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T-Bolts turn 3:
1. Songbird hears the massive footsteps of Giganto and springs into action. She lifts both herself and Chen up in a swirl of sonic energy and drifts over to Bullseye's flank. As she rounds the massive tank blocking her view, she sees that the monster is somehow being disguised by the lump of rock near his toes. She let's out a concentrated beam of pink-hued energy and the rock smashes into pieces. The Radioactive Man at her side, simply watches and prepares his toxic energies for battle. RS to K17 and blast the HO, setting Rad at L17.
2. Bullseye sees the near death blow aimed at the Green Goblin and desides discretion is the better part of...murder. He backflips over to P20 and launches a dagger at Giganto's massive eye. 11 on 19, he gets 6,4 as the dagger lands on the outside corner of Giganto's cornea, causing the monster to howl in agony and rage. 1 fakey SA to Bullseye.
3. Moonstone picks herself up and dusts off her shiny white uniform, only to hear Norman over her earpiece. "Get this god$^#@ monster off of me!!" She hefts a chunk of the damaged tank onto her shoulder and zooms over to where Norman is positioned. As she looks up at the mighty Giganto in a furious rage, she wishes she was still out on medical leave. Phase to L14.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - M8
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (10/10) - 123 - M13 @
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (7/7) - 109 - K6 @
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - B7 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - L5
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - K11 @
7. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - J10
8. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - L12
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (7/7) - P20 @
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 @ w/ HO
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (8/8) - K15
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (6/6) - L17
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
free) "You know my will, my servants, forward!" Mole Man commands. Mole Man rolls for leadership, roll is: 2, still not getting it.
free) "Let me aid your advance my lord" Water Witch calls up her powers and creates an icy slide under the stubby legs of her little lord. Water Witch perplexes Mole Man's movement up to 7
1) "You will all come to regret this day surface dwellers!" Mole Man mutters, sliding forward to N15
2) "Can't fall too far behind" Water Witch whispers to herself under her mask, running to N11 to keep up
3) Noticing that their master could, potentially, be in danger one of the smaller moloids recklessly hurls itself forward. Moloid 1 moves to O15
4) Roaring in pain and confusion and not even noticing Moonstone's phased form, the half-blind Giganto continues to swing madly at Norman with blind fury. Giganto makes use of his giant reach to peak over Moonstone to swat Norman once again. 10 atk. vs 16 def. Needs a 6. Roll is: (3,6) for a 9 and a hit! Norman takes 5 (and I breathe a sigh of relief!)! Giganto takes 1 from the push.
Having only just recovered from his near fatal spin, Norman is helpless to avoid the second swing of the irate titan which catches his dead-on. The immense strength of the monstrous creature drives the Goblin into the muddy ground with murderous force, and only his armoured costume and enhanced constitution saves him from being crushed on the spot. The earth itself shakes under the impact of the blow, and from the deafening, rage-filled roar of Giganto!
Val-or, Landslide and Tyrannus all clear.
Should Mole Man suffer any damage he will, of course, Mastermind it to his faithful Moloid
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 @ (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (8/10) - 123 - M13 @@
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (7/7) - 109 - K6
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - B7
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - N11 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - K11
7. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - O15 @
8. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - L12
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (7/7) - P20 @
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 @ w/ HO
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (3/8) - K15
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (6/6) - L17
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
T-Bolts turn 4:
1. "Was that the Mole Man? Time to find out what is going on here and why these monsters are attacking." Radioactive Man charges over to N16 to find out what is going on.
2. Norman somehow picks himself up and snarls. He grabs hastily into his bag of bombs and throws at the giant earth monster. 8 on 17, he gets 5,4 as the pumpkin bombs explodes near Giganto's ear canal. The hostile beast screams in agony once again (armor piercing). 1 fake SA to Norman.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 @ (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (7/10) - 123 - M13 @@
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (7/7) - 109 - K6
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - B7
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - N11 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - K11
7. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - O15 @
8. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - L12
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (7/7) - P20
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 w/ HO
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (3/8) - K15 @
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (6/6) - N16 @
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
1) "Where did everybody go?" Landslide blinks, unused too the sharp light of the surface world as he begins to double back. Landslide runs to C4
2) "This is beneath me, but I must admit I do find it somewhat amusing" Tyrannus strides to P10
free) "You should watch your step here surface-dweller" Tyrannus smiles as he brings his foot down in a gentle stomp. As if answering his call, the ground opens up under Bullseye, dropping the deadly assassin into a sinkhole. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's running shot.
