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I'm back, but unfortunatley not at home and with limited internet. It will probably be tomorrow night before my next move post (It's easier to do the Fan 4 with three characters, this map is a little more crowded, and tought to set-up in the short time-span)
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (carried by E Science Police #1)
Movie Star - 3 K-8
Movie Star - 3 R16
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote][/quote]
I don't think it requires an action to drop them off. Once you get to your starting area, then they go off to prison automatically.
Hope you and the wifey are doing good...or as best as can be.
Turn 4A
(free) Imra will perplex Live Wire's damage to 2.
1. Garth will attempt to RCE the tank. AV 9 vs DV 15. Roll is 5, 6. That's a hit and the Tank takes 3 after Toughness. 1 IAP to SG.
2. Cosmic Boy will TK Kid Q to L13.
3. Kid Q will RS to K12 and incap the Tank, the Captain, and the Exp Sci Po #2. AV 9 vs DV 15, 16, 16. Roll is 6, 3. That hits all of them. Tank and the Exp Sci Po take a push click. Mary Jane #2 will drop in E9. 2 IAP to Cosmic Boy.
Garth heard Imra's voice speaking to him telepathically. "Aim for the damaged area below the turret."
"Gotcha. Thanks, Imra." said Live Wire as he let loose a lightning strike at the location Imra pinpointed. "You okay?"
"I'm fine, I was just grazed."
"Well that'll teach em to mess with you." said Garth. Garth couldn't see her, but he could feel her smiling.
Garth saw Kid Q fly over him at an incredible speed and freeze the Tank, the Captain, and one of the Science Police in place.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 K-8
Movie Star - 3 R16
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Ack...totally forgot about that...I just won't have her target the Tank.
Turn 4A
(free) Imra will perplex Live Wire's damage to 2.
1. Garth will attempt to RCE the tank. AV 9 vs DV 15. Roll is 5, 6. That's a hit and the Tank takes 3 after Toughness. 1 IAP to SG.
2. Cosmic Boy will TK Kid Q to L13.
3. Kid Q will RS to K12 and incap the Captain, and the Exp Sci Po #2. AV 9 vs DV 15, 16. Roll is 6, 3. That hits all of them. Exp Sci Po take a push click. Mary Jane #2 will drop in E9. 1 IAP to Cosmic Boy.
Garth heard Imra's voice speaking to him telepathically. "Aim for the damaged area below the turret."
"Gotcha. Thanks, Imra." said Live Wire as he let loose a lightning strike at the location Imra pinpointed. "You okay?"
"I'm fine, I was just grazed."
"Well that'll teach em to mess with you." said Garth. Garth couldn't see her, but he could feel her smiling.
Garth saw Kid Q fly over him at an incredible speed and freeze the Tank, the Captain, and one of the Science Police in place.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 K-8
Movie Star - 3 R16
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
- Sky Tank pushes to move to P-4,P-5, Q-4, Q-5 Captures Movie Star #1 and Taxies E Science Police #3 to O-6
- Science Marine #4 (assisited by E Science Police #3) takes the shot at Kid Quantum (3+4 = 7) Hits for 2
- V Science Police pushes to hit Saturn Girl (6+4 = 10) Hits for 1)
"That's a Multi-Million Credit piece of machinery you squajs! Would someone please remove it from the battle before these delinquents turn it into scrap?
"And while your at it, would someone please shoot the girl out in the open in the middle of the Sprockin' field!"
The Sky tank lurched and rolled in behind one of the buildings, while the Marines returned fire on Jasmin.
The captain, meanwhile, turned his attention towards Saturn Girl.
"You won't be taking any of my men's minds today, witch!" he growled, firing off a round from his Psi-Suppressor.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 R16
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
1. Shadow Lass will take a shot at the Captain and using PD from Live Wire. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is a 3, 6. That's a hit.
(free) Imra will perplex up her movement to 8.
2. Saturn Girl will pick up the Movie Star in R16 and fly to M23 and drop off the movie star.
Cosmic Boy looked around the field and knew the situation was dire. He saw Shadow Lass knock out the Captain and Still he knew his team would fight on.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
2. E Science Police #3 takes the shot at Kid Quantum, assisted by Science Marine #4 (3+2) Hits (barely) for 2
3. E Science Police #2 takes the shot at Kid Quantum, assited by Science Marine #1 (6+1 =7) Hits for 1 and the KO
D'Vork saw the shadow caster take out the field commander.
"Finally," he grunted, "a shot at command!"
"Captain's down! I'm assuming control!
"Officer's take that girl out of the air! Marine's provide covering fire! Move it people!"
They could have been rallied by the downing of their captain, or maybe they responded better to D'vork's brusk intructions. Either way, the SP unit fell in and laid down a barrage that quickly overcame Jasmin's defenses.
"Too... many..." she grunted.
