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I'm officially backing EmperorNorton to take the whole thing.
Emp, do you need sponsorship? I could start up an AbeSapien clix team and get official Nylon jackets. Wait, this is actully a good idea. This might happen I'll PM you.
Originally posted by The Qwardian Well, so much for bringing my clix from Canada to Europe.
hmmmmm. Maybe if I find a widow and convince her to marry me.......
I am gonna have to think this one through.
I'm sure I could find someone to hook you up with.
But seriously, I don't think anyone would check your passport. (At least I hope...I actually don't know why the planning staff included this.)
#1: I am glad that those across the pond finally get to be appreciated and shown some love.
#2: I am surprised that the rest of the world hasn't started to cry all about is the norm.
#3: I may be just ignorant about the click photo, but that does look like a new figure???
Maybe a preview of an Indy set in 2006?? or is that the Brit City Judge...either wasn't an LE that is another new Indy figure...and maybe more.
Originally posted by EmperorNorton I'm sure I could find someone to hook you up with.
But seriously, I don't think anyone would check your passport. (At least I hope...I actually don't know why the planning staff included this.)
Veddy interesting to see Brit City Judge. Show a couple more of the other judges or the Nemesis fig to really get peoples attention. Although it's old hat to them there across the ponders..
Up here in Canada we've got CanGames coming up on practically the same date - May 19-21 (just off by one day) in Ottawa our countries capital. So if you want a bit of the foreign taste but can't jump over the pond, slide on up to be closer to the TOP OF THE WORLD!
But not to get off subject, I'm very happy to see some form of activity occuring over in Europe, be it by Wizkids or by supporters - I hope that Wizkids helps them out in some way to really help the ball get rolling!
Originally posted by Gacy's Clown WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! I can't play in this event because I'm American. I can't fly across the pond! WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!