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Northstar: Sacre Blue! My feet feel like they're glued to the floor.
Guardian: It's the darn SHIELD gadgetry, the Americans have outfitted these guys with. Man, what I wouldn't give for a budget like theres! Time to close the technology gap with a little old fashioned muscle.
1) Guardian charges to P13 and lays a Canadian beatdown on Nighthawk.
AV 10 v DV 15. Needs a 5 twice.
[Roll = 4,4] Photon PCs the hit. [Roll 6,3] In all alternate realities, Nighthawk is down and his Ho dropped.
2) Aurora pushes to fly to Q-11.
3) Shaman pulls a handfull of snow from his pouch and tosses, whereupon it turns into a solid snow bank. Barrier in N15/O16/P17/Q17.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts I-20 @ (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts H-19 @ (18 def, +2 ES/D) (outwitting Northstar's HSS)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts H-20 (outwitting Shaman's perplex)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts H-21 @
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 P-13 @ [1 SA, 1 KO]
2) E Shaman* 66 R-16 @ [1 AST]
3) E Northstar 61 R17
4) E Aurora 60 Q-11 @@ [1 SA] (1 click)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
I'm traveling a lot this next week, so I'll try to keep posting a turn a day if possible. It shouldn't matter though, it looks like we'll have plenty of time to finish. Techno gets a DFD for outwitting HSS, and Shaman also gets a DFD (nice barrier by the way).
Turn 4b:
Photon says: "Just wait, now is when the Canadians make their mistake"
We clear
Same deal, Photon will PC the first successful attack of yours that he sees.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts I-20 (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts H-19 (18 def, +2 ES/D)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts H-20
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts H-21
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 1 DFD
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 P-13 @ [1 SA, 1 KO]
2) E Shaman* 66 R-16 @ [1 AST, 1 DFD]
3) E Northstar 61 R17
4) E Aurora 60 Q-11 @@ [1 SA] (1 click)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
Aurora: “Why do zey huddle together so close like that? Northstar: "I don’t know, but if they’re not careful, somebody’s gonna step on that itty bitty guy in the middle." Guardian: "Perhaps they’re employing some type of local forcefield that requires them to stay in contact. That’s why they are not coming coming closer." Shaman: "I believe they are not approaching because they are waiting for us to make a mistake." Aurora: "Did ze mystic spirits tell you that?" Shaman: "No silly. I read it in the post just above this one."
Free- Shaman peprplexes Northstar’s damage to 3.
1) Northstar goes hypersonic and smashes the T10/T11 wall on his way to U14. Shaman is carried to T14.
2) Weapon Alpha pushes, grabs, the O12 HO and flys to T9.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts I-20 (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts H-19 (18 def, +2 ES/D)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts H-20
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts H-21
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 1 DFD
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 T-9 @@ [1 SA, 1 KO] (1 click)
2) E Shaman* 66 T-14 [1 AST, 1 DFD]
3) E Northstar 61 U-14 @
4) E Aurora 60 Q-11 [1 SA] (1 click)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
"They're breaking! Look at 'em run! Take 'em down!" Norb Ebersol flies into action. Photon shakes his head and teleports near the Canadians. "They are clearly setting a trap. Procede with caution."
1) Techno flies to Q-13, drops Smuggler at Q-14.
free) Norb throws a localized energy containment field at Aurora. (Techno outwits Aurora's HSS.)
free) Conrad Josten clouds the area around Shaman in darkness. (Smuggler outwits Shaman's perplex.)
2) Photon flies to R-14, drops Swordsman at S-14.
free) "Hey Photon, pick the right future this time," Nighthawk gasps from the ground before he lapses into unconsciousness. Photon will PC the first successful attack he can see.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts R-14 @ (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts Q-13 @ (18 def, +2 ES/D) (outwitting Aurora's HSS)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts Q-14 (outwitting Shaman's perplex)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts S-14
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 1 DFD
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 T-9 @@ [1 SA, 1 KO] (1 click)
2) E Shaman* 66 T-14 [1 AST, 1 DFD]
3) E Northstar 61 U-14 @
4) E Aurora 60 Q-11 [1 SA] (1 click)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
Shaman: "Well here come the Ugly Americans."
