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"Let's take em," Cold tells the team as he glares at Jesse Quick.
Cheetah dashes next to the female speedster.
"Hey blondie, tell Flash I said hello," Cold yells across the park as he takes a shot at Jesse Quick. But the shot misses badly, creating a mound of ice in the street.
1) Cheetah moves to 0-23
Free - Black Mask outwits super senses on Jesse Quick
2) Cold running shoots Quick to J-16, 9av on 17 def (hindering) rolls 1+5, Thinker PC's to 5+1, miss
3) Fatality to F-19
Cold copies Skrull TA
Mask will mastermind damage to Weather Wizard
Thinker will PC anything he can
Not a great start to the season, two misses! See if you have better luck!
Orko's Green Lantern Corp (home):
Abin Sur U 137 pts (9/9) Q6
*w/protected 8 pts
The Demon E 100 pts (7/8) Q15
Jesse Quick E 54 pts (5/5) P22
IAM138's Injustice League (visitor)
1) Capt. Cold E 68 pts (6/6) J-16@
2) Fatality R 43 pts (6/6) F-19@
3) Weather Wizard R 31 pts (5/5) I-15
4) Skrull R 25 pts (5/5) I-10
5) Black Mask R 43 pts (4/5) J-14{outwitting super senses on Quick}
6) Mad Thinker U 53 pts (5/5) C-17
7) Cheetah R 37 pts (6/6) O-23@
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
1. Abin Sur wants to attack Captain Cold, but the roll on Cold's skrull TA is a 6, making it impossible. Abin Sur chooses to instead move to Q14.
2. Jesse Quick uses hypersonic speed and goes to K14, and attacks Black Mask. 9 vs 15 and the roll is 1+6=7, for one damage. Black Mask masterminds that to Weather Wizard. 1SA for Jesse Quick.
Orko's Green Lantern Corp (home):
Abin Sur U 137 pts (9/9) Q14@
*w/protected 8 pts
The Demon E 100 pts (7/8) Q15
Jesse Quick E 54 pts (5/5) K14@
[1SA] Jesse Quick
IAM138's Injustice League (visitor)
1) Capt. Cold E 68 pts (6/6) J-16@
2) Fatality R 43 pts (6/6) F-19@
3) Weather Wizard R 31 pts (4/5) I-15
4) Skrull R 25 pts (5/5) I-10
5) Black Mask R 43 pts (4/5) J-14{outwitting super senses on Quick}
6) Mad Thinker U 53 pts (5/5) C-17
7) Cheetah R 37 pts (6/6) O-23@
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
BTW - I haven't used protected on a fig during online play before. Do you need to know before or after an attack whether Abin Sur is using that option?
BTW - I haven't used protected on a fig during online play before. Do you need to know before or after an attack whether Abin Sur is using that option?
Most people tend to say how they'd use it, i.e., an attack dealing more than 2 damage or whatever the case may be. I don't mind however if you wait before deciding. If I do damage him I'll just post and you can decide whether to use it or not.
And I'm breathing a big sigh of relief with that Skrull roll! Can't believe I forgot to check distance from Abin Sur with that running shot.
And FYI, I'll add a defend to Wizard for taking the damage from Mask's mastermind.
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
"Mask, if you'll kindly step out of the way, I'd like to try something," Thinker tells the crime boss. Mask looks at Weather Wizard while rolling his eyes. The two head off to the right.
"You're quick dear, but are you quick enought to outrace my mind?" Thinker asks the Teen Titan. He summons a blast of mental energy, and apparently Quick is faster than his brainwaves, as the attack misses.
Skrull slinks into position next to The Demon and Abin Sur.
1) Weather Wizard picks up Mask, he hovers to J-8, places Mask in K-9
Free - Mask outwits super senses on Quick
2) Thinker to mind control Quick, 9av on 17def, rolls 2+4, PC is 1+5, miss (I roll 4 6's to start the game???? )
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Last edited by IAM138; 06/09/2007 at 18:20..
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
Did you mean to put a marker on Black Mask since he was only carried last turn?
1. Demon picks up the heavy object at his feet and attempts to attack Skrull. The Skrull's shape change roll is a four, which fails. Demons attack is 10 vs 16. The roll is a 1+3=4, for the miss.
Okay...I guess neither one of us are doing to well in the dice roll department right now.
Everyone else clears.
Orko's Green Lantern Corp (home):
Abin Sur U 137 pts (9/9) Q14
*w/protected 8 pts
The Demon E 100 pts (7/8) Q15@
Jesse Quick E 54 pts (5/5) K14
[1SA] Jesse Quick
IAM138's Injustice League (visitor)
1) Capt. Cold E 68 pts (6/6) J-16
2) Fatality R 43 pts (6/6) F-19
3) Weather Wizard R 31 pts (4/5) J-8@ [1-DEF]
4) Skrull R 25 pts (5/5) P-15@
5) Black Mask R 43 pts (4/5) K-9@{outwitting super senses on Quick}
6) Mad Thinker U 53 pts (5/5) C-17@
7) Cheetah R 37 pts (6/6) O-23
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Did you mean to put a marker on Black Mask since he was only carried last turn?
Thanks for the catch, no token for Mask.
1. Demon picks up the heavy object at his feet and attempts to attack Skrull.
FYI: You can only pick up an object during a move action. So the close attack was fine, but the object is still there! To pick it up, you'd have to break away and charge Skrull. (Sounds silly, don't it )
You also forgot to roll for Skrull TA, I sent you a roll, it was a 6, but I guess it doesn't really matter since you failed the attack roll (although you may want to do something different with Demon??!!) I don't know, we may have to ask someone if you want to back up.