3) The rest of the moloids swarm in to keep their master safe. Val-or leads his smaller brother to N14, placing the lesser moloid in O14
free) "You are not alone in this!" Water Witch focuses her power to draw as much water out of the ground as she can, freezing it to form a frozen shield infront of Giganto. Water Witch perplexes Giganto's defense one up.
Giganto, Mole Man, Water Witch and the moloid clears.
Mole Man will Mastermind all damage to his trusty moloids. First to moloid 2 (nr. 8 that is), then to moloid 1 when 2's no longer available and finally to Val-or if it should come to that
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (7/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (7/7) - 109 - P10 @ (outwitting Bullseye's running shot)
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - C4 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - N11
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - N14 @
7. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - O15
8. R Moloid (2/2) (CM) - 6 - O14
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (7/7) - P20 (running shot outwitted)
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 w/ HO
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (3/8) - K15 @
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (6/6) - N16 @
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
T-Bolts turn 5:
(free) You can not be allowed to bring such forces to bear on the surface world, Mole Man. You must stop this madness or we will stop you. The Radioactive Man begins to glow as sickening waves of energy pour out to effect the Mole Man and his minions. The Mole Man barely has time to pull one of his moloids in front of him to take the brunt of the assault. 1 damage to Moloids 7 & 8.
1. Bullseye grimices as his ankle twists in the fissure that appeared below him. He still has enough agility to hurl a couple of pen caps from a hidden pocket. The effort proves too much however and he nearly breaks his ankle in the attempt. (crit miss)
2. Songbird sends a blast of concentrated sonic energy at the giant monster before her. She tries to target the monster's already damage ear drum but Giganto quickly blocks the blast with his hand, much quicker than he would seem. (impervious success)
3. Moonstone tries to bring her chunk of tank armor down on Giganto's little toe and can't even hit that. She's absolutely horrible.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (7/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (7/7) - 109 - P10 @ (outwitting Bullseye's running shot)
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - C4 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - N11
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - N14 @
7. R Moloid (1/2) (CM) - 6 - O15
8. R Moloid (1/2) (CM) - 6 - O14
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (6/7) - P20 @ (running shot outwitted)
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 @
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (3/8) - K15
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (6/6) - N16
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
Ouch! That turn could have gone better for you, good thing this is only practice
Mole Man's Monsters turn 6:
free) Leading from the front, Mole Man inspires his minions to greater heights. Mole Man rolls for leadership, roll is: 1, not going anywhere with that.
free) "How kind of the surface-dwellers, they have send a jester to amuse me!" Tyrannus laughs scornfully at Bullseye's misfortune, sapping his will with his contempt. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's Willpower.
1) "You, female. You have a small roll to play in my master plan!" Tyrannus commands, and finding herself helpless in his thrall Water Witch obeys, her body seemingly moving with a will of its own. Tyrannus TK's Water Witch to P16 and takes 1 from the push.
free) Blinking suddenly, Water Witch finds herself back in control once again, and in the thick of the fight. She desperately focuses all of her power into her dowsing rod. Water Witch perplexes her own attack up to 10.
2) "Freeze!" She shouts as she calls two massive eruptions of water forth from the depths underneath Bullseye and Radioactive Man. Water Witch incaps Bullseye and Dr. Chen. 10 atk. vs 14 and 17 def. Needs a 7 for both and a 4 for Dr. Chen alone. Roll is: (2,3) for a 5 which only hits the Radioactive Man who gets a token.
Even with a twisted ankle, Bullseye is still incredibly quick and agile and he rolls out of the way before the water can solidy around him. Radioactive Man, however, is not as fortunate and suddenly finds himself frozen from the waist down!
3) "I would have hoped that a fellow outcast such as yourself would understand Dr. Chen" The Mole Man squeaks, "But if you would side with the world that hates and fears you against me, then you will share their fate!" Mole Man swings his staff around, aiming for the immobilized Radioactive Man. Mole Man incaps Chen. 9 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (3,4) for a 7 and a hit (aww... couldn't those two rolls have been reversed?). Radioactive Man gets a token and is pushed.
