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Thanks a lot Tanis, I owe you one. Now let's get this show on the road!
By the way, I didn't have your e-mail handy, so I sent my rolls to JPuffy.
We Must Obey Doom! Turn 1
"Who other than I, Dr. Doom could have assembled this army from across time and space itself!" Doom gloats to himself, looking out over his assembled ranks. "With such power, guided firmly by my iron hand and unmatched intellect nothing shall stand in my way. And all I require in return, is your blind obedience!" Doom presses a concealed stud in his gauntlet, and as one, his unwilling army snaps to attention, uttering the fateful words in unison: "We must obey... Doom!"
1) "We hear, and obey Master!" the Shield Agent in the Mandroid armour replies. "Repulsor-beam powered and co-ordinates are loaded. Warhead is away!" With a *boom* the repulsor units in the suit powers up, hurling Ivo's Android across the field. Mandroid Armor TK's Amazo to H10
free) "You, minion will have the honour of attending to Doom's royal person!" Doom copies Brotherhood, picks up the Intergang Agent and flies to H7. He places the Intergang agent behind him in H6
free) "And you, android, will serve Doom as your program bids you!" Doom activates a hidden sub-routine in Amazo's programming. Doom perplexes Amazo's attack up to 12
free) "My magic, though it pales in comparison with yours, Lord Doom, is at thy service" Wanda bows before moving out to a better position. Wanda uses her Brotherhood TA to move to I5
2) "Doomislord sub-routine accepted.... auxillary program accessed... upload powers sub-referenced *Superman* and *Green Lantern*... engage targets!" Amazo suddenly spurts to life and moves into, and out of, attack position too fast for the human eye to follow!" Amazo goes Hypersonic and flies to I15, opening fire on Atom and Despero. 12 atk. vs 17 and 20 def. Needs an 8 for both and a 5 for Despero alone. Roll is: (2,4) for a 6 which hits Despero. Wanda will risk hexing that, trying to nail the little guy. Second roll is: (6,1) for a 7 and oh so close! Despero takes the full hit then. Impervious roll for Despero: 1. Despero takes 1 after Impervious!
His job, somewhat, well done, Amazo zips back to J10 picking up a HO on the way.
A sonic boom, a flash of green energy and a roar from Despero, more out of surprise and outrage than any serious pain provides the only evidence that Amazo even attacked. The Android moves so fast it simply seems to vanish into thin air, instantly re-appearing a few yards to the side, now holding the remains of a scrapped car in one hand.
3) "Tee-Pee device locked on target signature" Johnny Alpha reports. "Bringing the Warhead back for re-armament!" Once again, Amazo vanished, though this time in a flash of blue light and the smell of ozone, re-appearing next to Johnny. S/D Agent Alpha TK's Amazo to I2
4) "Swift death to your enemies, Lord Doom!" Psylocke whispers, darting through the shadows to stand by her new Master. Psylocke runs to K8
free) "Head...fuzzy...can't...think...straight..." Live Wire mutters, but nevertheless flies forward with Catgirl hanging on. Live Wire copies Brotherhood and flies to I6, placing Catgirl in J7
5) "Wait up! Where's everybody going?" The thug feels left out (as always) and runs to G5
free) Doom activates his cloaking field, and Live Wire somehow manages to hide himself Both copy the Bat-Ally TA from Catgirl.
Should Scarlet Witch see any successful attacks (somehow) she'll PC the first.
We Must Obey Doom! Set-up:
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 @
2. U Amazo (9/9) - 195 I2 @ w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (5/5) - 48 J2 @
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J7 (stealth)
5. E Psylocke (6/6) - 39 K8 @ (stealth)
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2 @
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 I5 @
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H6
9. R Live Wire (4/4) - 22 I6 @
A. R Thug (3/3) - 6 G5 @
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) J23
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) J18
3. Despero (U) 144 (9/10) N16
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) M15
5. Steel (R) 66 (8/8) O15 @
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (6/6) N15 @
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J19 @
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) M24
I probably won't story post...mostly since I have no idea how to post how these guys got together.
