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No worries, I sometimes don't get updates from HCRealms and thought that have might have happened to you and you thought you were waiting on me.
Turn 3B
1) Automaton Sentry C (R Dreadnought) Tries to Icapacitate Supergirl. Def. 14(!) - att. 8 = need 6. Rolled 2,6=8 hit. Supergirl takes a token and a click for the push.
Free) Robot uses Perplex to up his movement to 11.
2) Picks up Baron Bedlam and then Running Shots to M9/N10. Shoots Livewire. Def. 15 - att. 10 = need 5. Rolls a 6,4=10 hit. Livewire takes 2. Sets Baron Belam down in N9.
3) Automaton Sentry D (R Dreadnought) moves to O14.
The rest clear.
[8]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 I10 @
[8]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (7/8) S9 @@
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 H10
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 M14 @
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 N14
[]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) M15 @@
[]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 H9
1. Hourman will charge to L9, picking up the LO in J10 along the way. AV 9 vs DV 17. Roll is a 5, 6. That's a hit and Robot takes 3 clicks after Toughness.
2. Live Wire will attempt to RCE the Transport. AV 8 (+1 PD from Cosmic Boy) vs DV 16. Roll is a 3, 6. That's a hit and the Transport takes 3 clicks and is KO'ed.
3. Kid Q, copying Superman TA, will RS to L11 and incap on both Bedlam and Sentry D. AV 9 vs DV 17, 15. Roll is a 4, 4. That's barely a hit on both of them. No knockback though, but both get a token and the Sentry D gets a push click.
[19]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10
[8]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (7/8) S9
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 H10
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 M14
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 N14
[5]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9 @
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) M15
[3]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 L11 @
I am doing this quick. The first time I did it got erased.
Turn 4b:
1) Automaton Sentry A (E Dreadnought) Tries to Icapacitate
Supergirl. Def. 14(!) - att. 8 = need 6. Rolled 3,2=5 miss. Ops! She is going to trash them isn't she?
2) Fiery Automaton (Toro) will RS to R11 and shoot Hourman. Def. 15
- att. 9 = need 6. Rolled 5,5=10 hit with knockback. Hourman takes 3 - 2 Inv. = 1 click. and is knocked to K9.
3) Flying automaton (E Sentinel Trooper) moves to T7.
4) Crusher automaton (E Robotman) charges to T8 and attacks Supergirl. Def. 14 - att. 9 = need 5. Rolled 6,1=7 hit. Supergirl takes 3 - 2 Inv.= 1 click of damge.
[19]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10
[8]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (6/8) S9
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 H10
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 M14
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 N14
[5]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9 @
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) M15
[3]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 L11 @
I wish I could recruit the Shvaughn LE right away. She's much better than the regular versions...although the PD is nice. Oh and Hourman doesn't take knockback since charge was showing on his dial.
Turn 5A
1. Brainy will move to N12.
(free) He'll outwit Toughness on Toro.
2. Kid Q (copying Supes TA) will push to RS to P10 and Stunning Blow on Bedlam, Fiery, and Sentry C. AV 9 vs DV 17, 16, and 15) Roll is a 2, 6. That's barely a hit on all three. All get tokens, and Toro gets a push token. And I'll put the Stunning Blow damage on Toro for an extra click.
3. Cosmic Boy will TK Cham to Q12.
4. Cham will take a swing at Toro. AV 7 vs DV 16. Roll is a 1, 3. Yeah that's a miss.
5. Triplicate Girl will pick up Shvaughn and fly to S12, placing Shvaughn in R13.
[20]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10 @
[8]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (6/8) S9
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 Q12 @
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 S12 @
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 R13
[5]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) N12 @
[4]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (5/6) P10 @@
It's no problem. I think I had a few delays on my side and probably will some more. Man, I don't have any real big hitters...I don't think I'll be able to take down all of them...oh and I forgot to clear Hourman last turn.
Turn 6A
1. Hourman will L/C to N15 to pick up the LO in N16 and stop in N13.
(free) Brainy will outwit Invuln on Bedlam.
(free) Cosmic Boy will copy PD
2. Live Wire will attempt to RCE on Bedlam. AV 8 vs DV 17. Roll is a 5, 4. That's barely a hit! Bedlam takes 3 clicks.
3. Supergirl will take a swing at Sentry A. AV 8 vs DV 15. Roll is a 3, 4 for another bare hit. Sentry takes 1 click after Toughness. Man...she's so not gonna make it.
[21]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10
[9]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (6/8) S9 @
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 Q12
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 S12
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 R13
[8]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9 @
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) N12
[4]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (3/5) P10
I should have pushed Bedlam! For some reason I forgot about Brainy's Outwit. Duh! Oh well it evens it up a bit. You did have a couple of big hitters, Supergirl (one hit KO early on remember), Livewire, and your guest Hourman. I have just managed to tag them and bring them down off their best clicks. And that annoying Kid Quantum has tied my team down very effectively, he may not hit hard but he has tied a lot of my team up. (I have to think about using him in other games sometime!) Taking Robotman is going to be tough for your team, but the rest shouldn't be too bad.
