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How did Terraxia die before she was wiped out of existance by Nebula using the Gauntlet?
Well I have to go to the Great White North. My phone will be the smartest thing for miles but no internet. So the answer is Thanos forgot to give her the ability to live in a vacuum. So when dump off in space after the pirate got the gauntlet she couldn't breath. Thread is open
One of the most beloved in the Marvel universe, the man himself Stan Lee, created many of our favorite superheroes......can you name probably the most popular of his creations, along with the first comic title they appeared in with the date.
Although 'popular' can be subjective, I'll try Spider-Man, who first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962 (I can remember all that off the top of my head, although I can't tell you the exact month of the cover date, if you're looking for that level of specificity).
Okay, let's try this. When the Sub-Mariner first got his own feature in Tales to Astonish, his rogue's gallery wasn't all that diverse - it was pretty much all Krang, all the time, with a parade of undersea monsters thrown in for good measure. It would be quite some time before Namor ran into a surface-dwelling super-villain in the pages of his own mag.
Name the first 'real' (i.e. surface-dwelling) super-villain that Namor encountered as a feature character in Tales to Astonish.
Tales doesn't seem right for my guess but here it is anyway. Was it snicker Dr. DORCAS?
You know, if you put Krong and Dr. Dorcas together with Dr. Bob Doom, you'd have... we'll you'd have something, that's for sure (probably something that would sound about right in an early 90s issue of She-Hulk, at that).
Ok, uhh... Trivia... Hmm... I recently found a box of late 80's to early 90's comics that I've been poking through, so I'll take something from there.
When Darkhawk first faced off against the U-Foes, what two major Marvel heroes fought along side him?
I have that issue, but I haven't read or looked at it in years....
Gonna say Spider-Man
and Punisher
I rember Portal making and apperance, but I don't consider him "Major".
You're right about Portal making an appearance. I don't consider him 'major' either.
Unfortunately, neither Spider-Man nor Punisher are correct. Though, if I remember correctly, he did team with Spider-Man a few issues before this, and Punisher a few issues after. So you're not too far off.
You're right about Portal making an appearance. I don't consider him 'major' either.
Unfortunately, neither Spider-Man nor Punisher are correct. Though, if I remember correctly, he did team with Spider-Man a few issues before this, and Punisher a few issues after. So you're not too far off.
I'll say it was Captaindevil (Matt Rogers) and Dare America (Steve Murdoch).