Turn 2A
(free) Atom will perplex up Despero's movement to 13
1. Despero will L/C to I3, picking up the HO underneath Betsy along the way.
(free) Atom will move to N16
2. Steel will push to pick up Atom and fly to H8, placing Atom in I7, picking up the LO underneath Doom. Steel takes a push click. The LO now drops underneath him cuz he no longer has Super Strength.
3. Bats will L/C to M15
4. Little Sure Shot will move to K18
We Must Obey Doom! Set-up:
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 @
2. U Amazo (9/9) - 195 I2 @ w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (5/5) - 48 J2 @
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J7 (stealth)
5. E Psylocke (6/6) - 39 K8 @ (stealth)
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2 @
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 I5 @
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H6
9. R Live Wire (4/4) - 22 I6 @
A. R Thug (3/3) - 6 G5 @
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) M15 @
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) J18
3. Despero (U) 144 (9/10) I3 w/HO @
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 @
5. Steel (R) 66 (7/8) H8 @@
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (6/6) N15
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J19
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) K18 @
That's quite alright, I just thought the chance of having a megalomanic Doombot pushing all these guys around would be way too much fun to miss!
WMOD! Turn
free) "Who dares intrude upon Doom's royal person! Doom's superior scanners will detect you no matter how miniscule and insignificant you are!" Doom activates his patented shrink-ray and makes the Atom even smaller! Dr. Doom switches to Superman Enemy and gains Outwit from the Intergang agent which he uses to Outwit Atom's perplex. He then perplexes Atom's damage down to 0
free) "I've got a toy here that should work just fine, all I need is a power-source..." The Intergang agent suddenly looks up with a grin, grabs hold of Live Wire and jams one of his fingers into the socket of a strange Apokoliptian device. The strange contraption roars to life and fires a sinister blue ray at Despero, sapping the might of the awesome monster and siphoning it away to suit the purposes of Darkseid at some later time.
Live Wire copies Superman Enemy and gives Outwit to the Intergang Agent who then Outwits Despero's Impervious.
free) "The bigger they are..." Johnny Alpha configures his gun to lock in on Despero's bio-signature. Alpha declares 2000 A.D against Despero.
1) "...The harder I shoot!" Pulling his weapon from his holster in one smooth move the Strontium Dog unloads everything he's got into Despero's face at point-blank range. S/D Agent Alpha attacks Despero. 9 (+1 from 2000 AD) atk. vs 17 def. Needs a 7. Roll is: (2,5) for a 7 and just barely a hit! Despero takes 2 and drops the Object underneath himself while Johnny takes 1 from the push.
The monstrous brute howls in pain, clutching at his burning eyes and face while Johnny himself looks a little singed from the back-wash of energy.
2) "Emergency override initiated... upload powers *Superman* and *Martian Manhunter*...engage with maximum agression... safety protocols disengaged!" Amazo clicks and whirs before zipping around Despero at super-sonic speed while he's still distracted by his burning face. Amazo goes Hypersonic again, moving to I4 where he brings his HO down on Despero's head with awesome force. 11 atk. vs 16 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (6,5) for an 11 and a massive hit! Despero takes 5 and the HO is destroyed! Amazo picks up the HO Despero lost and continues to G4 where he takes 1 from the push.
The ground itself shakes under Amazo's super-sonic, super-powered onslaught which, thanks to replicated telepathy, strikes exactly where Despero's at his most vulnerable. The massive, monstrous brute staggers back to his feet, with great difficulty, swaying like a giant Redwood on the brink of toppling over...
free, 3 and 4) "Save something for the little guys too, ready Sparky?" Catgirl grins while Live Wire charges up, trying to break away for a running shot (Catgirl that is). Catgirl rolls to break, roll is: 6 She got it! She moves to J5 where Live Wire copies SHIELD and takes a power action to increase her damage! 8 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 6. Roll is: (6,3) for a 9 and a hit! Despero takes 2 (thanks to Live Wire!) and is KO'ed! Live Wire takes 1 from the push.
Catgirls miniature grenade flies through the air in a graceful arc and just before it hits home a sizzling barrage of lightning strikes Despero, causing him to roar in pain yet again. The grenade hits his open mouth and drops down his throat where it detonates with a dull *thudd!*. For a few, seemingly endless seconds Despero sways back and forth until he finally topples over with a crash!
