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1) Arsenal fires at Warp (Energy Explosion) and Plasmus. Needs a 7, gets an 8. Warp's super senses is a 1. The bullets tear through Plasmus and one clips Warp's arm. Both take a click.
Beast Boy turns into an elephant. Starfire takes a breather
2) Titans ta, Gar takes a click, Kory is healed 1.)
Free) Raven will pc the first successful attack she can see.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - C17
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (4/7) J18
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - C16
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11 @
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[1] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (5/5) K8@
3) E Icn Starfire (7/7) A7
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) A8@
5) R Icn Raven (5/5) E9
6) R Robotman (4/5) C9
* w/ Camouflage - 8
"I do believe it is time to establish what these upstarts are afraid of," said Phobia, drawing ever nearer to the Titans. She took cover near some lab equipment, and her eyes probed the Titans for any sort of weakness or insecurity.
M Mallah's machine gun rang out in the large laboratory. The noise was deafening, and when it stopped, Raven's quiet groan made it clear that some of the bullets had hurt her. "Raven!" shouted Nightwing.
- Phobia/Scarecrow moves to C12.
- Brain uses Outwit to counter Raven's Probability Control and M Mallah fires on her > 11 vs DV16 +1 (hindering) > roll: 1+6=7 HIT. Raven takes 3 damage.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - C17 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (4/7) J18
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - C12 @
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[1] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (5/5) K8@
3) E Icn Starfire (7/7) A7
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) A8@
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9
6) R Robotman (4/5) C9
* w/ Camouflage - 8
Free) Nightwing gets a 4 for leadership. Extra action.
1) Raven concentrates on the bullet wounds, trying to heal herself. Gets a 2 for regen.
2) Starfire flies to A11, trying to hit Mallah with a starbolt. Needs a 7, gets a 5.
3) Robotman runs at Mallah and the Brain. He stops by A11 to pick up a lab table and will end his move at B16.
4) Nightwing throws an explosive batarang at Phobia. Needs a 7, gets double 4s. 2 clicks and the blast knocks Phobia back to E14.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - C17 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (4/7) J18
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (3/5) C12 @
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8@
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (5/5) K8
3) E Icn Starfire (7/7) A11@
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) A8
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9@
6) R Robotman (4/5) B16@ w/HO
* w/ Camouflage - 8
"Nein!" shouted Plasmus, using his native language in such a stressful moment. "Sie dürfen nicht unseren Führer anschießen. Er ist ein Genie!" He confronted Starfire, and his innate flame made her recoil.
The disembodied Brain practically scoffed. "You think to attack me in my own laboratory with my equipment?" Suddenly, the heavy lab table in Robotman's hands sparked. Robotman had no choice but to drop it. "I control every single item in this place. You have made a grave mistake coming here."
- Vanisher/Warp attacks Raven > 7 vs DV14 +1 (hidering) > roll: 2+1=3 MISS.
- Metamorpho/Plasmus moves to B12.
- Brain uses Outwit to counter Robotman's Super Strength.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - C17 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (4/7) J18
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (3/5) C12 @
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8@
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (5/5) K8
3) E Icn Starfire (7/7) A11@
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) A8
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9@
6) R Robotman (4/5) B16@
* w/ Camouflage - 8
1) Arsenal fires on Phobia, but Warp teleports the bullet behind him and Arsenal tags himself in the arm. Ouch. Critical miss for 1 click.
"You will not hurt my friends, monster!"
2) Starfire hits Plasmus with a starbolt at point blank. Shape change is a 3. Needs a 5, gets a 6. 4 clicks to Plasmus for the ko. 1 to Kory for the push.
"My name is Inigo Beastoia. You tried to kill my team. Prepare to get hit in the face."
(Groans all around)
3) Beast Boy turns into an elephant and runs to D14.
4) Robotman punches Mallah in the chest (needs an 8, gets double 5s), knocking the ape back to D-18. Both take a click.