Her stasis fields held the balistics at bay, but the mental strain was too much and she blacked out, falling to the ground unconscious.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 I-13 (Carreid by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 O- 10
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 N-13
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Mary Jane - 5 D-11
Mary Jane - 5 E-9
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
E Science Police #2 moves to C-11 Picking up Mary Jane #2
Science Marine #1 moves to C-10 Picking up Mary Jane #3
E Science Police #3 moves to O-9
NOTE: I just noticed that I have Lana #1 illegally placed on H-8. On my board I've had her at H-11 (and have been using that for LOS purposes). Not sure if I accidentally shot through her H-8 or not, but since it was my mistake, I'll leave it up to you as to which square she should be in.
Also, your move stated N-10 for Shadow Lass, but your recap states M-10. I assume it's N-10. I adjusted the recap. Let me know if that's not the case.
As Shadow Lass landed in the shrubbery of the plaza, a thick veil of darkness descended around her.
"Officer, go in there and get her!" barked D'Vork
"But sir..."
"That's an order!"
The SP made an audible gulp and tentatively entered the inky black bubble
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by Science Marine #1)
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8/H-11
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Carp. Reported the wrong positions for the SPs on the top half of the board. Corrected in the quote.
Quote : Originally Posted by rouge2
Turn 7B
E Science Police #2 moves to C-12 Picking up Mary Jane #2
Science Marine #1 moves to C-11 Picking up Mary Jane #3
E Science Police #3 moves to O-9
NOTE: I just noticed that I have Lana #1 illegally placed on H-8. On my board I've had her at H-11 (and have been using that for LOS purposes). Not sure if I accidentally shot through her H-8 or not, but since it was my mistake, I'll leave it up to you as to which square she should be in.
Also, your move stated N-10 for Shadow Lass, but your recap states M-10. I assume it's N-10. I adjusted the recap. Let me know if that's not the case.
As Shadow Lass landed in the shrubbery of the plaza, a thick veil of darkness descended around her.
"Officer, go in there and get her!" barked D'Vork
"But sir..."
"That's an order!"
The SP made an audible gulp and tentatively entered the inky black bubble
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by Science Marine #1)
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8/H-11
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Actually I meant to put Tasmia in M10. Sorry about that. I'll put the Sci Po #3 in N9. Let me know if that's a problem. And we can leave Lana in H8. I'm not sure if you shot through her or not..but that's okay...I had her in H8 as well.
Turn 8A
(free) Imra will perplex up Garth's range to 9.
1. Garth will attempt to RCE Sci Po #3. AV 9 (+1 PD) vs DV 17. Roll is 5, 5. #3 takes 3 clicks and is knocked back to P9 and into the wall for another click.
Imra spoke to Garth again in his mind. "One of them is walking through the shadow field.
Garth waited until the Sci Po appeared and fired a strike of lightning, hitting him square in the chest and knocking him back out of the field.
Mary Jane - 5 (carried by Science Marine #1)
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8/H-11
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.
Ouch! That's fine. I originally though Tasmia would block line of fire, but checking the diagonal chart on either position gave Garth a clear shot, so no difference. Well played!
Turn 8B
1. E Science Marine #1 Pushes to Hit Imra Assisted by E Science Police #2 (1+5 = 6) Hits for two. Marine KOed, drops Bystander.
2. Science Marine #4 to O-7
3. Sky Tank to T-9, T-10, U-9, U-10 Taxies Marine to U-11
The Marine took the shot at Imra and the round found it's mark. Imra instinctively lashed out in pain at the soldier, whose senses were quickly overcome.
"The Whitch is almost down," shouted D'Vork.
"Take to higher ground."
He regarded the dazed and confused officer just thrown from the dark field.
"We'll deal with lightning boy next," he muttered.
Mary Jane - 5 C-11
Mary Jane - 5 (Carried by E Science Police #2)
Mary Jane - 5 G-13
Lana Lang - 3 H-8/H-11
Lana Lang - 3 (Carried by Garth)
Lana Lang - 3 (captured)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Sky Tank)
Movie Star - 3 (Saved!)
Movie Star - 3 (Carried by Rokk)
Paper Boy - 3 (carried by Science Marine #4)
Paper Boy - 3 P-13
Paper Boy - 3 S-11
Paper Boy - 3 X-9
HO: M17, M18
LO: M19
Rubble: K10, K9, L9
Map: Avengers Mansion outdoor
Scenario Rules:
The Sky-Tank can NOT be captured.
The Legion starts at the top, the SP at the bottom.
The bystanders are placed by the villain player in rows K-P (Be fair - don’t cluster them all on your side, you dastardly fiend!) and are treated like objects that anybody can pick up (or TK, for that matter). If a Legionnaire has picked up a bystander, they may return them to their starting area for bonus TAP (based on points of the bystander). The SP can return bystanders to their starting area and simply remove them from play.
If a character carrying a bystander is hit and takes damage, they drop the bystander in an adjacent square. The bystander can then be picked up by another character. The dropped bystander can NOT be picked up by the team who dropped them for 1 round (call it the “No Tag-Backs” rule ) but other characters are free to grab them immediately.[/quote]