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1. Starman will try to break away to Running Shot picking up Dr. Mid-Nite if successful. Breakaway roll is a 6. Starman will Running Shot to I13 dropping Mid-Nite in H12 and targeting Darkseid (10 vs 16+1) for 3 damage. Roll is a 2 (1,1) for the crit miss. Johnny Thunder will reroll. Reroll is a 7 (6,1) for the hit. Darkseid's Impervious is a 5. Starman takes a push.
2. Johnny Thunder will Running Shot to G13 and dual target Darkseid and Desaad (9 vs 16+1, 13) for 3 damage. Roll is a 7 (4,3) which misses Darkseid but hits Desaad. Desaad takes 3 damage and is KO'ed.
3. Power Girl will swing at The Key (8 vs 15) for 3 damage. Roll is a 5 (4,1) for the miss.
4. Wonder Woman will push to attack Granny Goodness. She will remove a JSA token to increase her Attack Value and Damage Value by 1 making it a 9+1 vs 17 for 6 damage. Roll is a 7 (4,3) for the hit. Granny Goodness takes 6, 4 after Invulnerability. Wonder Woman takes a push. The Heavy Object is destroyed.
Johnny Thunder will PC the first successful attack he can see.
Intergang Prime
1. Darkseid (10/11) K15 @
3. Granny Goodness (5/9) F22 @
6. The Key (6/6) F18 @
KO: Intergang Medic, Intergang Agent, Desaad,
JSA Earth-2
1. Johnny Thunder (7/8) G13 @
2. Starman (7/8) I13 @@
3. Power Girl (5/8) E17
4. Wonder Woman (7/8) E21 @@
5. Dr. Mid-Nite (6/6) H12
6. Ma Hunkle (1/1) K14
1. Starman will take an RCE shot against Darkseid (9 vs 16+1) for 4 damage. Roll is a 8 (3,5) for the hit. Darkseid's Impervious is a 4. Darkseid takes 4 clicks, 2 after Impervious.
2. Power Girl will move to I12.
3. Dr. Mid-Nite will turn off Stealth and try to heal Power Girl (9 vs 14). Roll is a 7 (2,5) for the hit. Support roll is a 1. Johnny Thunder will PC it. Reroll is a 1. That was productive. Power Girl heals a click.
4. Johnny Thunder will take a shot at Darkseid (9 vs 16+1) for 3 damage. Roll is a 2(1,1)... felt that coming. JT takes a click.
JT will reroll any successful attack against him or if no attacks against him are made he'll reroll the first successful attack he can see.
Intergang Prime
1. Darkseid (8/11) K15 @
3. Granny Goodness (5/9) F22 @
6. The Key (6/6) F18 @
KO: Intergang Medic, Intergang Agent, Desaad,
JSA Earth-2
1. Johnny Thunder (6/8) G13 @
2. Starman (7/8) I13 @
3. Power Girl (3/8) I12@
4. Wonder Woman (7/8) E21
5. Dr. Mid-Nite (6/6) H12 @
1. Dr. Mid-Nite will turn off Stealth and push to try to heal Power Girl (9 vs 14). Roll is a 5 (3,2) for the hit. Support roll is a 3. Johnny Thunder will reroll it. Reroll is a 1. Power Girl heals another click.
2. Wonder Woman will swing at Granny Goodness (10 vs 15) for 3 damage. Roll is a 6 (2,4) for the hit. Granny Goodness takes 3 clicks.
JT will reroll any successful attack he can see.
Intergang Prime
1. Darkseid (7/11) K15 @@
3. Granny Goodness (2/9) F22 @@
6. The Key (6/6) F18
KO: Intergang Medic, Intergang Agent, Desaad,
JSA Earth-2
1. Johnny Thunder (6/8) G13
2. Starman (7/8) I13
3. Power Girl (5/8) I12
4. Wonder Woman (7/8) E21 @
5. Dr. Mid-Nite (6/6) H12 @@
1. Darkseid will try to hit Power Girl (11 vs. 15). Roll is 1,4 for the hit. Power Girl takes 4 clicks after toughness.
2. Granny Goodness will Flurry on Wonder Woman. First attack (9 vs. 16). Roll is 1,2 for the miss. Second Attack (9 vs. 16). Roll is 1,4 for the miss.
Wow! That's some bad dice rolling!
Intergang Prime
1. Darkseid (7/11) K15 @
3. Granny Goodness (2/9) F22 @
6. The Key (1/6) H14
KO: Intergang Medic, Intergang Agent, Desaad,
JSA Earth-2
1. Johnny Thunder (6/8) G13 @
2. Starman (7/8) I13 @
3. Power Girl (1/8) J15 @
4. Wonder Woman (7/8) E21
5. Dr. Mid-Nite (6/6) H12
Granny Goodness certainly hasn't done you any favors this game.
1. Wonder Woman will take a swing at Granny (10 vs 13) for 3 damage. Roll is a 2 (1,1) for the critical miss. Wonder Woman takes a click and Granny lives another round.
2. Dr. Mid-Nite will turn off Stealth to shoot at The Key (9 vs 10) for 2 damage. Roll is a 4 (1,3) for the hit. Super Senses is a 2. The Key takes 2 clicks and is KO'ed.
1. Granny Goodness will try again. Flurry on Wonder Woman. First attack is (9 v. 15). Roll is 3,6 for a hit. Johnny Thunder has LoF for PC. Re-roll is 4,2 for the hit. Wonder Woman takes 1 click after toughness. Second attack is (9 vs. 15+2). Roll is 5,2 for the miss.
1. Starman will take a RCE shot against Darkseid (9 vs 15+1) for 4 damage. Roll is a 7 (4,3) for the hit. Darkseid takes 4, 2 after Invuln.
2. Johnny Thunder will follow up with a shot of his own on Darkseid. He will Running Shot to K12, remove a JSA token to increase his AV by +2 and his Defense by -2 making it a 9+2 vs 16+1 for 3 damage. Roll is a 7 (6,1) for the hit. Darkseid takes 3, 2 after Toughness.
3. Power Girl will take a hail mary against Darkseid (6 vs 15) for 2 damage. Roll is a 5 (3,2) for the miss. JT will reroll it. Reroll is a 4 (3,1) still a miss.
Darkseid will roll for Regen...wait...he doesn't have Regen.
Granny Goodness will take you all...or not.
I think we can call it there. I had some chances to make a difference in this game, but couldn't capitalize. You outplayed me from the start. Why again did I put my little guys out in the middle for you to slaughter? In any case, good game! This team is very tough.