Turn 6b:
Free) Crusher Automaton (E Robotman) uses the Outsiders Team ability on Supergirl.
1) Baron Bedlam moves to O11.
2) Automaton Sentry C (R Dreadnought) tries to Incapacitate Supergirl. Def. 14 - att. 8 = need 6. Rolls 2,1=3 miss.
3) Crusher Automaton (E Robotman) Attacks Supergirl. Def. 14 - att. 9 = need 5. Rolls 3,3=6 hit with knockback. Supergirl takes 3 - 1 Toughness = 2 and is knocked back to Q11.
4) Fiery Automaton (Toro) attacks Super Girl. Def. 15 - att 8 = need 6. Rolls 2,6 = 8 hit. Supergirl takes 2 - 1 toughness = 1 click.
5) Flying automaton (E Sentinel Trooper) picks up Crusher and moves to S13 and sets Crusher in R12.
Wow that Knockback really changed things!
[21]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10
[9]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (3/8) S9 @
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 Q12
[]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 S12
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 R13
[8]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (4/6) I9 @
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) N12
[4]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (3/5) P10 about a pinball. Hmm Supergirl is fast becoming useless. Alright let's see if I can salvage anything...
Turn 7A
(free) Brainy will outwit Toughness on Bedlam.
(free) Cosmic Boy will copy Supes TA
(free) Live Wire will copy PD TA
1. Cosmic Boy will TK the LO in I9 at Bedlam. AV 9 (+1 PD from Live Wire) vs 16. Roll is a 2, 6. That's a hit and Bedlam takes 2 clicks.
(free) Cosmic Boy will copy PD TA
(free) Live Wire will copy Supes TA
2. Live Wire will push to RCE on Bedlam. AV 8 (+1 PD) vs DV 14. Roll is a 5, 6. That's a hit and Bedlam takes 3 clicks and is KO'ed.
3. Triplicate Girl will take a swing at Toro. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is a 2, 6. That's barely a hit. Toro takes a click.
4. Chameleon will attempt to breakaway. Roll is a 4. He'll pick up Shvaughn and fly to S9, placing Shvaughn in T10.
(free) Kid Q will copy Supes TA.
5. Kid Quantum will dual incap Sentry C and D. AV 8 vs DV 15, 14. Roll is a 1, 6. That's yet another barely hit on both. Man I've been getting really lucky with my rolls. Sentry C gets a push click.
[32]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[2]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10 @
[9]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (3/8) Q11
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 S9 @
[1]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 S12 @
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (3/6) I9 @@
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) N12
[7]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (3/5) P10 @
Turn 7b
Free) Crusher Automaton (E Robotman) uses the Outsiders Team ability on Supergirl.
1) Automaton Sentry A (E Dreadnought) will try to shoot Chameleon. Shape change roll 3. Def. 14 - 8 att - 1 Hydra team from Automaton Sentry C = need 5. Rolled 2,4=6 hit him for 2 clicks. Great BCF oh well at least he will go down swinging!
Everyone else clears.
[32]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[2]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10 @
[9]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (3/8) Q11
[]3. R Chameleon - 30 (2/4) S9 @
[1]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 S12 @
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (3/6) I9 @@
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) N12
[7]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (3/5) P10 @
Oh...BCF...nice. Was just trying to get on poison, but hey that works too. Man, the Legion needs a healer.
Turn 8A
1. Hourman will take a swing at Sentry D. AV 8 vs DV 14. Roll is a 3, 4. That's a hit and the Sentry takes 2 clicks after Toughness.
2. Brainy will fly to Q10.
(free) Brainy will outwit Toughness on Fiery.
3. Supergirl will take a swing on Fiery. AV 7 vs DV 15. Roll is a 3, 5. Ack! Why does it have to be so close all the time! It's nervewracking! Toro takes 2 clicks.
4. Triplicate Girl will push to take a swing on Fiery. AV 8 vs DV 14. Roll is a 4, 4. Well didn't need the knockback, but it works. Fiery takes 2 clicks and is KO'ed.
5. Cham will push to attack the Sentry C, since he probably won't be around much longer. AV 6 vs DV 14. Roll is a 6, 6! Sweet! Definitely wasn't expecting that. BCF roll is a 3. That's 3 clicks after Toughness but with knockback, another click and the KO! Yay! Now he's dead.
[46]The Legion of Super Heroes:
[2]1. R CJ Cosmic Boy - 45 (5/5) I10
[11]2. R Unl Supergirl - 108 (3/8) Q11 @
[6]3. R Chameleon - 30 (1/4) S9 @@
[5]4. R Triplicate Girl - 35 (4/5) S12 @@
[]5. Shvaughn Erin (R Science Police) - 14 T10
[13]6. V CJ Live Wire - 50 (3/6) I9
[]7. E Brainiac 5* - 52 (4/5) Q10 @
[7]8. E Kid Quantum** - 61 (3/5) P10