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Oh and I updated your positions and gave the people that moved some actions..
"Alright people, let's see if we can distract them long enough to let the others do their jobs," said Cosmic Boy. "We're definitely going to need to work as a team, just to keep us in the game long enough to hold them off. We're almost outnumbered 2 to 1, so let's do this Legionnaires!"
"We're on it!" yelled Garth and Jasmine.
Turn 1b
1. Cosmic Boy will TK Lightning Lad to G10.
2. Garth will attempt to RCE Birdboy. AV 8 vs DV 17. Roll is 5, 6. Hit and Birdboy takes 2 after Toughness.
[2]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[1]R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16
[1]E Live Wire 37 (5/5) B15
[]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
[]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) W13
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) W12
R XP Beast (Lowfur) O18 @
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) N19 (soaring) @
R Iceman (Icicle [I know it is already a villian but they have copy cats right?]) V12 @
R Havok (Power boy) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM ]) W19
I hate to tell you this but Bird-Boy (Archangel) is soaring so you have to halve the range to him. The shot is good on Lowfur (Beast) though. So I will assume that is who you shoot. If you want to redo I can redo my turn also.
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
(Also Bird-Boy at N19 is 9 squares from G10 so you must have meant Lowfur at O18. I also take 1 + 2 RCE = 3 - 1 toughness = 2 so the points work out the same.)
Turn 2a
1) Mind Mistress TKs Master Blaster to Q18.
3) Iceman pushes and picks up Mind Mistress and moves to W17 and puts Mind Mistress down in W18. He takes a click.
[2]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[1]R Cosmic Boy 45 (5/5) B16 @
[1]E Live Wire 37 (1/5) G10 @
[]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) B17
[]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (5/5) Q13 @
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18 @
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (4/6) O18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) N19 (soaring) (5/5)
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) V12 @@
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19
Yeah I meant Lowfur...sorry about that. I was aiming at Lowfur and thinking Birdboy...
In any case, I don't think you can hit Live Wire from Q13. Remember all regular hindering terrain is blocking terrain so that metallic bush in I11 would block line of fire to Live Wire...
So let me know where you want to put Master Blaster and I can then take my turn.
OK, tough one. I assume the water does not block LOS (since you shot through it). Unfortunately that bush in I11 blocks most LOS to Live Wire. (And Iceman blocks Jean's LOS to many squares).
TK to S8 and Master Blaster RS to Q10. Livewire only takes 2 now though. :disappoin
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
1. Cosmic Boy will TK Wildfire to H10. A push click for Cos.
2. Wildfire will RS to L9 and take a shot at Cyclops. AV 10 vs DV 15. Roll is 6, 3. Hit and Cyclops takes 4 clicks.
[6]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16 @@
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (8/8) L9 @
[]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (1/5) Q10 @
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18 @
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (4/6) O18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) N19 (soaring) (5/5)
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17 @@
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) X19
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19
2) Power boy shoots Drake. Def. 16 + 1 Hindering - att. 8 = need 9. Rolls a 5,6=11 hit! Wildfire takes 3 - 2 inv = 1. Well I got the first ding on him.
3) Bird-Boy moves to E16 still in Soaring mode.
[6]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16 @@
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) L9 @
[]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) A16
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (1/5) Q10
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (4/6) O18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) E16 (soaring) (5/5) @
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) X19 @
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19 @
1. Kid Q will RS to C16 and RS/Incap on Bird Boy. AV 9 vs DV 16. Roll is 6, 2. Hit and Bird boy gets a token and a push click.
2. Live Wire will attempt to RCE Lowfur again before he gets pummeled again. AV 7 vs DV 16. Roll is 2, 6. That's almost a hit but not close enough.
[8]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10 @
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) L9
[2]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) C16 @
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (1/5) Q10
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (4/6) O18
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) E16 (soaring) (4/5) @@
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) R15 @
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19 @
Range is halved to soaring characters. Kid Q has a range of 6, I am 4 squares away though. Otherwise I would have just hid behind the hindering terrain.
"Nature has placed nothing so high, that valour cannot overcome it."
Alexander of Macedon
Yeah I know it's halved. Kid Quantum has Running Shot, which I used to get to C16 which is only 2 squares away from E16 which is well within half of her range which is 3.
[8]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10 @
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) L9
[2]E Kid Quantum 61 (5/5) C16 @
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (1/5) M8 @
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (4/6) J11 @
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) E16 (soaring) (4/5)
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) R15
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19
No problem. I don't think I'll be lasting that many turns anyway.
Turn 4b
1. Cosmic Boy will TK Kid Q to J8.
2. Kid Q will push to Running Shot/incap to N11, targeting Lowfur, Master Blaster, and Power Boy. AV 9 vs DV 15, 11, and 17, respectively. Roll is 3, 4. That hits Lowfur and Master Blaster, but misses Power Boy..darn, that would've been some nice IAP! Lowfur takes a push click as does Master Blaster and he's KO'ed.
3. Wildfire will Running Shot to O8, targeting Lowfur and Power Boy. AV 9 vs DV 14, 17. Roll is 1, 2. Miss.
[14]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16 @
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) O8 @
[8]E Kid Quantum 61 (4/5) N11 @@
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (0/5) KO'ed!
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (3/6) J11 @@
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) E16 (soaring) (4/5)
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) R15
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) W19
I wish I had more time to do write ups. Maybe later this week I will do some makeup descriptions.
Turn 5a
1) Mind Mistress TKs the Mistress of Magnatism to M8.
2) MOM attacks Drake. Def. 16 - att. 8 = need 8. Rolled 6,1=7 miss. Dang I needed that one to land.
3) Bird boy charges to A17 (hovering level) and attacks Cosmic Boy. Def. 15 - att. 8 = need 7. Rolled 2,4=6 miss. Going to be a long game I think.
[14]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16 @
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) O8 @
[8]E Kid Quantum 61 (4/5) N11 @@
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (0/5) KO'ed!
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18 @
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (3/6) J11
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) A17 (4/5) @
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) R15
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) M8 @
I totally thought Drake was gonna get pummeled. AND Cosmic Boy too...
Yeah I wish I had more time to do write ups as well..but being at work..makes it kinda hard...:O And I don't think it's gonna be a long'll be pretty short..all it takes is a couple of successful shots and I'm out.
Turn 5b
1. Well time for the hail mary shot. Live Wire will attept to RCE MOM. AV 7 vs DV 18. Roll is 4, 3. Miss.
[14]LEGION of Super Heroes:
[2]R Cosmic Boy 45 (4/5) B16
[1]E Live Wire 37 (3/5) G10 @
[3]LE Drake Burroughs 127 (7/8) O8
[8]E Kid Quantum 61 (4/5) N11
LEGION of Super Villians:
R IC Cyclops (Master Blaster) (0/5) KO'ed!
R Jean Grey (Mind Mistress) (5/5) W18 @
R XP Beast (Lowfur) (3/6) J11
R Archangel (Bird-Boy) A17 (4/5) @
R Iceman (Icicle) (3/4) W17
R Havok (Power boy) (5/5) R15
R Polaris (Mistress of Magnitism [MOM]) (5/5) M8 @