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Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Also, just for clarification, where exactly is Rokk? You've got him at G-13 in the write-up, but G-12 in the summary ...
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
We have come to a conclusion.
Catman/Timberwolf is KO'ed - there was no errata because there was never a need for one since the figure's dial is correct(the web is wrong). There have been several errors on the WK site for dials and the actual dial has always trumped the figure gallery. I realize no one had caught this in the preseason but we cannot fix that. going forward the E Catman has 6 clicks of life please ignore the mystery 7th click
So please back the game up to MSU turn 3.2 AFTER Mon-EL's attack since Catman/timberwolf did not help the attack (neither did the roll of a 5) So MSU has made two actions and has one more action available in turn 3. please pick up the game from there
Last edited by Stepper79; 06/13/2007 at 12:30..
Season 1 SuperHero Bowl Champion of the Heroclix Fantasy League
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
I would not have kept Catman there if I knew he was going to be KOed, which was my point. I thought since he had 7 clicks I could take Kara's 6 and keep her there for Mon-El to try to attack. I would like to go back to turn 2 where I am going to move Catman out of Kara's charge range since I am not keeping him there to die.
Quote : Originally Posted by Old Lady from JLU "Patriot Act" to the General
You think killing Superman would make the world safe? Or killing this boy? Or killing us? Tell me, how many of us do you have to kill to keep us safe?
Quote : Originally Posted by Loki from "The Avengers" to Thor
I don't believe that is fair to both teams, you chose to move Timberwolf to I-10 on turn one after Jacin had already placed Kara on turn 1 knowing full well he could have pushed on turn 2 and attacked or waited till turn 3 as he did.
I understand that you were disadvantaged by the error on the WK site and HCR units section and that lead you to believe that you could technically survive her attack you weighed the risk that you also would not be knocked back or crit hit either of which would have negated the planned assist for Mon-El.
I know you are going to think that we are being unfair but the ruling will stand as we presented you have 1 more action on turn 3 and then it is Jacins turn
Season 1 SuperHero Bowl Champion of the Heroclix Fantasy League
I don't believe that is fair to both teams, you chose to move Timberwolf to I-10 on turn one after Jacin had already placed Kara on turn 1 knowing full well he could have pushed on turn 2 and attacked or waited till turn 3 as he did.
I understand that you were disadvantaged by the error on the WK site and HCR units section and that lead you to believe that you could technically survive her attack you weighed the risk that you also would not be knocked back or crit hit either of which would have negated the planned assist for Mon-El.
I know you are going to think that we are being unfair but the ruling will stand as we presented you have 1 more action on turn 3 and then it is Jacins turn
Actually on turn two, he blew away the wall. I placed Catman in I10 in Turn 1 where he was protected from Kara. In Turn two, Batman blew away the wall and kara did not push. So Kara could have pushed to take out Catman or Callisto in turn 2 and did not. My turn two comes and if I would have known he only had 6 clicks I would have moved him like I moved Callisto.
Quote : Originally Posted by Old Lady from JLU "Patriot Act" to the General
You think killing Superman would make the world safe? Or killing this boy? Or killing us? Tell me, how many of us do you have to kill to keep us safe?
Quote : Originally Posted by Loki from "The Avengers" to Thor
I think Stepper had already addressed that, though, hadn't he?
I understand that you think that the rulings not particularly fair to you. But, when you consider that they very well could've said that we'd just count Catman as KO'd at the end of my portion of Turn 3 and then let everything else stand and pick up with Turn 5 'as is' with no repositioning or replacing or re-doing of turns -- which would be what I would've preferred as it would've offered me the most advantage -- I think that the ruling that they came to was as equitable as either of us is going to get.
Besides that, he's already said several posts ago that the ruling is going to stand as they'd presented it, man. Let's just progress from where they said to progress from so we can actually get some game squeezed in amongst the bickering.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
We have made our ruling after carefully considering the entire situation, and we believe this is the solution that's most fair to both parties. And as Stepper said earlier, it will stand as presented. Please continue the game from the specified point.
Last edited by Melkhor; 06/14/2007 at 05:11..
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
YOU and JacinB can discuss, if he is ok with the change of their positions then its fine.
BTW thank you to both of you for acting like Big Boys and not #####ing and moaning about our ruling. We appreciate that you acted professionally and have made arguments but have not caused "trouble"
Season 1 SuperHero Bowl Champion of the Heroclix Fantasy League
Honestly, I'd rather just continue from where we were told to continue from.
Brainy and Mon-El have already done their thing for this turn. Callisto is pushed, so she can't do anything. If you want to take a third action this turn, it would require that you push Cos or Invisible Kid.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.