The battlestaff of the Mole Man connects squarely with Dr. Chen's chest and sends a paralyzing jolt of electricity running through his body, interfering with his radioactive energies and shutting down his forcefield! Looks like Mole Man came to this fight well prepared.
4) Still more than a little upset with the way the surface has been treating him so far, Giganto lashes out in blind rage at the source of his torment. Giganto flurries on Norman. 10 atk. vs 15 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (6,1) for a 7 and a hit! Norman takes 2 after toughness. Seeing that the object of his hatred still moves, Giganto swings again for good measure. 10 atk. vs 13 def. Needs a 3. Roll is: (6,6) for a 12 and a critical hit for complete and utter overkill! Norman takes 4 and would be hurled flying back to G19 if he hadn't been thoroughly KO'ed!
Giganto's first massive swing drives Norman into the ground yet again, and in mad, bestial fury, the monstrous creature raises a giant foot. Norman manages to get his eyes to focus again just in time to notice that the eclipse blocking out all light is actually an enormous foot hovering over him. For a second, it is as if time stands still. Then the shoe drops, so to speak, as Giganto brings his foot down on top of the downed Goblin with enough force to set off a minor earthquake!
Landslide and Val-or clears and Mole Man will take advantage of the fact that all poison damage is simultaneous and Mastermind his share over to moloid 1 who'd be KO'ed anyways. Any further damage will be masterminded to Moloid 2 and Val-or in that order.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth) @
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (7/10) - 123 - M13 @
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - P10 @@ (outwitting Bullseye's willpower)
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - C4
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - N14
7. R Moloid (1/2) (CM) - 6 - O15
8. R Moloid (1/2) (CM) - 6 - O14
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (6/7) - P20 @ (willpower outwitted)
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 @
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (5/6) - N16 @@
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
free) "It would seem my help is needed again" Water Witch quickly freezes the ground between herself and Bullseye. Water Witch perplexes up the speed of the small moloid.
1) "That one is still most dangerous, delay him my slaves!" Mole Man commands, pointing a stubby finger at Bullseye. The smaller Moloid instantly obeys, gliding over the frozen ground to claw at Bullseye to the best of its limited ability. Moloid 2 moves to O19
2) "Hold on Master I am on my way!" Landslide shouts, running as fast as he can to K11
Val-or waits obediently at his Masters side and everyone else clears. Mole Man will Mastermind all damage to Val-or.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (7/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - P10
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - K11 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (4/4) (SI) - 15 - N14
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (1/2) (CM) - 6 - O19 @
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (6/7) - P20
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (5/6) - N16
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - K17
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
T-Bolts turn 7:
Free - You 'expect me to understand'? All I understand is that naked tyranny needs to be stopped! The Radioactive Man cranks up the furry of his poisonous onslaught. Once again the Mole Man ducks aside to let his faithful servant take the blow.
1. Dr. Chen follows this up by leveling a punch at the diminuative Mole Man. 8 on 16, he gets 2,4 and the Mole Man once again dodges the blow.
2. Songbird, realizing that Bullseye may be *gulp* their only shot here, slides over to L16 and blasts the moloid in the back. The tiny underworld creature collapes when his sensitive eardrums burst.
3. Awww, sweetness...I always knew you had a thing for me. Pulling a small item out of a belt pouch, Bullseye grins as he tosses it up at the head of Giganto. The resulting explosion can be heard from almost a mile away. 2 damage to Giganto.
4. Moonstone tries to connect with Giganto's foot once again. At this point, everyone on the battlefield is wondering why she is even here...
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - P10
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - K11 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (3/4) (SI) - 15 - N14
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (6/7) - P20 @
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (5/7) - L14 @
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (5/6) - N16 @
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - L16 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
Grrr... I had this turn all typed up and finished since last night, but then the realms died on me and refused to come back until sometime after I had to turn in.
But still, it was a very good turn
Mole Man's Monsters turn 8:
free) "Forward my servants!" Mole Man shouts. "Show these surface dwellers what it means to stand in our way!" Mole Man rolls for leadership. Roll is: 1. Moley isn't impressing anyone here...