5) "I will squash this bug for you Lord Doom!" the Interganger shouts, swinging wildly at a foe he cannot possibly see! Intergang agent throws a punch at Atom. 7 atk. vs 20 def. Needs a critical hit. Roll is: (2,4) for a 6 and a total miss. Wanda might as well try to fix that. Second roll is: (4,3) for a 7 which, while better is no-where near enough!
Doom, Psylocke, Mandroid, Wanda and the Thug all clear. Should Wanda somehow see something she will PC it and should Doom be damaged he'll Mastermind it to his faithful Interganger unless it would KO him. In that case, the damage will go to Live Wire instead.
We Must Obey Doom! Set-up:
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 (outwitting Atom's perplex)
2. U Amazo (8/9) - 195 G4 @@ w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (4/5) - 48 J2 @@
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J5 @
5. E Psylocke (6/6) - 39 K8
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 I5
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H6 @
9. R Live Wire (3/4) - 22 I6 @@
A. R Thug (3/3) - 6 G5
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) M15 @
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) J18
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) I3 KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 @ (perplex outwitted, damage perplexed down)
5. Steel (R) 66 (7/8) H8 @@
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (6/6) N15
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J19
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) K18 @
Oh carp...totally forgot about live wire there! darn it...I thought he'd last a bit longer with the imperv. ;P Well that sucked. ;P JPuff's not gonna like me....
Turn 3A
1. Live Wire flies to L11
2. Batman L/C to G12
(free) Bats will outwit Stealth on Psylocke.
3. Green Arrow will RCE on Psylocke. AV 12 (+1 PD) vs DV 16. Roll is a 4, 5 for a hit for 3 clicks.
4. Doombot will pick up Green Arrow and fly to J14, placing GA in K13.
We Must Obey Doom! Set-up:
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 (outwitting Atom's perplex)
2. U Amazo (8/9) - 195 G4 @@ w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (4/5) - 48 J2 @@
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J5 @
5. E Psylocke (3/6) - 39 K8
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 I5
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H6 @
9. R Live Wire (3/4) - 22 I6 @@
A. R Thug (3/3) - 6 G5
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) G12 @@
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) K13 @
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) I3 KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 (perplex outwitted, damage perplexed down)
5. Steel (R) 66 (7/8) H8
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (6/6) L11 @
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J14 @
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) K18
Oops... Now *that* was my bad. Psylocke doesn't have Super Senses (or any other defense power) at all! Those two clicks must have been a leftover from Johnny Alpha, and I didn't notice the mistake because they seemed natural on Psylocke.
But since Betsy doesn't have any form of defense, Ollie connected just fine with his arrow. Do you want to change Little Sure Shot's action with that in mind, or just let it stand and do some more damage to poor Betsy?
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!
Oops... Now *that* was my bad. Psylocke doesn't have Super Senses (or any other defense power) at all! Those two clicks must have been a leftover from Johnny Alpha, and I didn't notice the mistake because they seemed natural on Psylocke.
But since Betsy doesn't have any form of defense, Ollie connected just fine with his arrow. Do you want to change Little Sure Shot's action with that in mind, or just let it stand and do some more damage to poor Betsy?
Oh okay cool...yeah for some reason I thought she did have super we'll just leave it and KO her. Make me feel a bit better that I KO'ed someone. I'll edit above.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Oh okay cool...yeah for some reason I thought she did have super we'll just leave it and KO her. Make me feel a bit better that I KO'ed someone. I'll edit above.
Actually she wouldn't be KO'ed since Ollie only does 3 clicks and Sure shot would've only done 2, leaving her with a click. So I just cleared Sure Shot.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
free) "Insolent oaf, you think your obsolete armour is any match for Doom?" Doom super-charges his gauntlet blasters with burning energy. Doom outwits Steel's toughness with his Superman Enemy TA thanks to the Intergang Agent and perplexes his own damage up to 4
1) "Now pay the price for one of Doom's lessons!" Doom fires an immense blast of energy at Steel. 10 atk. vs 15 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (1,5) for a 6 and a hit! Steel takes 4!
The energised fist slams into Steel's chest, crumbling his armour and shorting out his circuits with punishing and unforgiving force.
free) Doom reactivates his cloaking field. Doom copies the Bat Ally TA.
