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Man, not having Wildfire is making this really tough. I don't think I can pull this one off. I just placed very poorly. Well let's see how much experience I can get.
Turn 3B
1. Cosmic Boy will limp back to L23.
2. Saturn Girl will move to K23.
clear and hope for the best
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) n10@
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (5/5) n11@
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (5/5) m10
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) i11@
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
turret2(8) to kid quantum(15) need 7 to do 2
-roll 11 (5,6) hit
turret3(8) to quantum(14) need 6 to do 2
-roll 5 (4,1) miss
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) n10
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (5/5) n11
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (5/5) m10
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11@@
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11@
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
turret2(8) to kid quantum(15) need 7 to do 2
-roll 11 (5,6) hit
turret3(8) to quantum(14) need 6 to do 2
-roll 5 (4,1) miss
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) n10
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (5/5) n11
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (5/5) m10
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11@@
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11@
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
runshot lightning lord(9) to o14 to brainiac(16) need 7 to do 3 clix
-roll 11 (5,6) hit
beast1 to n17
beast to j17
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) o14@
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (5/5) n17@
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (5/5) j17@
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Man, this is took me like half an hour to make my
Turn 5B
(free) Brainy will perplex up KQ range to 5 and will perplex up Saturn girl's damage to 1
KQ will push to dual/stunning blow the two beasts. AV 8 vs DV 16 (Beast2). AV 9 vs DV 16 (Beast1). Roll is 2, 6. Barely a hit on both. Both take a push click and she'll do one damage to Beast1 for a total of 2 clicks. She takes a push.
Live Wire will RCE on Beast1. AV 8 vs DV 14. Roll is 5, 3. Man what is up with these 8s. Beast1 takes 2 clicks.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) o14@
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (1/5) n17@@
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (4/5) j17@@
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) o14
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (1/5) n17
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (4/5) j17
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
(free) Brainy will perplex up everyone's attack he has LOS to.
Cosmic Boy will TK Saturn girl to G22.
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up her attack to 11.
Saturn girl will attempt to MC Human Torch. AV 12 vs DV 19. Roll 6, 4. Hit. Kid Quantum, Cosmic Boy, and Brainiac will copy the FF TA. Human Torch will RS to N9 and target both Lightning Beasts. AV 9 vs DV 12 vs DV 15. Roll is 6, 3. Hit and 1 damage to Beast 1 and 2 to Beast 2. Beast 1 is KO'ed.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (6/6) N9
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) j17
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
runshot lord(9) (to r17) to cosmic boy(15) need 6 to do 3
-roll 4 (2,2) miss
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (5/6) r17@@
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) j13
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Wow that was total luck...I thought I was a goner then. It looks like we lost our objects awhile ago. I've put them in the recap.
Turn 8B
SG will move to N23.
(free) Saturn Girl will perplex up Live Wire's attack to 8.
(free) Cosmic Boy will copy AIM TA
Live Wire will attempt to RCE his brotha. AV 10 vs DV 18. Roll is 4, 4. Just barely and with knockback into a wall to R16, taking 3 clicks.
The Renegade:
Lightning Lord (E FF Human Torch) (2/6) r17@@
Lightning Beast1 (E Boomerang) (0/5)
Lightning Beast2 (E Boomerang) (2/5) j13
Auto-Turret1 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) l10
Auto-Turret2 (V AIM Agent) (3/4) i11
Auto-Turret3 (V AIM Agent) (4/4) p11
Auto-Turret4 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
Auto-Turret5 (V AIM Agent) (0/4)
I hesitate to point this out because the Legion is having a tough time and needs to win one without Wildfire, but the Legion TA means you can only copy a team ability that a friendly figure has, i believe...
I hesitate to point this out because the Legion is having a tough time and needs to win one without Wildfire, but the Legion TA means you can only copy a team ability that a friendly figure has, i believe...
I thought he had made a mistake too, but way back when (turn 2 I think), Saturn Girl Mind Controlled a turret and then all of her team copied the Hydra Team ability. A couple moves back, she mind controlled Torch and 3 members copied the Fantastic Four ability. So now he can kinda rotate through both. Although for this game, I would have gotten the Syndicate ability if I had the chance.
Yeah I know, I was totally thinking about that a little turn 7...especially with Saturn Girl's high attack. Oh well..oh and I meant Hydra TA...AIM are the guys. oops...