1) "It would seem that a more direct hand is needed in this" Tyrannus smiles smugly, striding forward to O14, not even noticing the unconcious moloid beneath his feet.
free) "I wonder what trick you have planned next for my amusent jester" Tyrannus laughs, once again causing Bullseye to loose his composure. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's willpower
free) "The master needs me, I cannot fail him now!" Water Witch whispers to herself. Water Witch perplexes her own attack up to 10
2) "I said FREEZE!" Water Witch shouts, unleashing her powers yet again as water gushes to the surface and freezes instantly underneath Bullseye and Dr. Chen. Water Witch incaps Bullseye and Radioactive Man. 10 atk. vs 17 and 16 def. Needs a 7 for both and a 6 for Chen alone. Roll is: (6,1) for a 7 and a hit! Chen and Bullseye gets a token each, and both are pushed!
This time, Bullseye is too busy congratulating himself on the damage he has done to Giganto to react in time. In the blink of an eye. Both the deadly assassin and the Chinese scientist find themselves frozen in a solid block of ice!
3) Howling in pain and mad with fury, the titanic monster decides to vent its fury at the closest thing at hand. Which, unfortunately for her, happens to be Moonstone. Giganto flurries on Moonstone. 9 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (1,5) for a 6 and a hit! Moonstone takes 2 after toughness. Giganto flurries again. 9 atk. vs 13 def. Needs a 4. Roll is: (3,1) for a 4 and just barely a hit! Moonstone takes 3 and is KO'ed!
With impossible speed for something to immense Giganto lashes out and catches Moonstone in a giant fist before she can even think about phasing. The crushing pressure of its vice-like grip nearly causes her to pass out, but she grits her teeth and fights through the pain, trying her best to escape. Her efforts, however, are all for naught as Giganto quickly tires of the game and hurls his captive against the unyielding ground with breathtaking force. Try as she might, she's not getting up from that! Once again, Giganto's ear-splitting victory roar rings out across the battlefield.
4) "Tyranny Dr. Chen?" Mole Man mutters. "You are confusing just retribution with conquest. I seek only to do unto the surface world what it has done to me! As a fellow outcast I would have welcomed you as my subject in Subterranea but if you will not listen then you must feel!" Mole Man punches Dr. Chen. 9 atk. vs 15 def. Needs a 6. Roll is: (4,6) for a 10 and a solid hit! Radioactive Man takes 2 after toughness.
Frozen solid there is little Dr. Chen can do to avoid the blow and Mole Man's staff connects yet again, sending another punishing surge of bio-electric energy coursing through his body, threatening to overload the Radioactive Man!
Landslide clears and should anyone somehow manage to hurt the Mole Man Val-or stands ready to take the blow
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth) @
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - M13 @
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14 @
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - K11
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (3/4) (SI) - 15 - N14
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (5/7) - P20 @@
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (2/6) - N16 @@
5. E Songbird 67 pts (6/6) - L16 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
Man o man...this has been a rough 2 weeks of online clix for me. Sheesh.
T-Bolts turn 8:
1. Songbird pushes to attack Val-Or. 9 on 15, she gets 5,4 for the hit and KO.
Seeing her 'teammates' falling around her, Melissa Gold pulls from deep within herself to try to break the ranks of the Mole Man's army. She focuses a blast on the last of the moloid minions and drops him like a sack of potatoes.
Hit him Chen...NOW!
2. Pushing himself to his limits, Dr. Chen tries to reach out and grab the Mole Man by his strange looking head but the small scientist is too quick. 1 push damage to Rad Man.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth) @
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - M13 @
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14 @
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - K11
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (0/4) (SI) - 15 - KO'ed
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (5/7) - P20
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (1/6) - N16 @@
5. E Songbird 67 pts (5/6) - L16 @@
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
Gah! I had forgotten *all* about the MoE TA. Dr. Chen gave me quite a shock there, good thing Mole Man is quicker than he looks!
T-Bolts turn 8:
1) "Maybe he simply needs to see the glory of your Realm firsthand for his eyes to open?" Landslide suggest as he nimbly darts around the roaring Giganto. The slim outcast quickly kneels down, touching both hands to the ground. Landslide makes a running shot to L14, aiming for Radioactive Man. 9 atk. vs 13 def. Needs a 4. Roll is: (4,5) for a 9 and a hit! Radioactive Man takes 3 and is KO'ed!