2) Realising that she might be in a bit over her head, Psylocke sneaks away to O13
3) "Commence extraction protocol!" The Mandroid powers up his tractor beam and tries to get a lock on the Intergang Agent. Mandroid tries to TK the Agent. Break roll is: 4 he gets it! Intergang Agent is TK'ed to H5
free) Scarlet Witch takes a step forward to aid Doom. Wanda uses her TA to move to J6
4) "I'm comming boss!" The hapless Thug shouts, running toward Lord Doom. Thug moves to H6
Everyone else clears. Doom will Mastermind all damage to the Thug until he falls, and then proceed to do the same to Live Wire if needed!
Scarlet Witch will PC any attack or break roll she might see unless it's against Live Wire or the Thug and the attack won't KO them
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 @
2. U Amazo (8/9) - 195 G4 w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (4/5) - 48 J2
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J5
5. E Psylocke (3/6) - 39 O13 @
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2 @
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 J6 @
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H5
9. R Live Wire (3/4) - 22 I6
A. R Thug (3/3) - 6 H6 @
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) G12 @@
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) K13 @
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) I3 KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7
5. Steel (R) 66 (3/8) H8
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (6/6) L11 @
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J14 @
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) K18
(free) Live Wire turns off Bats TA. (Oh yeah keep forgetting, that all wildcards will copy Bats TA on your turn. But I'm sure you knew that. )
(free) Atom perplexes up Live Wire's attack to 10.
1. Live Wire pushes to RCE on Amazo. AV 9 vs DV 17. Roll is a 1, 6. (Accidently only rolled on die). That barely hits. Imperv roll is a 6. Darn..uh...can I have that first roll of a 1? Live Wire takes a push click. And I think that's pretty much game now.
2. Atom takes a swing at the thug. Av 9 vs DV 13. Roll is a 3, 3 for a hit and knockback to G5 and takes a click.
3. Steel takes a swing at Doomy. AV 7 vs DV 16. Roll is a 6, 2 for barely the miss.
4. Little Sure shot moves to J13.
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 @
2. U Amazo (8/9) - 195 G4 w/HO
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (4/5) - 48 J2
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 J5
5. E Psylocke (3/6) - 39 O13 @
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2 @
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 J6 @
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H5
9. R Live Wire (3/4) - 22 I6
A. R Thug (2/3) - 6 G5 @
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (8/8) G12
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) K13
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) I3 KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 @
5. Steel (R) 66 (3/8) H8 @
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (5/6) L11 @@
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J14
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) J13 @
*Gah!* I can't believe I didn't see Live Wire had that shot! If Amazo hadn't been so delightfully impervious that could possibly have made things much, much harder for me
Team WMOD Turn 4
1) "Search/Destroy mode non-metahuman biological designated *Batman*.... Alpha-class threat.... Download powers referenced *Flash* and *Wonder Woman*... engaging!" Amazo flies across the field with immense speed, speeding directly towards a seemingly empty patch of shadow...
Amazo goes Hypersonic and makes a close combat attack agains Batman from H12. 10 Atk. vs 16 def. Needs a 6. Roll is: (2,5) for a 7 and a hit! Batman takes 5 and the HO is destroyed. Amazo zips up and over his victim and ends his movement in F12
Even the World's Greatest Detective isn't fast or skilled enough to avoid an onslaught coming with the speed of Flash and guided by the skill of Wonder Woman. With bone-breaking force Amazo buries Batman under a veritable avalanche of twisted metal before swiftly moving around the mess, hovering silently in the air as if daring Batman to get back up.
2) "You DARE strike at Doom!" Doom roars in outrage, unleashing another punishing blast at Steel. 10 atk. vs 13 def. Needs a 3. Roll is: (1,4) for a 5 and a hit! Steel takes 3 and is KO'ed! Doom takes 1 from the push.
The massive blast destroys what little is left of Steel's armour and sends the man inside crashing, unconcious, to the floor. Doom, however, seems to have pushed his own suit too far, as a shower of hissing sparks springs from his joints!