Guardian: "There’s only one way to deal with these tactics."
Northstar: "Run away?"
Guardian: "Of course not. Well . . . um, it’s not exactly running away."
1) Shaman will attempt to count coup on Swordsman, whacking him on the head.
AV 9 v DV 16. Needs a 7 for 2. [roll = 6,1] Swordsman wonders why the Indian is hiting him with a stick, and more importantly why it hurts like 2 clicks of damage.
Free – Alpha Flight declares Avengers its enemy.
2) Northstar will push to go hypersonic carrying Shaman. He'll attack Techno from P14 before continuing.
AV 9+1 v DV 18. Needs an 8 for 2. [roll = 2,4] whiff. Northstar ends in O7. Shaman in O-6.
3) Aurora flys to P-6.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts R-14 @ (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts Q-13 @ (18 def, +2 ES/D) (outwitting Aurora's HSS)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts Q-14 (outwitting Shaman's perplex)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts S-14 (2 clicks)
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 1 DFD
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 T-9 [1 SA, 1 KO] (1 click)
2) E Shaman* 66 O-6 @ [1 AST, 1 DFD, 1 SA]
3) E Northstar 61 O-7 @@ (1 click)
4) E Aurora 60 P-6 @ [1 SA] (1 click)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
free) "Slow down, eh?" Norb outwits Guardian's toughness with an EMP blast.
1) Smuggler attempts to escape through the shadows--break away succeeds. He charges to P-7 vs Shaman, 9 vs 15--misses with a 5, Photon PCs it "That's not how I remembered it"--hits with an 8 (6,2) two clicks to Shaman, 1 SA to Smuggler, 1 AST to Photon.
free) As Smuggler appears out of the shadows, he engulfs Northstar in Darkness (outwits Northstar's Toughness)
2) The Swordsman attempts to put down Northstar, toughness outwitted, 1st flurry attack 7 vs 16--hits with a critical hit! Andreas Strucker buries his sword into Northstar's chest for 3 clicks. 1 AST to Smuggler. Swordsman's second flurry against Northstar, 7 vs 14--misses with a 5. Northstar ducks under the second would-be killing blow.
Others clear.
free) Photon will PC the first successful attack he sees.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts P-8 (7/8) (18 def, +3 ES/D and hindering)
2) E Techno* 71 pts Q-9 (5/6) (18 def, +2 ES/D) (outwitting Guardian's SS)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts P-7 @ (6/6) (outwitting Aurora's HSS)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts O-8 (3/5) @
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 2 DFD
Smuggler 1 SA, 1 AST
Photon 1 AST
Swordsman 1 SA
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 Q-9 @ [1 SA, 1 KO] (7/8)
2) E Shaman* 66 O-6 [1 AST, 1 DFD, 1 SA] (4/6)
3) E Northstar 61 O-7 (1/5) (injured)
4) E Aurora 60 P-6 [1 SA] (4/5)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
Guardian: Hey Jean-Paul. What was that plan you came up with a few rounds ago?
Northstar: You mean 'run away?'
Guardian: That's the one!
1 - Aurora grabs Shaman and goes hypersonic. Attacks Ant-man from P-6 before continuing.
AV 9+1 v DV 18. Needs an 8 for 2. [Roll = 4,4] Squashes the bug for 2 and ends in H12. Shaman in H11.
2 - Northstar attempts to break away. [Roll = 5,5] Oops. Too many dice. Now I have to find out what the protocol is for too many dice rolled . . .
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
Ok, so it says Guardian has a HO, but he moved on the turn after I outwitted his Super Strength so the HO should be at T-9. Fixing that. Curse you and your HSS!
Turn 8b:
free) "Hmm, that Canadian talked seemed to stop him. Maybe he's a Hoser." Techno outwits Guardian's Toughness.
