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Poison characters can also effectively fumigate groups of Con Artists since one damage is all it takes. Arclight's cheap 2 damage Quake could also be a good option for groups of Con Artists.
Originally posted by Gentlegamer Poison characters can also effectively fumigate groups of Con Artists since one damage is all it takes. Arclight's cheap 2 damage Quake could also be a good option for groups of Con Artists.
Yep, but don't forget that a group of them can hit back.
Two hold your arms behind your back and the third smacks you.
Originally posted by Gentlegamer Perplex was in Clobbering Time. Doctor Octopus being the most well known.
I love this format with the photos! I like the direction HCRealms is taking with its content and articles!
See, I fixed this before you could even quote it.
I'm glad you like the format...I had been experimenting with photos on my personal site (webhead's cache), detailing step by step strategy, and I plan to implement that more here now that I have the ability to do so.
MARVEL Attacktix Battle Figure Game- Game Developer TRANSFORMERS Bot Shots Battle Game - Game Designer
Originally posted by webhead817
Perplex would not make a big appearance in Marvel: Clobberin’ Time, it made a huge impact in Marvel: X-Plosion. (Some even jokingly referred to the set as “perplex-plosion”.) The Con Artist had arrived, but not with a bang…more of a whimper. A generic fig without a front-loaded power, the Con Artist was largely under the radar when X-Plosion was first released. That would soon change.
...This was viewed by many as a big mistake, a sentiment shared by some at WizKids. In a recent interview, Jon Leitheusser, the lead HeroClix designer, when asked to name a “design failure” replied, “I'm embarrassed by the Con Artist from Xplosion/Marvel Universe. The sculpt was all wrong, it resulted in the most annoying phrase in the game-“the hooker bomb”-and she was too easily abused.
... - webhead817 [/b]
What a bunch of GARBAGE. Con artist was identified as the ultimate abuse piece when the stats first came out. Me thinks webhead just didn't get out very often. Or was just basing this off of draft tournies where you couldn't field 3 of them. But as soon as constructed tournies started after the release, the hooker bomb was instantaneous.
And the second paragraph with Leitheusser is a total crock. 'Hooker-bomb' was also around shortly after XP came out. YET, the braintrust at Wizkids saw fit to include her in Universe. So I don't buy this FAKE gnashing of teeth by Leitheusser. Wizkids proactively picked the con artist for universe, so they deserve all the abuse they receive from players.
Webhead, please don't try to rewrite history. And pretty please don't be an enabler for Leitheusser/Wizkids for their poor creation of the con artist. But you CAN NOT let the inclusion of conartist in Universe(and thus it's NON retirement) just go by without pointing out that wizkids WANTED it in the tourny rotation.
I am VERY disappointed with this article.
-I tell you this, no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.
The best article I've ever read on the realms, hands down. It's like I was reading a magazine, complete with diagrams. if you keep you articles up to this standard you'll get your name out there. And not one "suckage" to describe something.......
Con Artists piss me off. I want to play Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six, not a bunch of hookers.
I wonder what the sculpt was supposed to be, if indeed it did get messed up as he suggests...
Again, keep this format for your stuff. Looks good.
Originally posted by sengirv What a bunch of GARBAGE...I am VERY disappointed with this article.
Sorry to hear that.
I will say, I'm not trying to "take a stand" on Con Artists in the article. I was merely trying to recount their history in the game. I wrote it the way I remembered it. I've also went back and looked at the early threads, and the general vibe was "too bad it's not front-loaded" or "hopefully there is cheaper Pulse Wave to go with them"...the people that were talking about having 10 or more on a team were talking about pushing them the old fashioned way, and others were pointing out that it would take too many actions. Besides, I did say "That would SOON change."
As for JonL's statement...he's admitted it was a flawed design, I'm not sure what else you want to hear. My understanding is that the Con Artist was not included in Universe because they wanted her in it, but rather because of the way the molds are set, she was a side effect of having the Hand Ninjas and whoever else in Universe as well.
MARVEL Attacktix Battle Figure Game- Game Developer TRANSFORMERS Bot Shots Battle Game - Game Designer
since PW still makes you establish LOS, wouldnt a grounded PWer based by a friendly fig still negate his ability to PW out of base-to-base contact, even w/ friendly figs?
Are you a PbP'r (Play By Poster)? Come and check out; we've got EVERYTHING.
Originally posted by webhead817 As for JonL's statement...he's admitted it was a flawed design, I'm not sure what else you want to hear.
How about Con Artist is retired. Problem solved. Other games do this when they make a mistake.
Magic has tons of these "mistakes" they just ban them from tournement play.
It's called a Banned or resticted list. Maybe just limiting you to one hooker is good enough and a ban would not be necessary.
All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When we are near we must make the enemy believe we are far away when far away we must make him believe we are near. Feign disorder, and crush him. Sun Tzu