3) "brkrzz....need...sqqqkzz...power!" Doom manages to stutter, once again grabbing hold of everyone's favourite battery, Live Wire! Live Wire and Doom both copy X-men from Psylocke and Live Wire willingly gives a click for the cause! X-men roll is: 3. Wanda might as well try and PC that, second roll is: 4. Still no good. Live Wire takes a click and Doom is as good as new after a little power boost
4) "Hey, what's going on over here?" Catgirl heads over to H6 and joins in on the search for the Atom.
5) Johnny Alpha walks forward, tired of bringing up the rear. Alpha moves to J5
free) Doom turns his shrinking ray on the Atom again, keeping him too small to cause any real damage. Doom perplexes the Atom's damage down to 0
free) Satisfied with the progress, for now, Doom reactivates his cloaking field. Doom copies Bat-Ally.
Psylocke, the Mandroid, the Thug and Wanda clears.
Doom will Mastermind any damage of 2 or more to Catgirl unless it would KO her. Any damage of less than 2 or more than Catgirl can handle will go to Live Wire. Wanda will PC the first successful attack or break roll she might see.
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 @@
2. U Amazo (8/9) - 195 F12 @
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (4/5) - 48 J5 @
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 H6 @
5. E Psylocke (3/6) - 39 O13
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 J6
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 H5
9. R Live Wire (2/4) - 22 I6 @
A. R Thug (2/3) - 6 G5
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (3/8) G12
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) K13
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 @
5. Steel (R) 66 (0/8) KO'ed!
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (5/6) L11 @@
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) J14
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) J13 @
1) Psylocke deftly climbs the stairs to confront the older live Wire on top of the Trash Compactor. Psylocke moves to M11
free) Wanda tries to get away from the strangely massive presence of the microscopic atom. Wanda rolls to break, roll is: 2. Wanda tries to fix it with a hex. Second roll is: 2. She's going no-where.
2) "Time for some strategic re-positioning" The Mandroid locks on to the Intergang Agent with his tractor beam and moves him to B4
3) "Alright then, let's go hunting for flying rodents!" The Intergang Agent runs towards Batman's presumed hiding place. Interganger moves to C10.
4) "He must NOT escape!" Doom commands. "After him!" Agent Alpha nods in response and teleports himself across the field to face the Bat himself. Alpha teleports to D11 and takes 1 from the push.
5) The thug, still not sure what's going on, and with no idea as to who hit him moves to H5
free) "Surrender now, miniscule one, and perhabs Doom will show mercy!" Doom keeps Atom off balance with a blanket bombardment of electrical energy, assisted by Live Wire. Doom and Live Wire both copy Superman Enemy, giving Doom Outwit. He'll use that to outwit Atom's Perplex.
Doom, Amazo, Catgirl, Psylocke and Live Wire all clear.
Wanda will PC the first successful attack or break roll she sees and Doom will *not* switch back to Bat-Ally unless his Mastermind has been outwitted and he is targeted by an attack. If damaged, Doom will perplex damage of 2 or more to Catgirl unless it would KO her. Anything less or more than that goes to Live Wire.
Melkhor's "We Must Obey Doom!"
1. LE Dr. Doom (5/5) - 68 H7 (outwitting Atom's perplex)
2. U Amazo (7/9) - 195 F12
3. LE Search and Destroy Agent Alpha (3/5) - 48 D11 @@
4. U Catgirl (5/5) - 35 H6
5. E Psylocke (3/6) - 39 M11
6. E Mandroid Armor (4/4) - 32 H2 @
7. R Scarlet Witch (5/5) - 29 J6 @
8. E Intergang Agent (4/4) - 23 C10 @
9. R Live Wire (2/4) - 22 I6
A. R Thug (2/3) - 6 H5 @
For a grand total of 497 points
Jpuffy's...We Must Obey Despero!
1. Batman (R) 85 (3/8) C12 @
2. Green Arrow (V) 50 (6/6) K13 @
3. Despero (U) 144 (0/10) KO'ed!
4. The Atom (LE) 50 (6/6) I7 (perplex outwitted)
5. Steel (R) 66 (0/8) KO'ed!
6. Live Wire (V) 50 (5/6) L11
7. Doombot (E) 33 (5/5) K12 @
8. Little Sure Shot (LE) 15 (4/4) J12