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I assume Paladin's supposed to be in L7, in order to attempt the attack on Ultrahumanite.
First I'll try to break away Ultrahumanite. 4. It works. He moves to H12. There is a method to this madness.
I think it's time for Terrax, Power Cosmic version. I'll add darkness within to him. Unus tks him to I12.
He grabs Ultra and charges to H14 with Ultra in I14. He attacks Night Thrasher (using darkness within to up his damage to 4) needing 6, rolls 12. Nice. That's 5 to him (as he has ew).
"Dr. Zauis, little man, is about to give you a beating you'll not soon forget. In fact, you yourself will do the beating," Ultrahumanite says as he prepares to mind control Paladin.
"Come with me, fool!" Terrax says as he grabs the Ultrahumanite before he can do a thing.
"Unhand me you cretin! I'm about to show him who the real monkey is!".
"I can unhand you now, three hundred feet above the ground, would you liek that human? Now where is this Night Thrasher? I need your mental skills to find him. Now!".
"Below us your right."
Terrax charges Night Thrasher who's hiding in the background. "Terrax has no mercy for thieves in the night!". He slams Night Thrasher with the cosmic might behind his axe.
Jeepers, that's a lot of firepower for little Night Thrasher. But I suppose I needed to close the point gap, and that certainly did it. For how long? That's another question.
Night Thrasher's going to attempt breakaway from Terrax. Gets 1. He's going nowhere.
Maverick to M14
And that's back to you.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH - Contingency Plan +1) L23
Maverick @ M14
V Paladin U7 (3!)
V Shi (Fallback) T12
V Night Thrasher @ I15 (5!)
Blazing Skull (Rip It Up) O13
V Marrow M13
Bringin' in Hellboy - from the Collector's set. And Scarlet Witch, Avengers rookie version. I know the FF is so much better, but unless I have a real compelling reason for it, I'm really going to make the attempt in this game to play different versions of the characters. Some other version of Batman than the Legacy Vet, and a Thor besides the Ultimates. We've got all these different versions of these characters, so I'm gonna try to mix them up a bit. Hellboy can have Hold the Line.
Scarlet Witch flies to N19
Cosmic Boy uses Contingency Plan to up Hellboy's Damage by 1 to 4.
Then he TKs Hellboy to K16
Hellboy grabs the HO from J17, Charges at Terrax to I14. AV10 on DV17. Gets 5. Rerolls for Scarlet Witch and gets a 2. Oh heck.
Marrow on Ultrahumanite. AV10 on DV14. Gets 5. 3 to Ultrahumanite and he's down at least.
Blazing Skull to I15, grabbing the LO from M14
Shi moves back to P17
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH - Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Maverick M14
V Shi (Fallback) @ P17
Blazing Skull (Rip It Up) @ I15 (w/LO)
V Marrow @ M13
Hellboy (BPRD-Hold the Line) @ I14 (1!)
R Scarlet Witch (AV) @ N20
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime, Contingency Plan, Protected x2, Large Object, GLC, Pummel, Pounce, Construct, LMD, Fallback, Rip It Up, Hold the Line
"I don't know whether you're a living statue or a guy in stone armor or what," Hellboy said, ripping up a drinking fountain and hitting Terrax with it, "but you're going down." The fountain bounced off Terrax's invulnerable hide and up into the air.
"Perhaps one of my probability altering hexes will help," the Scarlet Witch said casting one. Improbably, the fountain came down right on Hellboy's head.
"Do me a favor, lady," he asked, rubbing his head. "Don't help."
"I'll lend you a hand," Blazing Skull said, gabbing a makeshift weapon of his own and coming to join him. "Look at us, the devil guy and the guy who's head's a flaming skull. Do we make a great pair or what?"
"Or what?" Hellboy hazarded a guess.
"I don't know if you're a true devil or it's just a costume," Ultrahumanite said, "and honestly, I don't care. I'm going to rend you limb from - Urk!"
The Ultrahumanite went down with one of Marrow's knives in his back. "Yeah, you're probably going to have to revise your plans a little there, guy," she told the inert villain.
Wanda sees a familiar and troubling face. "Caution," the Scarlet Witch tells Hellboy and Blazing Skull, "There's trouble afoot!".
"What do you mean, Avenger?" the Blazing Skull asks.
Hellboy slams into the Invader, knocking him breathless.
Blazing Skull jumps back with anger, ready to retaliate against Hellboy.
"Don't!" Wanda yells, "He's not of his own mind!".
"No," the Leader says, "He's of mine."
"Release him, Leader," she commands, "Or face my mutant chaos magic."
The Leader laughs, "I'll have to take my chances, girl."
"I don't need anyone to fight my fights for me. Hellboy's gonna slap you around good, buddy. Of course with a forehead like that you've been slapped around plenty I see."
"Hmmmph," the Leader replies, bothered, although he wouldn't admit it, by the small insult.
Hellboy pushes on Terrax, AV10 on DV17. Gest 7. Rerolls for Leader. Gets 9. For Calypso. Gets 4. For Wanda. Gets 4. Hellboy takes 1.
Blazing Skull pushes on Terrax. AV8 on DV17. Gets 7.
Maverick to H10
Cosmic Boy ups Marrow's range to 7.
Marrow pushes on the Leader. AV10 on DV17. Gets 5. She takes 1.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) M23
Cosmic Boy (LSH - Contingency Plan +1) L23
Maverick @ H10
V Shi (Fallback) P17
Blazing Skull (Rip It Up) @@ I15 (4!)
V Marrow @@ M13 (1!)
Hellboy (BPRD-Hold the Line) @@ I14 (2!)
R Scarlet Witch (AV) N20
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime, Contingency Plan, Protected x2, Large Object, GLC, Pummel, Pounce, Construct, LMD, Fallback, Rip It Up, Hold the Line
Really can't do much. Practically everybody's pushed.
Shi will move to L14
Cosmic Boy ups Kilowog's AV to 10, TKs him to K20
Kilowog on Terrax, AV10 on DV17. Gets 8, Leader's too far away to do anything about it. Impervious roll is 4. 2 to Terrax.
Maverick pushes to attack Calypso. AV9 on DV14. Gets 4. Reroll for Wanda gets 11. Reroll for Cal, gets 6. Rerolls for Leader, gets 5. Good enough for 2 clicks to her. Still has PC, but getting closer to not.
U Kilowog (TK Reach) @ K20
Cosmic Boy (LSH - Contingency Plan +1) @ L23
Maverick @@ H10 (5!)
V Shi (Fallback) @ L14 (stealth)
Blazing Skull (Rip It Up) I15 (4!)
V Marrow M13 (1!)
Hellboy (BPRD-Hold the Line) I14 (5!)
R Scarlet Witch (AV) N20
Feats used: Alpha Flight, Toxic Burst, TK Reach, Call to Arms, Revenge, Point Blank, Doubletime, Contingency Plan, Protected x2, Large Object, GLC, Pummel, Pounce, Construct, LMD, Fallback, Rip It Up, Hold the Line