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Well, luck wise the crit was very very nasty, especially for the KB, but they only really needed an 8 and a 7, so that was no real big deal.
Your team is fine I think, don't worry about that. Bat Enemies can really mess with a team, because of all the perplex and outwit, but they are made of wet tissue when you get your hands on them.
You should think of this game as practise. A chance to try out your team, find their strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to position better. The experience will serve you well when the team really plays
Heck, this is my first time with Bat enemies, so it's practise for me too. So far, I like em
The Joker rained dimes at the Scarlet Witch (crossing her palm with silver as he called it), forcing her to find cover.
The Scarecrow shot a blowdart of fear toxin in to the weakened archer's neck.
Hawkeye clawed at his own face, screaming, "I'm not a failure, I'm an Avenger, and AVENGER." He collapsed, exausted and bleeding.
The Scarecrow sighed, "Like I said, always afraid of failure. How unsatisfying."
Penguin leadership: 2...useless.
The Joker outwits the Witch's PC.
The Riddler will Perplex Crane's range up by 1
Harley will perplex Crane's AV up by 1.
Crane attacks Hawkeye. AV9 vs DV11. Roll is 4+3(7), HIT for 2 damage and the KO.
The rest clear.
Batman Enemies (First Blood)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18 (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin E24 (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane@ O20 (5/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
"Hawkeye!" cried the Scarlet Witch, as she watched him crumple. In spite o fherself, the archer was beginning to grow on her a bit. She was still occupied with the clown's distraction tactics and didn't move as she watched the struggle in front of her unfold.
Initially, Ant-Man was the only one who seemed to retain his calm, he continued his advance, aware that his army of ants could offer him only so much cover. Wonder Man followed, switching the motorcycle from one hand to the other, eager to employ it in combat.
Iron Man jetted over to a solid lawn chair left behind by one of the law-abiding park visitors, picked it up easily and flew to the villains' flank, closer to the scarecrow-looking man who had knocked out Hawkeye. "This is your last warning: surrender or face the consequences!"
Ant-Man moves to N17, where he -- at least initially -- is stealthed to Mr Freeze and Harvey Dent.
Wonder Man moves to P15.
Iron Man picks up the LO in R12 and flies to T18 into the bushes.
Wanda waits.
Batman Enemies (still unscathed)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18 (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin E24 (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane@ O20 (5/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
HO: held by Wonder Man in R13, N16, A24
LO: held by Iron Man in T18, B24, F20
Well, he goes nothing. Taking a chance with Ant-Man....
btw, in reading the FAQ on the outdoor map for the X-Factor game, i noticed that the object on this map is, in fact, only blocking -- not elevated terrain. Oh, well; so what.
The Joker launched fireworks at the bush Scarlet Witch was hiding in, forcing her to keep her head down.
The Scarecrow gave Wonderman a strong dose of fear gas, making him believe Iron Man was his most dangerous opponent.
Wonderman charged at the suprised Iron Man, tears in his eyes. "Why Erik, why must you do this? I don't want to kill you!" He raised the motorctcle high, then dropped it, and fell to the floor sobbing.
Scarecrow cursed. "What is wrong with the people in this dimension? They can't even lash out at their fears properly!"
The Penguin rolls for leadership: 5, success
The Joker will outwit Scarlet Witch's PC
The Riddler will perplex Crane's range up by 1.
Harley will perplex Crane's AV up by 1
Crane will push and attempt MC on Wonder Man. AV9 vs DV16. Roll is 3+4(7), MC is successful.
Our new best bud Wonder Man charges to S18 and attacks Iron Man with his HO. AV9 vs DV15. Roll is 2+2(4), the luckiest miss of Iron Man's life (he might want to have his chain mail cleaned after that).
The Harvey Dent will outwit Wonder Man's charge.
The rest clear.
Batman Enemies (barely self scathed)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18 (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin E24 (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane@@ O20 (4/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
Iron Man's eyes widened as he saw Wonder Man approaching with the motorcycle. "Simon! What are you...!" The heavy object flew just past him shoulder plate and crashed into the ground next to him.
