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I am not a Bendis fan, but not everything he does is lame. I have even enjoyed a few issues of New Avengers. I do keep hearing that his Indy stuff was better, so maybe I'll give "Powers" a go one of these days.
Power is very good, but the direction has been changing of late. I would start with the early trades.
Are there any Invincible readers out there? I mean it's cool that people sort of agree with me on Ultimate Spider-Man, but the reason I started this thread was to expose people to Invincible. I need someone to back me up.
Charlesx, read any of the Powers trade, except Forever. Forever is a real big picture trade and you'll sort of feel lost reading it. Bendis is good enough writer that you won't feel lost reading any other trades. Also, Powers is sort of designed so that each story arc can be read separately. Just of late has Bendis actually started to screw with his two main characters.
No, I don't read invincibles, but Young Avengers is a fun read for new readers as well as those with some familiarity with Marvel history...I just hope they can get off the planet before being dragged into the "Civil War" mess.
Young Avengers is a fun book, but I've only read the first trade. You can sort of get the feel that it's written by a guy who also writes for The OC. Another good teen team book from Marvel is Runaways. Book 1, Pride and Joy, and book 3, The Good Die Young, are the best trades out for them. Since they are made in that digest side, it's really cheap to pick them up. The series all-together is pretty solid.
While we're mentioning other series:
100 Bullets
The Ultimates
I read both Invincible and Ult SPider-Man and I like both. If I had to drop one though, it'd be USM. I agree that they are rapidly catching up to the current Spidey-stories (they'll be a clone in no time) and pretty much and just overall are moving too fast.
Invincible feels like the early USM books did. The young kid dealing with his powers thing just works out great. The superhero dad thing just kinda made Invincible even more fun, espicially with the hysterical mom.
As a note I actually picked up the first trade of inv. after the collector's set was announced, then went out and got the other 4. I guess thats what clix are for
GL4LIFE, you are about to find out why Invincible rocks, if you haven't read that 2nd trade yet.
With that in mind, I'm going to warn that Invincible may look like a comic for younger kids, but there are some moments of intense violence.
And here's another selling point. There are characters mentioned with the name Multi-Paul and Dupli-Kate. I don't know about you, but I love play on words.
No, I don't read invincibles, but Young Avengers is a fun read for new readers as well as those with some familiarity with Marvel history...I just hope they can get off the planet before being dragged into the "Civil War" mess.
Invincible is a good book, I like it. Its got some great play on words and some nice ideas it is using. But, I still like USM more. I like the younger Peter Parker, I love the attitude he has towards the life and the grown ups around him. I really enjoyed the Kitty and Spider-Man hook up, made perfect sense to me and they even hint at from their first meeting on. I really liked how they handeled the Gwen Stacy thing(and at least they killed her off before she could be seduced by Loki and have twins that will grow fast and over throw Krypton), he made a bold choice to kill her, and no one saw it coming, which is why their is such a strong reaction to it, and I respect that she is still dead!(I aslo believed her killer's motives, unlike Identity Crisis). As for young super hero books, I think Young Avengers is fantastic and Runaways was one of the most interesting reads Marvel has come out with in a while, and they need some new stuff. The twist at the end of the first story(the pride) floored me. I like when the younger heroes still act like teens and young heroes, thats one of my problems with Teen Titans, they are all written as adults now, takes a certain aspect of the team out of the mix, but thats just my opinion. There is nothing wrong with Invincibile at all, its a great read.
"We may get beaten, but we won't get outworked"
-Steve Yzerman
There is no such thing as a conservative hero.
"You lost today kid, but you don't have to like it!"
I really liked how they handeled the Gwen Stacy thing(and at least they killed her off before she could be seduced by Loki and have twins that will grow fast and over throw Krypton), he made a bold choice to kill her, and no one saw it coming, which is why their is such a strong reaction to it, and I respect that she is still dead!(I aslo believed her killer's motives, unlike Identity Crisis).
Man, Gwen Stacy was marked for death the moment she showed up. And the symbiote killing her just because he has a fragment of a memory of her? C'mon! Her death is just to give another thing for Parker to be depressed about.
But if you want to talk about depressed, pick up the 2nd TPB of Invincible. I mean, you don't really need to read the 1st TPB, it's just a basic origin story.
No Gwen Stacy was killed by a killing monster, he was led to the house due to the memory, and that makes sense, anything or person he would have ran into would have been killed. It made sense. Everyone was waiting for Gwen and Peter to hook up, to have the love triangle of the original, and he pulled a different turn on people, and it worked, for me, maybe not for everyone, but at least it made sense in the world. I have all 5 TPB of Invincible, and they are good, but I was not that surprised by the twist there. It was a very Kirkman thing to do, which is not a bad thing at all, it was another good twist. I ain't dissing Invincible, I just like USM better.
"We may get beaten, but we won't get outworked"
-Steve Yzerman
There is no such thing as a conservative hero.
"You lost today kid, but you don't have to like it!"
I loved the Wolverine/Spider-man mind swap story. It was stupid, campy, comic drivel. More importantly though it was FUN. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It didn't have any repercussions. It was just a silly fun two issue arc. There's nothing wrong with having one of those evey once in a while. I'd rather have them admit they know it's stupid, but they wanted to do it, then to have them spend issue after issue cluttering up other stories trying to justify it's existence. I also loved that one of the issues was entitled "Jump the Shark".
TECHDOG, I'm not familiar with Kirkman's work. The only thing I have read of his is Walking Dead, which is also a fun book. Also, Parker would have never hooked up with Gwen. Gwen might have made a move on him, then MJ would find out and then there would be all this teen drama. But if I wanted teen drama I would watch the OC. Man, I could make an argument for Invincible but I really don't want to spoil anything.
I'm going to be as vague as possible. It was not the revelation that was the twist. But the person trying to justify what he/she was doing, but in the end falling to that one line Invincible had at the end.
[quote=reynold]TECHDOG, I'm not familiar with Kirkman's work. The only thing I have read of his is Walking Dead, which is also a fun book. Also, Parker would have never hooked up with Gwen. Gwen might have made a move on him, then MJ would find out and then there would be all this teen drama. But if I wanted teen drama I would watch the OC. Man, I could make an argument for Invincible but I really don't want to spoil anything.
Yeah. I am on your side with the writing in Invincible, and you should read some more Kirkman if you have not. He is really good.
As for teen drama, in any books with teens in them, it should be there. I am not saying that Gwen was moving in on Peter, but the moment she was introduced everyone was waiting for that love triangle, due to the way it originally went down, but having it happen the way it did, made it work for me(and maybe it is just me and I can admit that). I am just saying I am not as down on the writing in USM as you seem to be(and as others seem to be). But, hey, I agree Invincible is great, thats why I read that as well. And you are right, if other people are not, and they are looking for a good book to read, they should give it a shot.
"We may get beaten, but we won't get outworked"
-Steve Yzerman
There is no such thing as a conservative hero.
"You lost today kid, but you don't have to like it!"