And in reading back over my moves, I see I moved Weather Wizard 1 more space than I should have. I forgot he was on 4/5, and I moved him 7 spaces. He SHOULD be in J-9.
I'll correct all these items in my recap so we don't get confused.
Last edited by IAM138; 06/10/2007 at 20:08..
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
I guess we've just got lots off issues going on this game.
I forgot about the object rule...thanks for catching it.
No - I won't try to re-do turn five. We'll just assume that Demon missed out. I saw the shape change and I didn't even remember about the skrull ability. (So basically, Skrull has two chances to miss the attack.)
In response to your PM, yes, Abin Sur will go ahead and use his protected against Skrull's attack.
"Press the attack, Skrull," Cold instructs the alien from another universe. "Thinker, quit lagging behind and get up here and support us. Fatality, think you can hit the speedster?"
The last survivor of Xanshi grins as she aims her energy spear at Jesse Quick.
"This should slow her down," she says.
1) Skrull pushes to close attack Abin Sur. 8av on 17def, rolls 6+5, hits for 2, but you'll use protected and get a token
2) Thinker moves to G-11, no push due to willpower
3) Fatality range attacks Quick, 9av on 17 defense (hindering), rolls 5+3, super senses roll is 1, she takes 2
Free - Mask outwits hypersonic speed on Quick, earning a defend stat
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Last edited by IAM138; 06/11/2007 at 15:39..
Reason: Skrull SA
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
Abin Sur yells up to Jesse Quick, "I feel like all we've been doing this game is standing here!" Quick replies back, "Uh, that's because that's all we've really been able to do. We're shooting lousy, and we haven't been able to attack them due to their team abilities."
1. Jesse Quick moves to K15.
Everyone else clears. Now, if you'll please do me the favor of missing your next several attack rolls, I'd be most appreciative.
Orko's Green Lantern Corp (home):
Abin Sur U 137 pts (9/9) Q14 (protected used)
*w/protected 8 pts
The Demon E 100 pts (7/8) Q15
Jesse Quick E 54 pts (3/5) K15@
[1SA] Jesse Quick
IAM138's Injustice League (visitor)
1) Capt. Cold E 68 pts (6/6) J-16
2) Fatality R 43 pts (6/6) F-19@ [1-SA]
3) Weather Wizard R 31 pts (4/5) J-9 [1-DEF]
4) Skrull R 25 pts (4/5) P-15@@ [1-SA]
5) Black Mask R 43 pts (4/5) K-9 [1-DEF] {outwitting Quick's hypersonic}
6) Mad Thinker U 53 pts (5/5) G-11@@
7) Cheetah R 37 pts (6/6) O-23
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Now, if you'll please do me the favor of missing your next several attack rolls, I'd be most appreciative.
I think you jinxed me.
Now if you'd be so kind as to return the favor?????
Turn 6, Player 2
"Now's our chance Leaguers, hit em and hit em hard," Cold shouts out. He tries to draw a bead on the Green Lantern Abin Sur, but Jesse Quick keeps getting in the way of the shot. "I thought you had her super speed under control Mask?" Cold says.
"I did," Mask lamely replies.
"Cheetah, back up the Skrull, I have a feeling he's gonna need it in a minute. Wizard, see if you can't get her off my back."
Wizard hurls a large hailstone Quick's way, but it misses badly.
And I thought I had the most annoying tie-up piece in the Skrull. Quick is really irking me!
1) Cold to breakaway for a running shot. Rolls 3, Thinker PC's to a 3, fails.
2) Cheetah moves to O-16
3) Weather Wizard to range Quick, 8av on 16def (hindering) rolls 4+1 for a miss
Free - Mask outwits telekinesis on Abin Sur
Cold copies Skrull TA
Thinker to PC a successful attack from Abin Sur or anything else he can see.
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger
1. Demon wants to attack Skrull, but the roll for Skrull's TA is a six, making the attack impossible. Instead, Demon chooses to attempt a breakaway from Skrull. Breakaway roll is 4. Demon picks up the heavy object at S13 and charges Cheetah, moving to P17. 10 vs 17. Roll is 4+6=10, for a total of five damage. 1SA for Demon.
2. Abin Sur attempts to break away from Skrull, but the roll is a two. He remains where he is.
Orko's Green Lantern Corp (home):
Abin Sur U 137 pts (9/9) Q14@ (protected used)
*w/protected 8 pts
The Demon E 100 pts (7/8) P17@
Jesse Quick E 54 pts (3/5) K15
[1SA] Demon
[1SA] Jesse Quick
IAM138's Injustice League (visitor)
1) Capt. Cold E 68 pts (6/6) J-16@
2) Fatality R 43 pts (6/6) F-19 [1-SA]
3) Weather Wizard R 31 pts (4/5) J-9@ [1-DEF]
4) Skrull R 25 pts (4/5) P-15 [1-SA]
5) Black Mask R 43 pts (4/5) K-9 [1-DEF] {outwitting Abin Sur's TK}
6) Mad Thinker U 53 pts (5/5) G-11
7) Cheetah R 37 pts (1/6) O-16@
Whenever the character with the highest point value remaining on your force is eliminated, remove one action token from all characters on your force, as applicable, and then remove the eliminated character from the game.
Last edited by Orko; 06/12/2007 at 09:13..
Reason: Editing Demon's move
1. Demon wants to attack Skrull, but the roll for Skrull's TA is a six, making the attack impossible
Just a reminder, the Skrull TA, like with shape change, states you can still take another action with Demon if you want. it's not like a failed breakaway roll where you get a token for mising that roll. Your call though, as I won't be posting till late this afternoon.
Originally posted by Thawmus: I can tell that IAM138 is a top-notch player.
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!" - Auric Goldfinger