"Iron Man..." groaned Wonder Man. As if coming to his senses, Wonder Man turned around toward the tall, thin man, who had clearly been messing with his head. "First you down Hawkeye, then you resort to such cowardly means to deal with me?!" Wonder Man saw that the scarecrow had spent himself and took a moment to gather himself, as well.
Scarlet Witch, still hindered by that clown's tactics, stepped out of the bushes in order to get a different angle.
Scarlet Witch moves to Q11.
Wonder Man, Ant-Man and Iron Man clear (since Scarecrow needs to rest).
Scarlet Witch will use PC on a successful attack if possible.
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18 (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin E24 (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane@@ O20 (4/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
HO: N16, A24
LO: held by Iron Man in T18, B24, F20
In my haste to post a move, i was concentrating utterly on Ant-Man and not so much on Wonder Man. That was lucky for me and Iron Man....
The Scarlet Witch held her ears in pain as the Joker sang an invented Gypsy national anthem at her.
"Our country lives on wheels,
atleast we don't pay bills,
and have snazzy bracelets!
We'll tell your for-or-tune,
and steal your hu-ub-caps,
small mangy dogs tied with striinnggg!
I-I-if you cro-oss us,
then we will cu-ur-urse you,
the worst one be-ee-ee-ing,
YouBecomeACitizenOf Gyy-iipp-sssyy-llaannddd!"
He bowed to an invisible audience as she rolled on the ground, clutching her ears.
Two-Face fished in his pockets for something to use on the muscle-head who was glaring at him, pulling out a bullet that glowed with a green hue. "Hmm, if it works on one freak, why not on another?" He flipped his coin, and it was decided.
The bullet flattened on Wonder Man, releasing a green mist that made him sparkle for a second.
Mr. Freeze eyed Wonder Man with contempt. "So much emotion, so much fiery rage. Do you know what happens when you add ice to fire?"
Freeze fired a spear of razor sharp ice at Wonder Man, who just braced himself. Wonder Man's eyes went wide as, instead of shattering, the ice sank several inches in to his chest.
Two-Face grinned, "I guess freaks with muscles are all the same when it comes to weird radiation."
The Penguin rolls leadership: 2, sigh
The Penguin moves to F24.
The Joker will outwit the Scarlet Witch's PC.
The Riddler will perplex Mr. Freeze's range up by 1.
Harley will perplex Mr. Freeze's damage up by 1.
Harvey Dent will outwit Wonder Man's Invuln.
Mr. Freeze will attack Wonder Man. AV9(using the Joker's AV via his TA) vs DV16. Roll is 5+2(7), HIT for 5 damage (2+RCE+1 for perplex).
The rest clear.
Batman Enemies (Freeze puts people on ice)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18@ (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin E24@ (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane O20 (4/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
Um, isn't Mr Freeze shooting through hindering terrain, i.e. the bushes right in front of him (M18)? That would mean that he just missed Wonder Man, wouldn't it?
Is Simon getting extremely lucky or am i missing something?
Please advise -- and whether you'd do anything differently if i'm correct.
The Joker's song, while inventive and creative, would certainly have made some of my German friends cringe. I lived in Germany for about nine years, and matters surrounding the Sinti and Roma were still sensitive....
You're right, Freeze's awesome attack missed by a smidgen. Yes, you're getting the luck of the devil it seems as far as dodging annihilating attacks goes. This should really swing the fight in your direction.
As for the song, apologies if anyone was offended. The Joker isn't very PC, and I don't really consider it any more insulting than the way comics portray England as fog bound cobblestone streets with bobbies on bicycles. Someone should lock that Joker up
It sounds then like you wouldn't do anything else with your last available action?
It doesn't bother me personally (your song) but i'm in almost every majority, so there are few ways discrimination hits me (in general); perhaps i'm just insensitive. Of course, Joker isn't p.c. ;-)
Here in Milwaukee, Marquette University has decided to change its teams' name: it used to be Warriors, then Golden Eagles, and now: Marquette Gold, which i find really stupid. I'm still part of the Warriors generation and don't find that name denigrating -- but then again, i'm not Native American. If i were, i could imagine i might even find it cool to be considered a 'warrior.'