1) Photon punches the weakened Guardian (Toughness outwitted), 10 vs 17--narrowly misses. "What is wrong with my memory today"--Photon PCs it and just hits with a 7 for 3 clicks. 1 AST to Techno.
2) While Guardian is affected by the confusion and pain of the unexpected attack, Techno tries to sneak some Machineguns behind Guardian and shoot (CC attack) him, 8 vs 15 (Toughness outwitted)--miss (had to switch dice servers cuz Irony messed up. Doh!)
Others clear.
free) Photon will PC the first successful attack he sees.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts P-8 @ (7/8) (16 def, +2 ES/D)
2) E Techno* 71 pts Q-9 (5/6) @ (16 def, +2 ES/D) (outwitting Guardian's toughness)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts P-7 (4/6)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts O-8 (3/5)
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 2 DFD, 1 AST
Smuggler 1 SA, 1 AST
Photon 1 AST, 1 SA
Swordsman 1 SA
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 Q-9 [1 SA, 1 KO] (4/8)
2) E Shaman* 66 H-11 [1 AST, 1 DFD, 1 SA] (4/6)
3) E Northstar 61 O-7 @ (1/5) (injured)
4) E Aurora 60 H-12 @ [2 SA] (4/5)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
1) Swordsman tries to KO Northstar, 7 vs 14. First flurry misses with a 4, second flurry misses with a 3, second flurry PCed misses with a 5. Apparently Swordsman has no Killer Instinct.
2) Smuggler L/Cs to Q-8.
Others clear.
Free) Photon will PC the first successful attack or breakaway roll he sees.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts P-8 (7/8) (16 def, +2 ES/D)
2) E Techno* 71 pts Q-9 (5/6) (16 def, +2 ES/D)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts Q-8 @ (4/6)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts O-8 @ (3/5)
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 2 DFD, 1 AST
Smuggler 1 SA, 1 AST
Photon 1 AST, 1 SA
Swordsman 1 SA
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 G-12 @ [1 SA, 1 KO] (4/8)
2) E Shaman* 66 H-11 @ [1 AST, 1 DFD, 1 SA] (4/6)
3) E Northstar 61 O-7 (1/5) (injured)
4) E Aurora 60 H-12 [2 SA] (4/5)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.
Guardian: "Operation Run Away has gone of with only one little glitch."
Aurora: "Has anyone seen my brother?"
Guardian: "Um, that would be the one little glitch."
2 - Aurora goes Hypersonic. She'll attack Techno from P-9 before continuing.
AV 9+1 v DV 16. Needs a 6 for 2.
[Roll= 3,3] Hits for 2. The blow knocks him back to S-9. Aurora finishes in N-9
3 - Shaman pushes to make another attempt to heal Guardian.
AV 8 v DV 15. Needs a 7. Third die is the healing (-2)
[Roll 3,4,1] Shaman heals Guardian for 1. Guardian hardly notices.
mbauers's Thunderbolts (home)
1) LE The One Who Knows (Photon) 123 pts P-8 @ (7/8) (16 def, +2 ES/D)
2) E Techno* 71 pts S-9 (3/6) @ (16 def, +2 ES/D)
3) R Ant-Man* (Smuggler) 48 pts P-7 (4/6)
4) R Nighthawk 28 pts KO'd
5) R Swordsman 20 pts O-8 (3/5)
*=/w Tbolts to Defenders 10 pts
300 pts
Techno 2 DFD, 1 AST
Smuggler 1 SA, 1 AST
Photon 1 AST, 1 SA
Swordsman 1 SA
The Big Red Cheese's Alpha Flight (AWAY)
1) E Guardian 91 G-12 [1 SA, 1 KO] (5/8)
2) E Shaman* 66 H-11 @@ [2 AST, 1 DFD, 1 SA] (3/6)
3) E Northstar 61 O-7 @ (1/5) (injured)
4) E Aurora 60 N-9 @ [3 SA] (4/5)
Alpha Flight ATA
* =/W Brilliant Tactician 20
The first character to make an attack targeting an opposing figure during a game gets –2 to its attack value until the attack resolves.