Free) Cliff's blow stuns Mallah as the outsiders ta keeps him from modifying his combat values.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (8/9) D18
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (3/5) C12
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11@
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (4/5) K8@
[4+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A11@@
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) D14@
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9
6) R Robotman (3/5) B16@@
* w/ Camouflage - 8
That's where the map is wrong: Scarecrow/Phobia is in C12 (see my turn 4a). If that was my error, then i apologize. That's the first thing; i imagine you might want to change your turn a bit in light of that.
Second: technically, a player has to declare the object of the Outsiders TA at the beginning of his/her turn (as i've remembered to do with Metamorpho only once... ) Unless you think would have honestly targeted M Mallah with the Outsiders TA at the outset of your turn... i don't know; what do you think? I always try to imagine this as a live face-to-face game and wonder how we would have dealt with it live....
Phobia got knocked back by Nightwing's attack the turn before. That's why she isn't in C12 anymore.
As for Outsiders, I forgot about that. As it's my mistake, if you don't want to let me use it, that's cool. I wouldn't have used it on anybody else but Mallah & Brain though. I'm pretty sure perplex is the only way you could modify any values and the thing I'd be most worried about would be you perplexing Mallah and then being able to hit Starfire for 2 after toughness.
"Ah, very good; this one should be easy," Phobia said imperiously. "Preying on your insecurities should be child's play." Beast Boy hesitated briefly, as Phobia went on, "I'd wager you don't know where you belong or even what you are."
As Phobia attempted to disconcert Beast Boy and pry into his unconscious, Monsieur Mallah and the Brain took a more direct approach. Knocked backward by the powerful punch of Robotman, the ape recovered quickly and rushed forward. Again wielding his awful machine gun, fired upon Arsenal. As the archer was still recovering from Warp's insidious reversal of Arsenal ranged attack, Mallah's bullets also tore through Arsenal's legs. "Aarggh!" Arsenal shouted.
- Brain uses Perplex to increase Phobia's/Scarecrow's Attack value +1.
- Phobia/Scarecrow attacks Beast Boy using Incapacitate > 7 +1 vs 15 > roll: 5+1=6 MISS.
- M Mallah uses Running Shot, moving to F15 and attacking Arsenal/Speedy > 10 vs 14 +1 (hindering) > roll: 6+5=11 HIT. Arsenal/Speedy takes 2 damage.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (8/9) F15 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (3/5) E14 @
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) B8
[2] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (2/5) K8@
[4+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A11@@
4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) D14@
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9
6) R Robotman (3/5) B16@@
* w/ Camouflage - 8
Sorry about that. Had to go back by the turns to figure out how he got there myself.
Titans Turn 6b
"You look like a monkey but you fight like a chicken. Come back here!"
Free) Outsiders ta on Mallah and the Brain.
Free) Nightwing gets a 6 for leadership.
1) Raven attempts to heal herself again. Freaking 1.
Ignoring the pain, Arsenal fired at Phobia, breaking her concentration.
2) Arsenal incap vs Phobia. 6 vs 15. Needs a 9, gets a 10. 1 click to each but 2 IAP for incap
Beast Boy shook his head, clearing away any remains of Phobia's illusions. He wrapped his trunk around the woman's torso. "Lady, I know exactly who I am. I'm one of the good guys." And with that, he tossed the villain into the wall where she crumpled to the ground unconscious.
3) Beast Boy vs Phobia. 10 vs 13. Needs a 3, gets a 5. 2 clicks to Phobia for the ko, 1 to Beast Boy. Completely worth pushing Roy and Gar to get some much needed experience.
4) Nightwing to E-14.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (8/9) F15 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (0/5) KOed
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) F11
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) E14@
[4] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (1/5) K8@@
[4+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A11
[2+2] 4) R HT Beast Boy* (3/5) D14@@
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9@
6) R Robotman (3/5) B16
* w/ Camouflage - 8
The French villain used his astounding power to create shunts in time and space. Arsenal was exhausted from his attack against Phobia and was unprepared, but no-one could have been ready for Warp's incredible attack. Without warning he disappeared from amidst the laboratory machinery, then warped into materiality right in front of Arsenal. "En garde," he called, taunting the Titan just before delivering a knockout blow. Arsenal crumpled to the floor.