Anyway, back to my move. Let's see, here..... (sorry for the digression)
I don't mind... but then again my great grandfather was kidnapped by gypsies.
Like... he was literally kidnapped by gypsies. He was out in the front lawn raking and they just pulled up in their van and they just kidnapped him.
Gypsies stole and kidnapped a lot of people back their i guess. They let him go after a couple days though. Guess they realized my great grandparents didn't have anything worth ransoming!
Doctor Pym sent his willing little friends against that man in the helmet with the freeze gun. Unfortunately, the cold he exuded kept the insects from slowing him down, as Ant-Man had hoped.
Simon did not like being used. He turned his muscular frame toward his tormenter, his anger fueled further by the limpform of Hawkeye nearby. He rushed at the tall, thin man and delivered a left hook to his jaw that spun the scarecrow around. "Take that!" Simon said under his breath through clenched teeth.
Iron Man saw his line of fire open up suddenly. "That scarred fellow has proven to be more dangerous than he looks..." he thought to himself and tried to blast him with his repulsor rays. However, the brush offered the villain cover and Iron Man's shot was harmless.
Wanda watched with one eye and continued to cringe at that annoying clown's tune.
Ant-Man attempts to Incapacitate Mr Freeze. AV8 vs DV15+1 roll: 3+4=7 MISS
Wonder Man uses Charge to P21 and attempts to hit Jonathan Crane AV9 vs DV14 roll: 2+5=7 HIT for 3 damage
Iron Man shoots at Harvey Dent AV7 vs DV15+1 roll: 2+5=7 MISS
Scarlet Witch clears and will use PC (if she can in light of range and Outwit)
Batman Enemies (Freeze almost put my whole team on ice)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18@ (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin F24@ (5/5)
LE Jonathan Crane O20 (4/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19 (5/5)
WCA (Wonder Man is wondering what else he can hit)
HO: N16, A24
LO: held by Iron Man in T18, B24, F20
Penguin moved to F24, right?
Yup, we got lucky there, Simon. I've an acquaintance here who almost always uses Perplex to up the AV as opposed to the damage.... ;-)
Oops! -- it just occurred to me that Ant-Man couldn't even see Mr Freeze; but that roll wouldn't have hit Harvey Dent nor Joker, either, so we'll just continue...
The Joker kept the Witch's head down with a constant barrage of Fairground Fortune Teller jokes.
The Scarecrow staggered back from Muscles, blowing the dust of fear in his face as he went.
Two-Face eyed Iron Man, but after a coin toss decided just to make it a warning shot.
The Penguin rolls for leadership: 2 AAAGGHH!! He's the worst leader ever.
The Penguin pushes and moves to J22.
The Joker outwits the Scarlet Witch's PC.
The Riddler, Harley and the Penguin all perplex Crane's AV up by 1 each.
Crane tries incapacitate on Wonderman. AV9 vs DV16. Roll is 3+5(8), HIT for a second token and a click of push damage.
Harvey Dent outwits Iron Man's toughness.
Harvey Dent attacks Iron Man. AV8 vs DV15. Roll is 4+1, another lucky escape.
The rest clear.
Batman Enemies (Wanna see something scary?)
R Joker K17 (6/6)
E Harley Quinn I21 (5/5)
R Mr. Freeze L18 (Stealthed) (5/5)
R Riddler H20 (5/5)
V Penguin J22@@ (4/5)
LE Jonathan Crane O20@ (1/5)
LE Harvey Dent M19@ (5/5)
WCA (Iron Man's high buff sheen saves him again)
Iron Man (4/7) T18 (not in hindering, carrying the object doesn't count) @
Scarlet Witch Q11 (5/5) (PC outwitted)
Hawkeye *KO* -1
Ant-Man (5/5) N17@
Wonder Man* (7/8) P21@@
* w/ Haymaker feat
HO: N16, A24
LO: held by Iron Man in T18, B24, F20