our first look at BFCs this season, as well as our first look at the randomly pulled and placed special objects. One game specifically has me humming the Superman theme...