- Brain uses Perplex to increase Warp's/Vanisher's +1.
- Warp/Vanisher uses the Move and Attack ability, moving (Speed halved) to J8 and attacking Arsenal > 7 +1 (Perplex) -2 (Move and Attack) vs 12 > roll: 5+5=10 HIT. Arsenal takes 1 damage and is KOd. Warp/Vanisher continues his move to
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (8/9) F15
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (0/5) KOed
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) G8 @
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) E14@
[4] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (0/5) ""KO""
[4+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A11
[2+2] 4) R HT Beast Boy* (3/5) D14@@
5) R Icn Raven (2/5) E9@
6) R Robotman (3/5) B16
* w/ Camouflage - 8
( i'm pretty sure Phasing (which requires a power action) and the Move and Attack ability (a move action) are not compatible, otherwise i'd move Warp/Vanisher to F8... )
Starfire and Robotman moved in unison, trying to corner the leaders of the Brotherhood of Evil. One of Starfire's shots connected, knocking the ape and his lover backwards through the air.
On the other end of the lab, Raven let out a cry as the bulletwounds disappeared from her body.
Free) Robotman uses the Outsiders ta on Mallah and the Brain.
1) Starfire to A-15 vs Mallah&Brain. 9 vs 16. Needs a 7, gets double 5s. 3 damage after toughness to the duo and knock back to I15.
2) Raven pushes to heal herself. Gets a 6 for 3 clicks of healing (cause she can only take that many).
3) Robotman picks up the HO and moves to F-15.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (8/9) F15
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (0/5) KOed
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) G8 @
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) E14
[4] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (0/5) ""KO""
[7+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A15@
[2+2] 4) R HT Beast Boy* (3/5) D14
5) R Icn Raven (4/5) E9@@
6) R Robotman (3/5) F15@ w/HO
* w/ Camouflage - 8
- while the Brain attempts to confuse Robotman (lowering his Defense by using Perplex), Monsieur Mallah (8) fires on both Raven (16 +1 for hindering terrain) and Robotman (16 -1 from Perplex) > roll: 4+6=10 re-roll due to Raven's PC: 2+2=4 MISS.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (5/9) F15 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (0/5) KOed
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) G8
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (5/5) E14
[4] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (0/5) ""KO""
[7+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A15@
[2+2] 4) R HT Beast Boy* (3/5) D14
5) R Icn Raven (4/5) E9@@
6) R Robotman (3/5) F15@ w/HO
* w/ Camouflage - 8
However, since Raven is on click 4 (healed to full then took 1 damage for the push), she doesn't have prob control and thus your attack would hit both my figures.
oh, she regens and THEN takes the click for pushing? that makes more sense. In that case, Mallah gives both clicks to Cliff, which means 1 damage to Robotman after Toughness.
Pushing damage happens last. I learned that running Zombie Spider-Man with his odd combination of willpower and steal energy.
Titans Turn 8b
Free) Outsiders
1) Nightwing uses the Titans ta to give a click to Beast Boy
2) Beast Boy takes a no move action to pick up the LO Nightwing was standing on.
The Brotherhood:
V Monsieur Mallah & The Brain - (5/9) F15 @
Plasmus (E Metamorpho) - (0/7) KOed
Phobia (E Icn Scarecrow) - (0/5) KOed
Warp (V Vanisher*) - (4/5) G8
* w/ Transport ability
The Titans:
[3] 1) Nightwing (R Cr Robin) (4/5) E14@
[4] 2) Arsenal (R Leg Speedy) (0/5) ""KO""
[7+2] 3) E Icn Starfire (6/7) A15
[2+2] 4) R HT Beast Boy* (4/5) D14@ w/LO
5) R Icn Raven (4/5) E9
6) R Robotman (2/5) F15 w/HO
* w/ Camouflage - 8