The earth and soil instantly responds to his touch, and a hairline fracture runs towards the eerily glowing Radioactive Man with incredible speed. Just before Dr. Chen goes critical the ground opens up beneath him, swallowing him whole as if it was a starving animal! "Bon voyage Dr. Chen" Mole Man calls down after him. "I hope you will learn what I did and let the darkness beneath the Earth illuminate you!"
free) "And so another one falls" Tyrannus smiles. "And as soon as you cease to amuse me, you will be next. But for now, you must dance!" Tyrannus activates another of his strange devices, causing the ground beneath Bullseye's feet to buck and heave like a wild stallion throwing the deadly assassin to the ground and robbing him of his concentration. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's RCE.
free) "Do not forget why we are here Lord Tyrannus" Water Witch whispers. "Your amusement is not our purpose!" Water Witch calls up a wild spray of water in front of Bullseye, blinding and soaking the already disoriented killer. Water Witch perplexes Bullseye's damage down to 1
Mole Man, Giganto, Tyrannus and Water Witch all clear. Without any moloids left, Mole Man is out of Mastermind fodder for now, but fortunately his stealth should keep him safe from anything next turn
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14 (Outwitting Bullseye's RCE)
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - L14 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (0/4) (SI) - 15 - KO'ed
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (5/7) - P20 (RCE outwitted, damage perplexed down)
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (0/6) - KO'ed!
5. E Songbird 67 pts (5/6) - L16 @@
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
T-Bolts 9:
1. An angry Bullseye chucks some dirt at the water witch. 9 on 14, he gets.... a non-working dice server. Feel free to roll attack and supersenses on my behalf. I am at a bad interweb place.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - N15 (stealth)
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - M13
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14 (Outwitting Bullseye's RCE)
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - L14 @
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (0/4) (SI) - 15 - KO'ed
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (5/7) - P20 @ (RCE outwitted, damage perplexed down)
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (0/6) - KO'ed!
5. E Songbird 67 pts (5/6) - L16
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
As requested, I completed Bullseye's attack for him. Roll is: (1,6) for a 7 and a hit! Super-senses for Water Witch is: 6! She manages to dodge the attack of the off-balance assassin.
Mole Man's Monsters Turn 10:
1) "You have defeated the least of my servants, now face their master!" Mole Man utters, climbing out of the cover of the crater to confront Songbird. Mole Man moves to K15
free) "How I have longed for this!" Tyrannus laughs. "I had almost forgotten how amusing surface dwellers can be!" Tyrannus keep's Bullseye dancing and off balance with the trembling earth. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's Energy Shield/Deflection.
2) "But alas, now our fun must end!" The would-be world conqueror pulls out a strange, gun-like device and fires twin blasts of sizzling electricity at Songbird and the soaked Bullseye! 10 atk. vs 16 and 15 (+2 from deflection +1 from terrain) def. Needs an 8 for both and a 6 for Bullseye alone. Roll is: (3,6) for a 9 and a hit on both! He'll give 2 to Songbird and 1 to Bullseye.
The arching blasts strikes true, stunning both Bullseye and Melissa with the powerful shock and severly damaging Melissa's sonic carapace in the process.
free) "This fight is not won yet" Water Witch whispers, concentrating fully on her dousing rod. Water Witch perplexes her own attack up to 10
3) "Learn the cost of standing in the way of my master!" Water Witch shrieks, blasting both Bullseye and Songbird with torrents of glacial water. Water Witch incaps Songbird and Bullseye. 10 atk. vs 14 and 15 def. Needs a 5 for both and a 4 for Melissa alone. Roll is: (2,5) for a 7 and a hit on both! Both get a token and Bullseye is pushed.
4) Before the pair can even begin to recover from the relentless double-teaming of Water Witch and Tyrannus, the massive footsteps of the still irate Giganto signals that the end might be very near indeed... Giganto strides to N18 with a roar.
Landslide clears and stands ready to protect his Master if need be. Mole Man will Mastermind any damage to Landslide.
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - K15 @
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (5/10) - 123 - N18 @
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14 @
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - L14
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16 @
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (0/4) (SI) - 15 - KO'ed
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (3/7) - P20 @@
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (0/6) - KO'ed!
5. E Songbird 67 pts (3/6) - L16 @
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society