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I am Fairly certain I can. I am not destroying 2 walls I am destroying a square of blocking terrain just like I would be destroying a square of barrier.
Destroying blocking terrain. A square of blocking terrain can be destroyed by an attack that deals at least 3 damage in a single attack. When a character attacks blocking terrain, the attack automatically succeeds. A ranged combat attack may be used to destroy a square of blocking terrain by drawing a line of fire to the center of the square of blocking terrain; the line of fire is not blocked by blocking terrain in the target square.
so if that square is blocking which I think brown board is then.....
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
Yeah you can destroy a whole square of blocking terrain like that, effectively getting two walls in one hit. It wouldn't work if it was actually two walls without a whole square of blocking inside them though. Wierd huh?
Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it.
A whole lot of nothing. There goes my shot.
I’ll tell you a secret, I have never won a game against that Magneto
Turn 4A
1.)Jessica drew uses the light object on Magneto. 9 attack on a 16. rolls 5,4=9 hit reroll 5,1=6 miss PUSH
(Free) batgirl perplexs spectrums damage to a 3
2.)spectrum takes a shot on magneto 8 attack on a 16 defense roll 1,2=3 miss. the only time I ever prayed for a critical miss! PUSH
3.)Sue moves to R-16
Cyclops clears
Your turn.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16 SA=1
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15@ (stealth)
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18@ (stealth)
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) P-23 DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (3/4) V-18@
6. Destiny R 20 (3/4) Q-17@@
7. Avalanche R 19 (5/5) R-18@ DFD=1
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 (2/7) W-9 @@
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 5/5 S-2
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 6/7 Q-16 @@
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 5/6 V-14 (standing on an object)
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 5/6 R-16 @
6.) Batgirl R 25 3/4 V-5
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
I was really hoping for that last turn I really need it. DARN YOU DICE GODS. you make the best plans and suprise your foe and it all comes down to Luck. and luck has been on your side. oh well
Unusually silent, the New Avengers all turn and affix their gaze on each other. Seemingly to communication telepathically, they all nod their agreement at once.
Now was time for the most shocking moment of all.
All the New Avenger simultaneously Remove their masks (or become visible) and their face quickly morph to that of Green bloated faces.
She make a fist full of claws and swings a mutate arm at destiny but the old woman knows the future and dodges easily.
The Spider Skrull Screeches “LIVE SKRULL OR DIE!!!” and runs to his brother skrull
The rest of the Skrull seethe with hatred towards all of Human and mutant Kind.
Bendis is lame
Turn 5 A
1.)Batgirl will move to O-13
(free) perplex Sues Damage to 3
2.) sue will push to attack destiny 8 attack on a 13 defense with reroll and super senses. Roll 2,2,=4 miss
3.) spider-man will move to V-8
Spiderwoman and spectrum will clear
Spiderman will copy the Defenders team UNLESS anyone attacks Sue with enough damage to KO her, then spider-man will join the FF just because!!!!!!
Your turn.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16@ SA=2
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15 (stealth)
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18 (stealth)
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) O-20@ DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (3/4) V-18
6. Destiny R 20 (3/4) Q-17 DFD=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (4/5) R-18@@ DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 (2/7) W-9
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (5/5) V-8 @
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 (2/7) Q-16
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 (5/6) V-14 (standing on an object)
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 (4/6) R-16 @@
6.) Batgirl R 25 3/4 O-13 @
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
Destiny will try to breakaway, 2 didn't get it, so she'll stay where she's at.
Turn off Skullbuster's stealth.
Mystique will perplex Skullbuster's attack to a 10.
Skullbuster will attack Sue Storm.
10 on a 17 need a 7. 6,2=8 Hit for 3.
SA for Skullbuster
Toad will charge Sue Storm at S-17.
7 on a 13 need a 6. 4,6=10 Hit for 2
SA for Toad
KO for Toad
Turn off Mystique's stealth.
