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She was less on my list, but I suppose with Misty in play, now is the time to play Colleen Wing as well. DP version.
Dario to K18, Outwits Spock's Logic SP
Colleen teleports to J13 on SPock, AV11 on dV16, can Flurry. Gets 8. Q makes it 4. Dario makes it 3. Huh. Second attack is 8. He's down, but I had to work for it.
Misty to N22
Chief tries to heal her, AV11 on DV16. Gets 8. Support is 5. She's back to full strength.
So I need to bring in Jean-Luc Picard, probably to end Star Trek. I just wish he were better. FFTNG001e version. Chameleon tks him to P9 making his damage 3. Needs 7, rolls 5. 9 for Q. 3 to Colleen. He ports to J2.
GG hss to G9 on Colleen. Rolls 8. That's a ko, he ends where he started.
"I'm not usually prone to violence first but it's clear there's a time for diplomacy and a time for action. This is the latter," Jean-Luc Picard says using his phaser to take down Colleen.
"My spider-sense tells me someone's there," Spider-Ma'am said.
"Not bad, old woman," Ghost showed himself momentarily. "But knowing I'm here won't help you." He dropped a canister of tear gas that left her struggling, and vulnerable to Cole-Alvez's follow-up attack.
Ok, I'm still in my Spidey theme and have some friends and enemies both left. Scarlet Spider. Sides to I12. Flurries on Ghost. Needs 7, rolls 7. 2 to Ghost. SS has flurry, needs 9, rolls 8. Q makes it 11. Kos Ghost.
MJ rolls for papparazzi. She rolls 5, gets 3. 2 side to JL5.
I've been playing shorthanded for the past week (I've been doing that a lot lately) I had two KOs on one of those turns and only replaced one, so I guess I'll bring in two now.
But first I think I need some position checks, between your Paparazzi and Alien Soldiers (Way over our three bystander rule by the way. Didn't catch it before but no more for you until you're back down to 3) Specifically, who is in I12, I13 (one is Scarlet Spider, who's the other?) and who's in J7 next to Q? Who's in M5? Where's Scotty?
Have you noticed how crazy expensive this figures are? I kinda want Maggott so looking him up..$34. I don’t think I’ve ever spent that much.
Anyway, you’re right about bystanders. I don’t think I’ve abused that before this turn, in the current case. So MJ generates just the one who went out to block. If you don’t mind removing the others, or I will later.
Fixed the issues in the recap. M5 should be I2 for Picard.
"This one's not quite Spider-Man, but he'll do," the elder Bombshell said, hitting Scarlet Spider with an explosive blast that took out the Paparazzi as well.
"Sloppy, Mother. You left him standing," the daughter said, finishing him.
Despite my Spidey theme there's few I'm attached to. Like Scarlet Spider.
Ugh, you're going to play the retreat and heal game til the cows come home, aren't you?
GG shouldn't have a token.
I'll pick Kingpin. FFSFSM version. i usually prefer him behind the scenes but I need team building to work that best. Chameleon tks him to the porter. He pops out at I14. Outwits Misty's stealth.
GG hss to G10 on Misty and Lori. Gets 6. Q: 8. 3 to Misty. He ends where he started.
Q on Misty. Needs 5, rolls 7. She's kaput. That's one figure you won't heal so fast.
Scotty boosts his range, barriers Misty.
Kingpin on Lori. Needs 6, rolls 9. Dario: 9. 2 to her.