Mystique will attack Spiderwoman.
8 on a 14 need a 6. 6,6=12 Critical Miss
Destiny will use PC so Mystique can try again.
8 on a 14 need a 6. 5,2=7 Hit for 2
SA for Mystique
KO for Mystique
AST for Destiny
Rest clear.
Your turn.
Destiny will use PC on any successful attack by Cyclops.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16 SA=2
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15@ (stealth) SA=1 KO=1
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18@ (stealth) SA=1
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) O-20 DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (3/4) S-17@ SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (3/4) Q-17@ DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (4/5) R-18 DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 (2/7) W-9
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (5/5) V-8 @
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 (5/6) V-14 (standing on an object)
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 3/4 O-13 @
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
And the hits Keep comming
Well My Friend I am giving it all I got but I don't think it will be enough.
Turn 6 A
1.)Cyclops Skrull will attack Destiny 9 on a 13 (reroll and supersenses) for 2 roll 3,4=7 hit reroll 5,1= 6 Hit Supersense roll of 1 hit for 2. 1SA to Cyclops
(free) Bat-Skrulll will Perplex her own damage to 2
2.) Bat-Skrull will attack toad 7 on a 14 for 2 roll 5,1=6 miss (PUSHED)
3.) spectrum will fly spider-Skrull (spectrum to O-15 spider-skrull to P-14
Spider-Skrull clears
Spider-Skrull Defenders TA
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16 SA=2
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15@ (stealth) SA=1 KO=1
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18@ (stealth) SA=1
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) O-20 DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (3/4) S-17@ SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (1/4) Q-17@ DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (4/5) R-18 DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 (2/7) O-15 @
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (5/5) P-14
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 (5/6) V-14 (standing on an object) @
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 2/4 O-13 @@
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
Man, I messed up earlier and put Pyro at O-20 when i meant to put U-20. He can't even move to O-20 because it's blocking terrain. If it's okay with you I just put him at O-21.
Brotherhood Turn 6
Magneto rolls for leadership, 5 so I get 4 turns.
Mystique will perplex Magneto's attack to an 11.
Magneto will attack Dr. Spectrum.
11 on a 14 need a 3. 1,5=6 Hit for 4
SA for Magneto
KO for Magneto
Avalanche will move (free move) to W-15.
Pyro will move to K-19.
Rest will clear.
Your turn.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16@ SA=3 KO=1
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15 (stealth) SA=1 KO=1
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18 (stealth) SA=1
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) K-19@ DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (3/4) S-17 SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (1/4) Q-17 DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (4/5) W-15@ DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 KOed
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (5/5) P-14
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 (5/6) V-14 (standing on an object) @
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 2/4 O-13 @@
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
Thanks I figured turn 6 was my last. If you can find it in your heart to let Cyclops live so he can make 1 more attack I would be eternally grateful. I need 1 more SA to upgrade him. But hey I know this is WAR so…. BRING IT!
Turn 7A
Free Bat Skrull Perplexes up Spider-skrull Damage to 3
1)spider-Skrull shoots at Toad 10 att on 14 defense for 3 roll 2,3=5 for the hit and KO 1SA 1 Ko to the SPIDER SKRULL TREMBLE IN FEAR OF THE SPIDER SKRULL!!!
2) PUSH Cyclops-Skrull attacks avalance 9 on a 14 for 2 Roll 2,4=6 hit for 2 1 SA to Cyclops-Skrull
Clear Bat Skrull
Your turn.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (6/7) P-16@ SA=3 KO=1
2. Mystique R 34 (5/5) S-15 (stealth) SA=1 KO=1
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) T-18 (stealth) SA=1
4. Pyro R 27 (3/5) K-19@ DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 (KO KO SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (1/4) Q-17 DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (4/5) W-15@ DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 KOed
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (5/5) P-14 @
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 (4/6) V-14 (standing on an object) @@
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 2/4 O-13
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.